overweight fitness professional ????



  • NessaR2011
    NessaR2011 Posts: 184 Member
    Seems we're on opposite sides of the coin! I love to cook, bake, and create healthy and delicious foods so I have the food thing down.. it's the darn fitness I have issues with!! Maybe we can help each other out!
  • DeeBerning
    DeeBerning Posts: 131 Member
    You will LOVE MFP and the support you'll find here. I am a newly discovered gym addict and the tips and hints here have helped me soo much. Good luck... I am sure you will rock this!
  • werdnek
    werdnek Posts: 35 Member
    Hey I like you. I should be 135 lbs as well. Have been there a few times but I am on LONG journey to losing 25 lbs. to get there again. I did it the quick and dirty way by going to Dr. Bernstein - expensive but it works. What doesn't work is maintenance. Although I stayed at that weight for a while (well over a year) it did not teach me to each normally unless normal is to never eat pizza again. I like FitnessPla because I'm not being on a "diet" - just not being willpowered at the moment. But am eating within an average of 1400 calories a day - it fluctuates day to day - but averages out to 1400 - so to me this is normal eating. But tracking the food helps guide me and is the power of suggestion when I make food choices - like last night before bed I felt a little hungry - have gone to bed many time hungry and am sick of it - so I looked up my calories for the day - I still had 120 calories before hitting 1200 so I ate a piece of toast with tomato slices. I am for 1200 a day but if I'm hungry or not hungry I adjust. If I can't decide if I'm hungry or not I look at my calorie intake for the day.

    I've been at this for a month. Don't really know what I lost the first two weeks because I didnt' want to get on the scales. In the first two weeks, bloating went down and my big, big girl pants were loose so I knew I lost something. So I got on the scales june 19th - and then in two weeks I lost 1.5 lbs. and you'd be surprised at my food intake during those two weeks. We have Federated health fundraising which meant afternoon junk cart. I participated in the junk cart and still lost 1.5 lbs. I like myfitnesspal because it goes beyond fat, carbs, calories. I bougtht iron tonic because I don't get daily iron intake through my food choices. I also bought potassium pills but then my legs went crampy - scared me from continuing.

    I have had all round blood tests telling me of my levels of iron, potassium, etc. - so I guess we can sometimes have enough although the food diary may indicate you need more. I like myfitness pal because if can be a life long learning on proper food intake. I've gone back to concentrating more on the calorie intake but every once in awhile I look at the food reports to get an inclinging of "nutrition" intake.

    I hope for you by writing in the food diary it will help you with your food intake not excluding pizza - if you are hungry and you want it. Please I hope you don't feel in denial but feel a benefit using this diary. I went to the Sparks food diary which says my normal intake is up to 1600 calories so on the days I eat 1600 calories there is no beating myself up at all. I prefer this food diary though as it is more user friendly and also allows me to track my fitness.
  • werdnek
    werdnek Posts: 35 Member
    Food probably numbs the emotions. Go ahead and find a "hybernating spot" and feel overwhelmed, sad, angry - etc. These are all normal feelings. We have somehow been taught to put on a brave face, put on a smile. Yes do have a brave face and do put on a smile but realize "I don't feel good about this". There will be those that understand and get it and there will be abusers. Feel free not to attach yourself to abusers - even if they are relatives - they don't deserve your time - or maybe you simply have nothing in common. Live your life in a good state not a forced state. Your wife has cancer - you are allowed to feel miserable - your wife probably knows that you are miserable and appreciates your brave face but know that she knows it's not easy for you either. Or maybe your wife doesnt' get it - maybe your wife has always been a taker and you have always been a giver. In any event, recognize the emotion - get it, understand it, allow it and live you life as you should. It's okay to have emotions relative to having a wife with cancer because it's not normal to be on top of the world each and every day.
  • bregrig
    bregrig Posts: 154 Member
    Thanks for being so honest. I know you have earned your degree and you are well educated, but perhaps the biggest help you just gave was by admitting that even as a health professional you struggle with the very thing you are so kindly helping others with. Thank you for becoming the person that you are. You've got a friend here if you want. I don't know what good I could ever do for you but I will give you all the support and motivation I can.

    Best wishes on your journey. Just remember you were strong enough to get here so you are strong enough to do this.:flowerforyou:

    Thank YOU for your kindness; truly uplifting this morning.
  • nccoast624
    nccoast624 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm finding that I like this website more each day