Hello everyone.

BigBenW Posts: 1 Member
Hello everyone.

Thought i would finally register and say hello to all.

theirs allot of success story's iv read on here the past few days and picked up allot of great advice/tips, it really is quite amazing at what people can do when u put your mind to something.

Which is what I've decided to do. and im putting my mind and everything into it!

Friday night was the start of new me :)

Decided to quit everything bad for me. Drink/Drugs and food that's bad for me. and get in shape.

It's Going to be a slow process im sure, But my plan is to stick with it. No matter how hard things might get.

I need to change.

So i Decided i need to get in shape, loose the man boobs. and try to get a flat stomach which I've never had in my entire life. aswell as a few other things, just want to become health in general.

Iv always been overweight/obese.

Doing this for me.
Not for anyone else.
Made my mind up its time for change.


anyway, I'll be posting more soon.

Sorry about the random bits of info about me lol, seems like a wrote allot of different random things.

Thanks for having me here

