Gaining weight.



  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    i can't figure out where to type in my height and weight. :blushing:

    just put it in here. I.E.

    my height is 6'2" and my weight is 185 lbs.

    the calculations are something I (you, anyone who knows them) can do manually to find out approximately what your maintenance calories are (TDEE) and from there I can see how big your goal deficit is.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    2) You're leaving a ton of calories on the table, that's not necessarily a good thing. I notice that you're at 11 lbs left. You can't afford a big deficit to begin with, your body won't support it, doubling or tripling that deficit isn't going to help you lose weight, it's just going to tell your body to reduce it's metabolic rate, canabalize muscle mass, and increase fat storage.

    I understand you, not sure why others are having trouble following. He says you aren’t eating enough and if you don't fuel your body for what it needs (which is obviously higher than the minimum 1200 due to your exercises) your metabolism will slow b/c your body perceives that you are starving it so it begins to hang onto food longer.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    i can't figure out where to type in my height and weight. :blushing:

    just put it in here. I.E.

    my height is 6'2" and my weight is 185 lbs.

    I know eh? LOL, that made me laugh, you are so patient ;)
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    2) You're leaving a ton of calories on the table, that's not necessarily a good thing. I notice that you're at 11 lbs left. You can't afford a big deficit to begin with, your body won't support it, doubling or tripling that deficit isn't going to help you lose weight, it's just going to tell your body to reduce it's metabolic rate, canabalize muscle mass, and increase fat storage.

    I understand you, not sure why others are having trouble following. He says you aren’t eating enough and if you don't fuel your body for what it needs (which is obviously higher than the minimum 1200 due to your exercises) your metabolism will slow b/c your body perceives that you are starving it so it begins to hang onto food longer.

    correct, although I'm not saying she isn't eating enough exactly, I'm saying without knowing her maintenance calories, we can't know if she is or isn't, but the fact that she's leaving so many calories on the table and that she doesn't have much weight to lose, the extra calories are a HUGE red flag to me.
  • SharonsJetSet
    #2 is a lot of mumbo jumbo. Clearly, you're eating.
    Unless you like being far to heady and enjoy over-thinking things on a physiological level.

    The less you have to lose, the slower it is to come off.
    Be patient, plan balanced meals (even when it seems like you're too busy) and stick with it.
    Maybe switch your diet/menu up for a little kick start.
    (Like I said originally, focus on geting more fruit/veg/dairy/good fats)
    You'll reach your goal.

    I spend a TON of time researching about good nutrition, fitness and proper health. He is 100% correct about #2 its totally NOT mumbo jumbo. I've read the same message over and over - that if you think you're going to lose weight by lower your calories below 1000 (some even say 1200) all you're really doing is lowering your metabolic rate.

    You have to eat the daily recommended calories or your body will slow down.

    You can fill your car with water instead of gas, the gas tank will register full but you wont go anywhere - the same applies to our bodies. They need the proper fuel in order to function properly.

    BTW, I hate the word "Cheat" but anyway, if you've been eating healthy and exercising regularly AND your clothes are getting tighter, you need to find a Doctor who will take your concerns seriously!!

    Good luck
  • CroakerNorge
    CroakerNorge Posts: 165 Member
    #2 is a lot of mumbo jumbo. Clearly, you're eating.
    Unless you like being far to heady and enjoy over-thinking things on a physiological level.

    The less you have to lose, the slower it is to come off.
    Be patient, plan balanced meals (even when it seems like you're too busy) and stick with it.
    Maybe switch your diet/menu up for a little kick start.
    (Like I said originally, focus on geting more fruit/veg/dairy/good fats)
    You'll reach your goal.

    pardon me?

    you said "clearly, you're eating." But she's averaging 500 calories left on the table. Over and above her goal deficit.

    You're pardoned.
    It doesn't need to be nearly as heady as the manner in which you present it.
    I know what I said, I offered simple, easy to follow advice.
  • CroakerNorge
    CroakerNorge Posts: 165 Member

    It's mumbo jumbo in the sense that it's far too "heady" when it doesn't need to be.
    If you look at my original advice, I SAID her menu seemed diety and was lacking in:
    good fats

    If she incoporated those things into her diet, she wouldn't have a calorie deficit.
    Call me a simpleton, but I like to keep things SIMPLE.
    Including my meal planning (whole foods, fruits/veg, lean proteins, good fats work for me).
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    okay, so without looking at the actual foods you ate, i did some numbers.

    you're averaging pretty high on the protein side of things, and have some very sharp fat spikes - not a huge deal assuming your fats are healthy fats. but my guess is at least some of those fats are from high-fatty meats (because of the protein rise)

    what we can't see is the fber intake and this is important. if it were me, i'd add that back in so you can track it.

    i like to do this for myself so i can see where my problems might be. as a visual learner, it's important for me. if this helps you, then i'm glad. if it confuses you, then ignore it.

    what i strive for is a nice, even average.

  • SharonsJetSet
    WOW what a fabulous chart!! well done and what a great idea
  • Loseittoo
    Loseittoo Posts: 74 Member
    i don't eat any differently on the weekends (less actually). i don't have time on the weekends .

    Thats what you say. The fact you haven't lost any weight says otherwise. I log daily. I weight everything. I am as conservative as I can be in my estimates of calories burned etc. I don't "cheat".

    You need to log every thing every day.

    just b/c i don't log it doesn't mean i "cheat". i seriously doubt i've gained weight b/c i don't log the weekends food wise.

    This will only work if you do it daily. You must weigh your food. No measuring cups.

    You wanted to know why you ain't losing. First step is to log every day. Do you drink alcohol? Lots of calories there. How bout sweetened drinks? Cut those out and log what you don't cut out.

    You need to be diligent. Log everything daily. Any skipped days are cheating.

    I am still surprised you think every weekend "off" would have no effect on why you aren't losing.
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    i don't eat any differently on the weekends (less actually). i don't have time on the weekends .

    Thats what you say. The fact you haven't lost any weight says otherwise. I log daily. I weight everything. I am as conservative as I can be in my estimates of calories burned etc. I don't "cheat".

    You need to log every thing every day.

    just b/c i don't log it doesn't mean i "cheat". i seriously doubt i've gained weight b/c i don't log the weekends food wise.

    This will only work if you do it daily. You must weigh your food. No measuring cups.

    You wanted to know why you ain't losing. First step is to log every day. Do you drink alcohol? Lots of calories there. How bout sweetened drinks? Cut those out and log what you don't cut out.

    You need to be diligent. Log everything daily. Any skipped days are cheating.

    I am still surprised you think every weekend "off" would have no effect on why you aren't losing.

    Dude, chill out! I know what the OP is saying. I've had plenty of times where a day is so busy that I just can't get to my computer & log stuff. And it didn't mean I "cheated" that day. Me logging something doesn't burn calories (well, maybe one). :laugh: I would rather spend my scarce time planning a healthy meal than logging if I were forced to choose.
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    Having that many leftover calories isn't good. What is your height, at least? If you don't want to post your weight. That will be helpful. I eat about as many calories you eat around 1300-1400, but my is set around that because I'm 5'1, 121 pounds. If you aren't eating the calories that you're supposed to be eating, according to your height and weight, then your body is going to store calories assuming you aren't eating enough.

    I think you should eat the rest of your calories for a while and see where that goes.
  • Loseittoo
    Loseittoo Posts: 74 Member
    Missing a day here and there for what ever reason is human. To decide to only track and log food Monday-Friday every week is "cheating", its not how this works.

    Not trying to be mean but she isn't losing weight, infact she is gaining. The start of her issues is her failure to log food on weekends, any weekend.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    to the OP......Loseittoo is correct. You have to measure and not cant have your cake and eat it too, Its either you are committed to lose weight, or not........this business of "cheating " and not logging are whats doing you in. You have to eat more fruits and vegetables, and drop the processed foods that you are eating

    Im not a dietician, just followed a diet of fruits, vegetables, good protein and some fat. NO,..........NO processed foods...........I can say I m 115 lbs lighter in 9 months, 19 days..........Im not critizing you, just trying to help you understand something.........Processed foods arent your friend..........tons of salts and sugars. Logging your food is a reminder of how much you have eaten.........that diary is your friend

    good luck, keep us informed.............Lloyd
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    WOW what a fabulous chart!! well done and what a great idea

    thanks, and in case it's not obvious, those numbers are percents of the day's worth.

    i find it a good way to see where my problem areas might be, so i can make an informed decision on what to change, if anything.
  • Pitterpatter
    Pitterpatter Posts: 243 Member
    so i'm supposed to eat back the calories i burned exercising? how the heck do i do that?!?!?
  • Pitterpatter
    Pitterpatter Posts: 243 Member
    and holy crap my food last week was bad!!!! :embarassed: it was "that" time .....
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    go to the general section of the boards, there's some sticky posts at the top, read through them, they should give you a better understanding.