Satisfying a sweet craving without sky-high calories

I really want to cut back on the junk food I eat, I know that if I'm within my daily calories it's technically Ok to have them (I'm not a 'sugar hater' and I am still losing weight at the predicted rate despite my poorer food choices) but I find I keep snacking on sweet things that are high in calories but have little nutritional value, so I almost run out of calories too early in the day and leave myself feeling hungry and craving more sweets.

I find it difficult, I'm already fairly limited in what I eat since having to go gluten-free (especially on the go) and I get way less enjoyment from food than I used to, so part of my brain says I 'deserve' to have the yummy things that are safe for me to eat. I have the willpower in me somewhere, I was a person who LOVED to eat and yet since being told I have coeliac disease I haven't once deliberately eaten anything I shouldn't, no matter how badly I used to love it and how much I wanted it (and I won't ever give in to that desire) but it's just hard to muster that strength to hold back on my treats. I'm a comfort eater also and I've had a rough couple of weeks, so I've been grazing a lot more.

What foods are good for snacking that could help curb my sugar cravings, but aren't crazy high in calories? I'm guessing upping my fruit intake might help? I am a bit paranoid about minding my sugar macro and feel really guilty when it creeps into the red; I'm not diabetic, nor is diabetes prevalent in my family, but having coeliac does put me at a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes so I get nervous when I go over my sugar for the day, which makes me feel bad about eating fruit. I'm at a bit of a loss, I'd really appreciate any advice!


  • Menix8
    Menix8 Posts: 210 Member
    You know, you might try stopping the cravings with deprivation. I will occasionally go sugar free for a few weeks just to kick the habit, discourage mental dependence, and stop the cravings. Cold turkey isn't the best long-term approach, but it can help to establish new, healthier habits. Once you've conquered the cravings, you can start to re-introduce certain foods back in.

    If you can't cut out sugar completely, I'd steer you towards (you guessed it) fruits like blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries.
  • SteampunkSongbird
    SteampunkSongbird Posts: 826 Member
    Unfortunately, going 'cold turkey' leaves me thinking about nothing but the foods I'm denying myself, and inevitably leads to a binge. I've tried to cut out the junk completely in the past but it just doesn't work for me, the craving for those foods takes over my thoughts until I cave. Cutting back, not cutting out, is the best way I know not to propagate failure for me.

    So, berries, my least favourite type of fruit, lol. I'll buy some tomorrow, thanks.
  • mary659497
    mary659497 Posts: 484 Member
    I eat small single servings of good dark chocolate or any fun size bars.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    I switched over to raisins. Not because they're that low in calories, they really aren't, but to steer myself toward fruits and away from packaged snacky foods. So I'll have a salad with raisins in it, or a handful of raisins for dessert right after a meal. Seems to help.
  • maroonmango211
    maroonmango211 Posts: 908 Member
    dark chocolate chips, one at a time. tic tacs. sugar/fat free jello. melon, a little higher calorie per servings than berries maybe but I love them especially cantaloupe and honeydew combined, maybe with some greek yogurt on top.
  • Kidominos
    Kidominos Posts: 1,249 Member
    I like dark chocolate so I always have a bag of 60% Ghirardelli baking chocolate chips on hand. I use them for making my dark chocolate banana protein oatmeal cookies. Whenever I want something sweet I just eat a couple of the chips. Each chip is only 5 calories.
  • SuARogue
    SuARogue Posts: 17 Member
    While they are not the best thing...the no sugar added 40 calorie fudge pops are a life saver for me. They give me a little sweet/chocolate without going overboard plus on a hot day it helps me cool down! :)
  • Hell_Flower
    Hell_Flower Posts: 348 Member
    Nak'd bars and dried mango are my go to.

    Or sugar free jelly pots. They usually come in at about 6 calories and taste like sweeties.
  • ekat120
    ekat120 Posts: 407 Member
    I love a square or 2 of good dark chocolate (my favorite is Green & Black 85%). I never understood people who said they're satisfied with a couple squares, until I tried it.
  • RhysJones92
    RhysJones92 Posts: 18 Member
    I pretty much got rid of my sweet tooth by going cold turkey, now I know you said that didn't work for you - but when you did it were you still eating enough of real food?

    Before MFP my diet consisted of skittles and chocolate haha, so when I went low carb I cut out the sweets and instead filled myself up on protein and although the first few days were hard with a determined mind i've stayed away from them!
  • juleszephyr
    juleszephyr Posts: 442 Member
    I like to make up my own mixes of dark choc chips, dried cranberries and whatever nuts / seeds I have around. Actually I have loads of combos of dried fruit, choc drops, choc buttons and nuts (graze inspired me). They are NOT low in cals necessarily but are a good way of having a bit of choc, something sweet and some good fats...

    Oh and melon, grapes, pineapple - any fruit but watch the portion sizes!!!
  • litsy3
    litsy3 Posts: 783 Member
    I slightly hate myself for this, but I actually genuinely enjoy chocolate-coated rice cakes. Also chocolate corn cakes.
  • Chaskavitch
    Chaskavitch Posts: 172 Member
    You could eat fruit with one of those little packs of chocolate almond butter, or with whipped cream. I love Ghiradelli dark chocolate chips, but if I buy a bag and open it, I will eat them all in like 3 days. Same with trail mix or protein bars, I just eat them all. Whipped cream is fairly low in calories, actually, and the individual packages of chocolate almond butter (Justin's brand is what I buy) are nice because you can't just spoon more Nutella out of the jar and into your face.

    Also, like ekat said, super dark chocolate, like 75 - 85%, is a lot easier to eat small amounts of than milk chocolate. I am actually good nibbling on one square of a bar, where if I'd gotten milk chocolate with almonds or something, I'd eat the whole thing.
  • carlyraer
    carlyraer Posts: 9
    Bananas are sweet and are low in calories. Apples are good also. You could also freeze grapes
  • Menix8
    Menix8 Posts: 210 Member
    Unfortunately, going 'cold turkey' leaves me thinking about nothing but the foods I'm denying myself, and inevitably leads to a binge. I've tried to cut out the junk completely in the past but it just doesn't work for me, the craving for those foods takes over my thoughts until I cave. Cutting back, not cutting out, is the best way I know not to propagate failure for me.

    So, berries, my least favourite type of fruit, lol. I'll buy some tomorrow, thanks.

    I push berries because they have a low amount of sugar compared to other fruits, and are also a low-GI food. They're probably the least likely fruit (except limes and lemons) to exacerbate your sugar cravings, but are still sweet enough to silence your mental want. They're also harder to overeat when you eat them one at a time. :)
  • Luckee_me
    Luckee_me Posts: 1,425 Member
    I just got a bag of frozen mixed berries. They are so sweet and refreshing. I am guilty of putting dry cocoa puffs on top of them to give them a little crunch. They are very good by themselves though.
    Good luck to you.
  • Adaniel65
    Adaniel65 Posts: 105 Member
    I love greek yogurt. It's sweet and full of protein so it sticks with me too.
    To me, it's like soft serve ice cream when it's good and chilled.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I LOVE potato chips, but talk about a food with HIGH CALORIES and low nutritional value!!! OY!!!

    There are a few things you can do to help hinder that sugar craving.

    1 - increase your fiber intake and make sure you're getting PLENTY of lean, quality protein. The protein is the one thing it's okay to go over macro's on without feeling guilty. With the fiber, get Chocolite protein bars ( - and you can get coupon codes at
    2 - drink more water!!!

    I will do things like not get my "red light" foods that I just can't stay away from - meaning I won't have them in the house. I will, however, make room for such things in a seemingly controlled environment. I love queso - so instead of bringing it in the house, I'll go to Don Pablo's, order the kid's sized queso and count out about 8-10 tortilla chips, and thoroughly enjoy it. That way I've settled the craving, but not totally blown my numbers for the day. OR, if I'm really craving cake, I'll ditch the queso, and go to the Flying Cupcake after lunch and get something there - but always to go. Have to sit and eat it elsewhere, so I can thoroughly enjoy it, and not be tempted to turn around and get more. You have to work in things every now and then so that you don't go crazy and have a huge binge.

    For what it's worth, and good luck!!
  • fullersun35
    fullersun35 Posts: 162 Member
    I've been eating Quest Bars - cookies n cream flavor mostly. Microwaved for 15 sec, it tastes similar to a warm oreo cookie. 21 grams of protein and 17g of fiber.
  • fallingtrees
    fallingtrees Posts: 220 Member
    Cherries and peaches are in season now!

    Then there's always a Dove dark chocolate bite in an emergency.