Favorite Movie Quotes....



  • sho3girl
    sho3girl Posts: 10,799 Member
    a lady never talks .....

    next time i see one I'll remember that
  • kacpakmom
    kacpakmom Posts: 98 Member
    I'd rather have 30 minutes of wonderful than a lifetime of nothing special.

    Steel Magnolias
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son.
  • JanLynnemfp
    I am as mad as hell and I am not going to take it any more!
  • thinbeautifulnonsmoker
    "Mamma always says, 'Stupid is as stupid does'."
    ~ Forrest Gump
  • Monkey_Business
    Monkey_Business Posts: 1,800 Member
    I actually googled these because I wanted to get the wording right and give credit to the movie

    "I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty-headed animal food trough wiper. I fart in your general direction."
    - "Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries."
    - "Is there someone else up there we could talk to?"
    - "No, now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time."
    (Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975))

    "Hey, don't knock *kitten*. It's sex with someone I love."
    (Annie Hall (1977))

    - "Surely you can't be serious."
    - "I am serious. And don't call me Shirley."
    (Airplane! (1980))

    - "Gentlemen, I'd like you to meet your captain, Captain Oveur."
    - "Gentlemen, welcome aboard."
    - "Captain, your navigator, Mr. Unger, and your first officer, Mr. Dunn."
    - "Unger."
    - "Oveur."
    - "Oveur."
    - "Dunn. Gentlemen, let's get to work."
    - "Unger, didn't you serve under Oveur in the Air Force?"
    - "Not directly. Technically, Dunn was under Oveur and I was under Dunn."
    - "Yep."
    - "So, Dunn, you were under Oveur and over Unger."
    - "Yep."
    - "That's right. Dunn was over Unger and I was over Dunn."
    - "So, you see, both Dunn and I were under Oveur, even though I was under Dunn."
    - "Dunn was over Unger, and I was over Dunn."
    (Airplane II: The Sequel (1982))

    "Excuse me, sir. Seeing as how the V.P. is such a V.I.P., shouldn't we keep the P.C. on the Q.T.? 'Cause if it leaks to the V.C., he could end up an M.I.A., and then we'd all be put on K.P."
    (Good Morning, Vietnam (1987))

    - "Nice beaver."
    - "Thank you. I just had it stuffed."
    - "Let me help you with that."
    (The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! (1988))

    "I'll have what she's having."
    (When Harry Met Sally... (1989))

    "Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm a schizophrenic and so am I."
    (What About Bob? (1991))

    "God gave men brains larger than dogs' so they wouldn't hump women's legs at cocktail parties."
    (Hackers (1995))

    - "Looks like you've been missing a lot of work lately."
    - "I wouldn't say I've been missing it, Bob."
    (Office Space (1999))

    "But I'm funny how? I mean, funny like I'm a clown? I amuse you?"
    GoodFellas (1990)

    "It might be a tumor."
    - "It's not a tumor!"
    Kindergarten Cop (1990)
  • Aero1dynamic
    Aero1dynamic Posts: 702 Member
    Dark Helmet: Careful you idiot! I said across her nose, not up it!
    Laser Gunner: Sorry sir! I'm doing my best!
    Dark Helmet: Who made that man a gunner?
    Major *kitten*: I did sir. He's my cousin.
    Dark Helmet: Who is he?
    Colonel Sandurz: He's an *kitten* sir.
    Dark Helmet: I know that! What's his name?
    Colonel Sandurz: That is his name sir. *kitten*, Major *kitten*!
    Dark Helmet: And his cousin?
    Colonel Sandurz: He's an *kitten* too sir. Gunner's mate First Class Philip *kitten*!
    Dark Helmet: How many *kitten* do we have on this ship, anyway?
    [Entire bridge crew stands up and raises a hand]
    Entire Bridge Crew: Yo!
    Dark Helmet: I knew it. I'm surrounded by *kitten*!
    [Dark Helmet pulls his face shield down]
    Dark Helmet: Keep firing, *kitten*!

    - Spaceballs God Bless you, Mel Brooks.

    You're killing me, Smalls!

    -The Sandlot
  • sho3girl
    sho3girl Posts: 10,799 Member
    stop feeling sorry for yourself it's bad for your complexion - 16 candles
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    From the end of the fantastic speech by Dennis Hopper in True Romance when he knows he's going to die

    "You, you're an eggplant".

    ...followed by Chrstopher Walken's classic comeback...

    "You're a cantaloupe"

    "You're so cool."
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

    The Princess Bride


    +++1 "As you wish."
  • MissMCassidy
    MissMCassidy Posts: 445
    Don't wanna sleep, don't wanna die, just wanna go a-travelin' through the pastures of the sky.
    -Breakfast at Tiffany's
  • MissMCassidy
    MissMCassidy Posts: 445
    I hope she'll be a fool-
    That's the best thing a girl can be in this world,
    A beautiful little fool.
    -The Great Gatsby
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    "I am FILLED with Christ's love! You are just jealous of my success in the Lord."

    "Zuzu's petals! Zuzu's petals!"

    "Tina, you fat lard. Come get some dinner"

    "No wire hangers, EVER"
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    "A short life, but a merry one, that's what I always say."

    " Now, we must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men."

    "And Shepherds we shall be For Thee my Lord, for Thee Power hath descended forth from Thy hand Our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patri, Et Filii, Et Spiritus Sancti."

    "He must have thought it was white boy day. It ain't white boy day, is it?"

    "Ray, when someone asks you if you're a god, you say yes!"

    "Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!"

    "Leave the gun, take the cannoli."

    "I'll make him an offer he can't refuse."

    Man, I could play this game for hours...
  • MissMCassidy
    MissMCassidy Posts: 445
    -they're Spanx they hold everything in
    -why what's going to come popping out?!
    The Heat
    That cat got one look at your ****ty life and said "no ****ing thanks man."
    The Heat
  • justinitsul
    justinitsul Posts: 1,018 Member
    I love lamp
  • Christineclendaniel
    Christineclendaniel Posts: 367 Member
    "...its not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you" ~Rachel Dawes
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    "Every meal's a banquet, every paycheck a fortune. Every formation a parade. G******it, I love the corps!"

    "Alright, sweethearts, you heard the man and you know the drill! ***holes and elbows!

    "Game over, man, game over!"

    "Vasquez, have you ever been mistaken for a man?" "No, have you?"

    "I like to keep this handy... for close encounters."

    "Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen!"

    "Hudson! This little girl survived longer than that with no weapons and no training." "Why don't you put her in charge?"

    "You know, Burke, I don't know which species is worse. You don't see them f***ing each other over for a g******mn percentage."

    "My mommy always said there were no monsters, no real ones, but there are.

    "We'd better get back, 'cause it'll be dark soon, and they mostly come at night... mostly."

    "Get away from her, you b*****!"


    How I love that movie.
  • Dancing_Laeti
    Dancing_Laeti Posts: 752 Member
    Karen Blixen: 'I had a farm in Africa'
    Out of Africa

    Honey Bunny: 'Any of you f***ing pricks move, and I'll execute every motherf***ing last one of ya!'
    Pulp Fiction

    1. Ranger: 'Ich bin einfach mit der Gesamtsituation unzufrieden'
    2. Abahachi: Falscher Hase, Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Ranger, Ranger, Santa Maria, Ranger, Hasi, Santa, Hasi, Haeuptlingssohn vom Stamme der Schoschonen'
    Santa Maria: Schau, Schau, Schoschonen'
    Der Schuh des Manitu

    (I had to google them to get them right and sorry the last ones are in German, but if you know the movie and understand German, they are hilarious. Well, I think so at least!)
  • cindyhoney2
    cindyhoney2 Posts: 603 Member
    You keep using that word but I do not think it means what you think it means.
    Princess Bride