Eating too much fat?

Hi friends!

I have been on and off of MyFitnessPal, and this time, I plan to stick with it! So, hello!

As I am filling out my diary for today, I am noticing that my intake of fat and protein is quite high (although I have not reached my limit for calories, yet.)

Is this something that will hinder the weight loss process? I find that this is typical of how I eat when I am trying to "eat healthy." Which perhaps is why weightloss never really clicked for me in the past? I don't really like to eat "low-fat" products, which is why I opt for full fat versions of yogurt and such...

For example, currently I am goaled at 1,520 calories and am about 100 calories under my goal. However, my fat goal is for 51 grams and I am at 89 grams. Furthermore my protein goal is 55 and I am at 76 grams. I am also under my sugar intake and my sodium intake.

Any help or recommendations would be much appreciated!

Thank you!


  • liftingandlipstick
    liftingandlipstick Posts: 1,857 Member
    Dietary fat does not make you fat. It is in fact necessary for brain function and hormone regulation. Fat is more calorie dense per gram (9 cals vs. 4 cals in protein/carbs) so it gets a bad rap, but if you're still under your calorie goal, don't worry about it.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    If you are under/at your calorie goal, the amount of fat you eat will not prevent weight loss. For example, I consume around 140-170g of fat a day (67%-81% of my total calories) and still consistently lose. It's not the fat. It's the calories.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    MFP is not a substitute for real, medical advice. You should go see your doctor and have him oversee your weight loss journey. You may also get a referral to a nutritionist.

    You have to decide if you want to eat all healthy foods or if you just want to lose weight. Is your focus - your primary goal - to be thin or to be healthy? For most, it's to be thin. Know this before you go to the doctor (or nutritionist.) Be honest with them. Don't say you want to eat all healthy food if you don't, in fact, plan to do that.

    You need a plan that works for you!

    Everyone does it differently, but you need to do what works for you. :)

    The person who said your brain needs fat was wrong. The brain uses sugar. That's all it can use. Sugar is what fuels the brain. (That is not an excuse to eat fudge, though. ;)
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    The person who said your brain needs fat was wrong. The brain uses sugar. That's all it can use. Sugar is what fuels the brain.

    This is so wrong it's almost funny.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    The person who said your brain needs fat was wrong. The brain uses sugar. That's all it can use. Sugar is what fuels the brain.

    This is so wrong it's almost funny.
    Why don't you share your extensive knowledge of physiology with me.

    Go ahead and use the big words. I'll try to keep up.
  • mlcdz
    mlcdz Posts: 43 Member
    Drs. Phinney & Volek & Dr. Gary Taubes have done extensive research into the amount of fat people eat. Some people (notably insulin resistant and metabolic syndrome or pre-diabetic people) will do well on a 75 - 80% of calories from fat diet. The brain can in fact, live on fat, it is called ketogenesis - as opposed to ketoacidosis, which is a very dangerous condition that can occur in Type 1 diabetics. There is also a recent book called "Big Fat Surprise" by Nina Teicholz - a nine year investigative report on the political influence behind U.S. dietary policy and the lack of support behind it scientifically. It is true that the calories you ingest are most important, but some people do better on a lower carb ratio, some on other protocols, depends on your genetics and your history. For a quick summary, look at Mark's Daily Apple, he puts it in layman's terms that most can understand. Good luck.
  • Mykaelous
    Mykaelous Posts: 231 Member
    I wouldn't worry about it too much. It would be interesting to see where all that fat is coming from since it's likely contributing a lot of excess calories to your daily goal and you could likely find alternatives that were lower in fat and calories. As long as you are meeting your calorie goal that's all that really matters for weight loss. I tend to be under my carb/fat limits but quite a bit over on my protein goal which works for me as I am lifting weights.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    The person who said your brain needs fat was wrong. The brain uses sugar. That's all it can use. Sugar is what fuels the brain.

    This is so wrong it's almost funny.
    Why don't you share your extensive knowledge of physiology with me.

    Go ahead and use the big words. I'll try to keep up.

    I am more interested in your evidence that the brain only uses sugar.
  • ge105
    ge105 Posts: 268 Member
    If you are under/at your calorie goal, the amount of fat you eat will not prevent weight loss. For example, I consume around 140-170g of fat a day (67%-81% of my total calories) and still consistently lose. It's not the fat. It's the calories.

  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    OP, you're perfectly fine. In fact, you will find many people on here who change their MFP settings to lower their carbohydrate setting and increase their protein and in some cases fat setting. In general, most will recommend that hitting your protein and fat numbers SHOULD be your first goal, and then you can fill the rest of your calories with carbohydrates if you like.

    I tend to eat this way as well, protein and fat keeps me full so I don't worry one bit about how red those numbers go as long as my calorie goal doesn't get blasted out of the water. The ONLY time I consider changing that up is if I have a long run coming up and want more carbohydrates in the tank for my run.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    The person who said your brain needs fat was wrong. The brain uses sugar. That's all it can use. Sugar is what fuels the brain.

    This is so wrong it's almost funny.
    Why don't you share your extensive knowledge of physiology with me.

    Go ahead and use the big words. I'll try to keep up.

    I am more interested in your evidence that the brain only uses sugar.
    Go to a library. Pick up a book on Physiology. Read.

    You'll learn all you want to know about how the brain uses glucose and how when the body runs out - like if you were starving - it will send messages out to the rest of the body and things will start being converted. The liver and gluconeogensis are particularly fascinating. To me, anyway.

    If you're looking for Internet stuff, you'll need to do it on your own. Google. :)
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    The person who said your brain needs fat was wrong. The brain uses sugar. That's all it can use. Sugar is what fuels the brain.

    This is so wrong it's almost funny.
    Why don't you share your extensive knowledge of physiology with me.

    Go ahead and use the big words. I'll try to keep up.

    I am more interested in your evidence that the brain only uses sugar.
    Go to a library. Pick up a book on Physiology. Read.

    You'll learn all you want to know about how the brain uses glucose and how when the body runs out - like if you were starving - it will send messages out to the rest of the body and things will start being converted. The liver and gluconeogensis are particularly fascinating. To me, anyway.

    If you're looking for Internet stuff, you'll need to do it on your own. Google. :)

    Listen. I realize you mean glucose, but calling it "sugar" isn't exactly helpful. If you find one single scholarly source that says "sugar" my bad.
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    The person who said your brain needs fat was wrong. The brain uses sugar. That's all it can use. Sugar is what fuels the brain.

    This is so wrong it's almost funny.
    Why don't you share your extensive knowledge of physiology with me.

    Go ahead and use the big words. I'll try to keep up.

    I am more interested in your evidence that the brain only uses sugar.
    Go to a library. Pick up a book on Physiology. Read.

    You'll learn all you want to know about how the brain uses glucose and how when the body runs out - like if you were starving - it will send messages out to the rest of the body and things will start being converted. The liver and gluconeogensis are particularly fascinating. To me, anyway.

    If you're looking for Internet stuff, you'll need to do it on your own. Google. :)

    Listen. I realize you mean glucose, but calling it "sugar" isn't exactly helpful. If you find one single scholarly source that says "sugar" my bad.

    ^This, believe it or not there are several people on this site who are *somewhat* familiar with physiology...
  • mlcdz
    mlcdz Posts: 43 Member
    There are also several LCHF (low carb, high fat) groups on MFP & Facebook. The one here (KETO DIET) links to some good and helpful explanations. Pax.
  • healthyfoxx
    healthyfoxx Posts: 104 Member
    The person who said your brain needs fat was wrong. The brain uses sugar. That's all it can use. Sugar is what fuels the brain.

    This is so wrong it's almost funny.
    Why don't you share your extensive knowledge of physiology with me.

    Go ahead and use the big words. I'll try to keep up.

    I am more interested in your evidence that the brain only uses sugar.
    Go to a library. Pick up a book on Physiology. Read.

    You'll learn all you want to know about how the brain uses glucose and how when the body runs out - like if you were starving - it will send messages out to the rest of the body and things will start being converted. The liver and gluconeogensis are particularly fascinating. To me, anyway.

    If you're looking for Internet stuff, you'll need to do it on your own. Google. :)

    This article is relevant:

    Basically, you're both right to a point. :p There are parts of the brain that can only use glucose, and using glucose can be thought of the "default" setting for brain cells. However, the cells can switch over to using ketones if needed (low carb/sugar but high fat diets). Of course, some amount of fat is always needed for humans to live, so it is also true that without fat, our brains would stop working.
  • TutuMom41
    TutuMom41 Posts: 278
    I have been maintaining my weight loss for years. According to MFP I eat way more fat then I should. I do not worry about it as long as I am healthy :)
  • wannabehealthyagain
    MFP is not a substitute for real, medical advice. You should go see your doctor and have him oversee your weight loss journey. You may also get a referral to a nutritionist.

    You have to decide if you want to eat all healthy foods or if you just want to lose weight. Is your focus - your primary goal - to be thin or to be healthy? For most, it's to be thin. Know this before you go to the doctor (or nutritionist.) Be honest with them. Don't say you want to eat all healthy food if you don't, in fact, plan to do that.

    You need a plan that works for you!

    Everyone does it differently, but you need to do what works for you. :)

    The person who said your brain needs fat was wrong. The brain uses sugar. That's all it can use. Sugar is what fuels the brain. (That is not an excuse to eat fudge, though. ;)

    You need to do a little more research, whoever you are. Dietary fat does not make you fat otherwise we would all be in trouble if we eat things like coconut, avacado and such as it has LOTS of fat in it. Yes, the brain uses fat as does the making of hormones. You clearly don't know what you're talking about so do people a favor and shut up.

    Also, telling a person to go to the doctor when he/she is not sick is beyond stupid. Doctors know next to nothing about anything and they get paid to keep you and I fat, sick and nearly dead.
    (end rant...pisses me off when yayhoos get on here and state **** like they know ****!!)
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    The person who said your brain needs fat was wrong. The brain uses sugar. That's all it can use. Sugar is what fuels the brain.

    This is so wrong it's almost funny.
    Why don't you share your extensive knowledge of physiology with me.

    Go ahead and use the big words. I'll try to keep up.

    No need to use big words. I'll break it down for you.

    * The person who said your brain needs fat was wrong.

    This is obviously false. It is like claiming muscles don't need protein, because they use glucose for energy. While your brain is not powered by fat, it doesn't negate the fact that it requires it.

    * The brain uses sugar. That's all it can use. Sugar is what fuels the brain.

    Sugar is not the same thing as glucose. Sugar has dietary implications (aka, you're implying that you need to eat some sugar to power the brain). This is false. The brain runs on glucose (and/or ketones). In the absence of a dietary source of glucose the body can manufacture glucose from other sources, as well as run many parts on ketones. There is absolutely no requirement for dietary sugar for powering your brain.

    If you doubt this, please explain to me how much glucose is stored in the human body, how much is used each day by the brain, and how people who fast for extended periods of time don't drop dead when the glucose stores run out (which will happen in under a week).
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    The person who said your brain needs fat was wrong. The brain uses sugar. That's all it can use. Sugar is what fuels the brain.

    This is so wrong it's almost funny.
    Why don't you share your extensive knowledge of physiology with me.

    Go ahead and use the big words. I'll try to keep up.

    I am more interested in your evidence that the brain only uses sugar.
    Go to a library. Pick up a book on Physiology. Read.

    You'll learn all you want to know about how the brain uses glucose and how when the body runs out - like if you were starving - it will send messages out to the rest of the body and things will start being converted. The liver and gluconeogensis are particularly fascinating. To me, anyway.

    If you're looking for Internet stuff, you'll need to do it on your own. Google. :)

    This article is relevant:

    Basically, you're both right to a point. :p There are parts of the brain that can only use glucose, and using glucose can be thought of the "default" setting for brain cells. However, the cells can switch over to using ketones if needed (low carb/sugar but high fat diets). Of course, some amount of fat is always needed for humans to live, so it is also true that without fat, our brains would stop working.

    My point is simply calling it "sugar" is, well, wrong. It's glucose, which is a type of sugar and there are MANY types of sugar that have nothing to do with brain function. If you want to causally dismiss others, don't do it with non-specific information.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    The person who said your brain needs fat was wrong. The brain uses sugar. That's all it can use. Sugar is what fuels the brain.

    This is so wrong it's almost funny.
    Why don't you share your extensive knowledge of physiology with me.

    Go ahead and use the big words. I'll try to keep up.

    No need to use big words. I'll break it down for you.

    * The person who said your brain needs fat was wrong.

    This is obviously false. It is like claiming muscles don't need protein, because they use glucose for energy. While your brain is not powered by fat, it doesn't negate the fact that it requires it.

    * The brain uses sugar. That's all it can use. Sugar is what fuels the brain.

    Sugar is not the same thing as glucose. Sugar has dietary implications (aka, you're implying that you need to eat some sugar to power the brain). This is false. The brain runs on glucose (and/or ketones). In the absence of a dietary source of glucose the body can manufacture glucose from other sources, as well as run many parts on ketones. There is absolutely no requirement for dietary sugar for powering your brain.

    If you doubt this, please explain to me how much glucose is stored in the human body, how much is used each day by the brain, and how people who fast for extended periods of time don't drop dead when the glucose stores run out (which will happen in under a week).

    You, I like you.