Going on vacation during insanity...

So I just started insanity and I am on day 10. I love it! The problem is, Next week, I am going to be going on vacation for 10 days, and there is no where to complete the insanity workouts at the hotel, so I am going to have to miss them :( also, I haven't been eating very well do to a lot of family events the past couple days, so I'm wondering if I should start the whole insanity program over from day 1 once I get back from vacation to get the best results, or if I should just pick up where I left off wen I get back. Any suggestions?!


  • lizziegs
    lizziegs Posts: 71 Member
    I am in the same boat. I will be 2.5 weeks into it when we go away. I'll try to get some running in when we are at the beach but I'm planning on just picking back up where I left off. Or maybe you can repeat the week you just finished.