Putting on too much bodyfat, not nearly enough muscle...

For reference, I'm a 5'7" 133-136 (fluctuating) lb female, 21 years old.

Been eating 1,530+ calories as opposed to my regular 13-1400, adjusted my macros to what my trainer specified, and I am pretty sure I am just getting fat. My body feels softer, my face looks fuller, my boobs got bigger (a sure sign!) and my clothes still fit but feel "off"... For the first time in at least a year!!

My most recent scan said my body fat went up several percentage points and my muscle mass increased to pretty much nothing. When I voiced my concerns my trainer said gaining body fat is inevitable with building muscle mass, and my problem was probably that I wasn't lifting heavy enough or moving quickly through the exercises, which makes sense.

My question is, is there a way I can limit how much more fat I'm gonna put on during this process? My weight has only gone up by 3 pounds but I feel so bloated and gross. I asked if I should have begun cutting more first but she insisted bulking is the best way to start for me since I am not overweight/overfat and will make cutting easier and faster for me.

Also, how can I push myself to move faster/work harder in the gym? I always start on a good note but I find myself getting distracted or slowing down by the end?? Any little motivational tips (besides the obvious "you won't put on as much bodyfat if you work hard!") would be super great .:sad:


  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    Are you trying to bulk?
  • Laurenloveswaffles
    Laurenloveswaffles Posts: 535 Member
    What are your goals? Bulking, maintaining, or cutting? Those seem like cutting cals because I'm shorter (same weight and age) than you and can cut on 1800 calories
  • rosesandsuch
    rosesandsuch Posts: 39 Member
    Are you trying to bulk?

    I guess, I don't want to be super ripped or anything, but I know the calories are far too low for that anyway. I just want more lean muscle, but building ANY muscle requires you to put on fat too, I know that... :\
  • focusedonfitness2015
    focusedonfitness2015 Posts: 240 Member
    Are you trying to bulk?

    I'm going to use this as my default answer whenever my wife asks me if her pants make her look fat.
    HAHA! that's awesome! :laugh:
  • camillecalmbach
    Do HIIT. It burns fat (during and after the workout) while preserving muscle.
    I do 15 mins of HIIT on the treadmill 4-5 times a week and it does wonders.
    In case you're wondering what it is, it's short intervals (20 sec, 30 sec, 1 min.) of rest (such as a light jog) followed by intense intervals (such as sprints). You should feel like you're dead after those 15/20 minutes. It's super intense but effective.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I'm the same weight but shorter and cut on 1700 cals so I don't think 1530 is bulking for you unless you've done some serious damage to your metabolism.
  • rosesandsuch
    rosesandsuch Posts: 39 Member
    I'm the same weight but shorter and cut on 1700 cals so I don't think 1530 is bulking for you unless you've done some serious damage to your metabolism.

    I know I have. It's taken me a long time to get up to this many calories because I ****ed up my initial weight loss several years ago eating too little. I had no idea it was bad at the time, but once I did I slowly began reintroducing calories with no issues along the way. I told her this information, I've been UP to 1,500 for a while actually, the weight gain is relatively recent/unexplained.
  • rosesandsuch
    rosesandsuch Posts: 39 Member
    My weight has only gone up by 3 pounds but I feel so bloated and gross.

    Congrats! You know you're really into fitness when body dysmorphic sets in. Keep up the good work.

    Rude and completely unhelpful.
  • Laurenloveswaffles
    Laurenloveswaffles Posts: 535 Member
    I'm the same weight but shorter and cut on 1700 cals so I don't think 1530 is bulking for you unless you've done some serious damage to your metabolism.

    I know I have. It's taken me a long time to get up to this many calories because I ****ed up my initial weight loss several years ago eating too little. I had no idea it was bad at the time, but once I did I slowly began reintroducing calories with no issues along the way. I told her this information, I've been UP to 1,500 for a while actually, the weight gain is relatively recent/unexplained.

    It's most likely water weight.
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    Are you trying to bulk?

    I'm going to use this as my default answer whenever my wife asks me if her pants make her look fat.

    That is seriously funny!
  • rosesandsuch
    rosesandsuch Posts: 39 Member
    I'm the same weight but shorter and cut on 1700 cals so I don't think 1530 is bulking for you unless you've done some serious damage to your metabolism.

    I know I have. It's taken me a long time to get up to this many calories because I ****ed up my initial weight loss several years ago eating too little. I had no idea it was bad at the time, but once I did I slowly began reintroducing calories with no issues along the way. I told her this information, I've been UP to 1,500 for a while actually, the weight gain is relatively recent/unexplained.

    It's most likely water weight.

    I thought so too but a caliper wouldn't change based on water weight.
  • jtw158
    jtw158 Posts: 7
    In order to pace yourself I would either use your cellphone with a stopwatch app or get a timer or something similar. Set it to the time you want to wait between sets/exercises and get back to lifting when it goes off.
  • Laurenloveswaffles
    Laurenloveswaffles Posts: 535 Member
    I'm the same weight but shorter and cut on 1700 cals so I don't think 1530 is bulking for you unless you've done some serious damage to your metabolism.

    I know I have. It's taken me a long time to get up to this many calories because I ****ed up my initial weight loss several years ago eating too little. I had no idea it was bad at the time, but once I did I slowly began reintroducing calories with no issues along the way. I told her this information, I've been UP to 1,500 for a while actually, the weight gain is relatively recent/unexplained.

    It's most likely water weight.

    I thought so too but a caliper wouldn't change based on water weight.

    A body fat caliper is the most unreliable thing in the world. Water retention can make you puffy/bloated which can change those results very easily.
  • rosesandsuch
    rosesandsuch Posts: 39 Member
    OOPS: was trying to reply to the above post!

    Hmm, makes sense! Still doesn't explain the boob growth though ;p I'm ok with having fallen off the wagon a little... somehow...

    I'll send my trainer a text in a minute and get some more answers from her. You've been very helpful, thanks!
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    What is your TDEE? If you're not eating above that then you're not gaining any muscle. And you're also not gaining any fat. As long as you're still eating at a deficit, what you are gaining is water weight.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I suspect you've regained your glycogen stores.

    I'm 5'8" and I am cutting at 1500-1600 calories. granted I've got almost 30 pounds on you- but that still seems awfully low for bulking.

    What I would do for you- is 1.) figure out maintenance for sure. 2.) make friends with a sewing (cloth) tape measure. 3.) Make friends with your scale- regularly.

    I suspect you can get some of the results you want from training without really bulking if you are a new lifter without much muscle currently (This is going off the idea that you are a new-er lifter)
    In which case- eat at maintenance and lift away- you'll get great results just with that.

    If you still feel you aren't gaining enough after 6-8 months when your newb gains where off- then start upping calories for a bulk.
  • rosesandsuch
    rosesandsuch Posts: 39 Member
    What is your TDEE? If you're not eating above that then you're not gaining any muscle. And you're also not gaining any fat. As long as you're still eating at a deficit, what you are gaining is water weight.

    My tdee is hard to gage because I lost so much weight (70 lbs) so it's going to be a lot less than that of a person who has been 133 lbs all her life, isn't that right?

    For somebody who was 133 to start with, the lowest it would be (not including gym time) is 1700. With gym time added 3 times a week its something like 1900+ . Weight loss can cut a persons needed intake by several hundred calories, if I am not misinformed?
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    How are you getting your body fat percentage measured? Most methods are not that reliable, and can be affected by hydration levels in your body, i.e. you can easily get a false high or false low reading from them.

    If it's one of the accurate ones (e.g. DEXA) and you used the same method both times, and your weight only changed by 3lb while your body composition worsened, then the cause would either be cycling between undereating and overeating (e.g. being in a cycle of excessive restriction and binge eating), or not doing enough exercise. Or both. note: cardio is not good for protecting lean mass - doing hours of cardio while undereating is likely to worsen your body composition. Fat gain won't be from this, but it often causes rebound binge eating which causes fat gain.

    If it's one that uses an electric current then ignore it and choose another method

    if it's callipers and not done by the same person each time, or not done by someone who knows how to use them accurately, then find someone who is reliable at using them and have the same person measure you each time.