What to EAT! What is my Grocery List for Eating?



  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Watch the carbs. It turns to sugar in your body - so going "low fat" is not always the best. No white bread, white rice or anything white... always whole grains and breads with "sprouted grains". If you are into jelly and sauces (i.e., chocolate, caramel, etc), Smuckers makes a whole line of sugar free that are delicious - at your local store. Cut out juices and soda... protein is a key. Unfortunately I've had to start measuring and using a scale because I was definitely in need of portion control. You can eat the "nutrisystem" way without spending the money. I now steam my veggies in a steamer in the microwave - no butter or oil. Use "Lemon Pepper" spice on my veggies - makes them taste deliciou!

    You don't have to cut out white bread, white rice or anything else. You also don't need to go sugar free. Carbs and Sugar are not the devil and can be a part of a well balanced day.

    I've lost a little weight and I eat all the same things I always did I just don't eat as much of them.
  • EuphonyChloeH
    EuphonyChloeH Posts: 107 Member
    focus on when you eat as much as what you're eating. You should be eating once every three hours to keep your metabolism going - three meals, three snacks a day. Protein is key, so be sure to include at least a little protein every time you eat. For snacks, I suggest things like Greek yogurt with a little granola and nuts, string cheese with some fruit and a few crackers, etc. Meals can be as simple as a Pb sandwich with a side of cottage cheese. Think about what you like and could eat daily, and try to keep it simple and manageable. Hope this helps :)
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    focus on when you eat as much as what you're eating. You should be eating once every three hours to keep your metabolism going - three meals, three snacks a day. Protein is key, so be sure to include at least a little protein every time you eat. For snacks, I suggest things like Greek yogurt with a little granola and nuts, string cheese with some fruit and a few crackers, etc. Meals can be as simple as a Pb sandwich with a side of cottage cheese. Think about what you like and could eat daily, and try to keep it simple and manageable. Hope this helps :)

    When you eat is personal preference you do not have to eat every three hours. If your metabolism stops you're dead. You can eat once per day, or multiple times that is all on what works for you.
  • hill1angel
    hill1angel Posts: 37 Member
    WOW! MFP you are awesome the comments and your personal stories are truly inspiring. I like making food work for me and identifying foods that I like without a prescriptive plan that can be hard to manage over time....

    I think this is an valuable resources....