Satisfying a sweet craving without sky-high calories



  • SteampunkSongbird
    SteampunkSongbird Posts: 826 Member
    Thanks so much for all these suggestions! I've never had frozen grapes before but that sounds interesting. Yoghurt is something I like too but rarely buy for some reason, so I could definitely bring that into my diet more (and I could always use the extra calcium.) I didn't manage to get out to the shops today as something came up but I'll get some of the things suggested asap. I love strawberries, I also like peaches and bananas. I don't like dark chocolate at all, it's a tad too bitter for me, so I may have to just try and not buy the milk chocolate I normally buy, the sat fat is always too high in it anyways. Not saying I won't finish what I have in the house though, lol (waste not!)
    when you did it were you still eating enough of real food?

    Yep, my diet at the time was very sensible. I am just useless at saying no to sweeties!