PiYo anyone??

I started PiYo three days ago and so far I LOVE it!! I am a runner and have no flexibility at all. I really think this is the thing that has been missing from my fitness routine!! I am setting up a PiYo group here on MFP. If you are interested in joining, please let me know...the more, the merrier!!


  • pinkzinnia716
    pinkzinnia716 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I started a week ago today and love it, too. While I've been a fan of a few different programs by Chalene Johnson, I think this is one I can really stick with long term. I actually look forward to the workouts every day and after just a week, I'm already feeling a bit stronger and more flexible.

    Any idea as to calorie burn? When I log it each day I do it under calisthenics (hard, pushups and situps).
  • MetalHippy

    can i ask how you got a copy of PiYo? When I go the the beachbody site it says it's coming soon.

    I really need to work on my flexibility so this could be ideal.

  • horses1jessi
    horses1jessi Posts: 49 Member
    I'm on my second week, I agree running + PIYO = Perfect combination. Just need to find a none gravel road to run on..
    Put me down for the group!!
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Meyalhippy. You can get it at Teambeachbody or through a coach.
  • Mindochka
    Mindochka Posts: 61 Member
    I just started PiYo and so far i am liking it. I am a runner (when it isn't 100 degrees with 90% humidity) so I am excited that this might be a great combination workout for me. :)
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    I REALLY want to like it, but I'm not finding I tough enough. I'm not super fit by any means but I much preferred the yoga and piyo workouts in P90x3. I find just as I begin to feel each exercise - she moves on.
  • nmwhitney12
    nmwhitney12 Posts: 239 Member
    I would like to join, I am starting beachbody's PiYo routine tonight!!! I am super excited!!
  • lyndseydennis
    Started Monday! So far I do like the workouts, feel really stretched out, but feel like I need to do it in combination with something else...so going to addin Chalean Extreme next week for the weights and maybe a T25 workout here and there....but I love Chalene and will do any workout she puts outs so going to stick with it!
  • tnp223
    tnp223 Posts: 11 Member
    Sign me up. :)
  • epazia
    epazia Posts: 126 Member
    I saw this at my gym but wasn't sure how advanced it was
  • tcamp02
    tcamp02 Posts: 61 Member
    I'm on week 3 of PiYo and I'm running a PiYo group on Facebook. Love it! I really think PiYo is a great fit with running because it is so easy on your joints and gives strength and cardio training while also increasing flexibility. I'm doing my own PiYo/running/TurboFire hybrid. I think it's a great program that anybody can do!
  • pinkzinnia716
    pinkzinnia716 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in, too. I'm going to add 2-3 HIIT routines (the 15-20 minute routines) from Turbo Fire to the mix, once I get the moves mastered (I always find that routines seem easiest when I'm the worst at them; I think it takes a little time for me to focus on using my muscles and not just listening to the directions and going through the motions).
  • traceyann1214
    traceyann1214 Posts: 73 Member
    tcamp can you send me info? I've been following Chalene on facebook (and Mindy) and have really been wanting to try this! I am a runner as well, training for a half-marathon now , and I was thinking this would be awesome to add in for me! It really helps tone, is that correct?
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I started 8 days ago also! Definitely need something on the side though, it's not much of a workout, IMO. I'm not too sure I won't lose muscle while I do it either, so I might have to go back to lifting weights as well... But I like it and I can use more flexibility (I run as well).
  • Jaynehr
    Jaynehr Posts: 167 Member
    I'd love to be in the group. I started Piyo on Sunday, 7/6 and so far so good. I'm on my rest day today so I'll be doing some type of cardio because I'm worried that's what I'm missing but it does give you a good stretch. I'm also doing the 21 day fix eating plan with Piyo so hopefully the 2 together will work out well. 21 day fix eating is a lot like the program that came with Piyo.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    I'd love to be in the group. I started Piyo on Sunday, 7/6 and so far so good. I'm on my rest day today so I'll be doing some type of cardio because I'm worried that's what I'm missing but it does give you a good stretch. I'm also doing the 21 day fix eating plan with Piyo so hopefully the 2 together will work out well. 21 day fix eating is a lot like the program that came with Piyo.

    I feel the piyo eating plan is a bit more flexible though.
  • aislinncw
    aislinncw Posts: 1
    I'd love to be in the group, but I've never done Piyo before. Would anyone be willing to help me out or something? Thanks :)
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    I'd love to be in the group, but I've never done Piyo before. Would anyone be willing to help me out or something? Thanks :)
    It's a new Beachbody DVD programme now available from Team Beachbody.
  • flint3000
    flint3000 Posts: 5 Member
    I started PiYo and I like it too! The first couple workouts weren't that difficult, but it really kicks in with the Sweat workout. I am combining this program with spinning three times a week. So far so good!!
  • imagine977
    imagine977 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm 5'3, about 130 pounds, and according to my heart rate monitor I burned 151 calories doing both the Lower and upper body workouts together, and then 182 during the Sweat workout. I also feel like I need to incorporate other excercises along with this workout, because it doesn't feel like enough. This past week I've done the upper and lower body DVDs three times, and the sweat DVD twice, along with two runs and Speed 1.0 from T25. Tomorrow is a rest day and Sunday will weigh in. Has anyone gotten their first week's weigh in under their belt yet? I'm interested to see how people are progressing.