How to get rid of sweet tooth



  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I'm a cake / pastry *kitten*, bad.... and the fact I live next to 3 pastry shops within 10 miles doesn't help.

    I don't keep a lot of sweets in my home other than fiber one bars, quest bars, and cereal bars.

    But on Saturdays I get some pastries from one of the shops. One day won't hurt you to enjoy yourself.
  • MzNeecie
    MzNeecie Posts: 107 Member
    I can identify with you, I haven't met a cookie I didn't enjoy:) hence the profile pic! I am like some of the others i try to work out a way to have something if i really want it. on a good note i have reduced my cookie intake and use fiber one brownies, and 90 calorie snacks to try and satisfy my sweet tooth.
  • EdwinaB50
    EdwinaB50 Posts: 1 Member
    At the moment my little snack is cherries... I got rid of all temptation in our house. However, I do have my "Sweet Wednesdays" when I hook up with the girls I know its probably not good, but still losing weight at an expectable pace. No way I would be able to go cold turkey :noway:
  • DataSeven
    DataSeven Posts: 245 Member
    I used to drink massive amounts of sugar-sweetened coffee. I switched to tea, and I choose fruit or mint varieties which I am able to drink without any sugar or milk. It makes a big difference in training my taste buds to like naturally sweet rather than demanding additional sugar.
  • JennyBilyeu
    JennyBilyeu Posts: 51 Member
    I have a sweet tooth,'s now more under control than not in control. I made myself some fluff...yes I said It's a 1oz box of sugar free fat free chocolate pudding and 1 8oz container of cool whip free. I made the pudding with unsweetened vanilla soymilk. Once the pudding is made, fold in the cool whip. I tried a newbie last night and froze it....OMG...NOM NOM NOM!!! You can have a cup of it and not feel guilty!! It helps TONS!!!! Like some of the more sweets in my house. One lady said her husband has candy that is out of sight out of mind. So does mine, as well as my boys. I'm finding that "sugary" stuff is too sugary. I haven't had a soda in over a month and took a sip of one just yesterday. YUCK!!!!! I was ill! Try looking at She has some EXCELLENT recipes that are very low sugar and very low cal that might also help with the sweet tooth.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Find a genie and use it as one of your 3 wishes :p

    Seriously, it doesn't go away. Just have some sweet things... make sweet oatmeal, have some Greek yogurt with fruit or peanut butter etc... I still have sweets pretty much every day.
  • Laurayinz
    Laurayinz Posts: 916 Member
    ^^ find other ways to get sweets. fruits, yogurts... keep the cookies & cake junk to an occasional thing, but you can't totally rid yourself of cravings so easily. you'll go nuts. Just need to control it better. easier said than done, I know, but if it's important enough to you, and if you track it all to see where your calories are going, you can do it. When you do have some, take it slowly and savor, rather than speed stuffing yourself just because it's there. It's not going anywhere. My house was like that with ice cream. We ate a lot of it pretty frequently, it was crazy for a while, so we tried not to buy it that often. Now we've had the same 5 cartons in the freezers for months. it's there, and we only have some when we want a treat. it's not an every night requirement anymore.
  • TheWorstHorse
    Trying to power your way through craving is a tough way to go; very few people are successful at cold-turkey-style abstinence. But it can be done. Better though, might be to replace the way you satisfy the craving. That seems to work for a lot of people. So... get rid of all the food that triggers the craving so you don't fall back on it. Replace it with something that has satisfies your sweet craving. Couple that with something that leaves you feeling satiated. Have a fixed portion of whatever that combo is when you have a sweet tooth. Gradually you will replace the old reward with the new one.

    For me, it was fruit and almonds. I could have five cherries and ten almonds and that would do it. Or just an apple. Or some water sweetened with flavoring. After a couple of months, I am much more likely to let it pass or reach for a piece of fruit.

    Here's the bad news: there is a lot of evidence that cravings never really disappear. We just learn to replace one way of rewarding it with another or overlay it with a different habit. But it will still bite you in the butt if you give it the original reward. Just ask almost anyone who has given up cigarettes or alcohol.
  • stevegietz
    This works for some, not others. I hope it'll help you kickstart your diet change. Make a grocery list for healthy meals/snacks. Pick a date, any date ... a Sunday, Monday, 1st of the month; whatever helps you get your head in the game. Then, the day before that one, eat whatever you want. When you're stuffed, throw the rest away!! ... and then go grocery shopping.

    When you feel a craving wait for it to pass ... drink some water, eat an apple, etc. If it doesn't go away, get ONE small donut, or ONE SMALL candybar, or SMALL whatever, but NOT every day! Stick to 80% healthy, 20% guilty pleasures. Pick one day (for me it's Saturday) and flip it 20/80 just to stay sane. It's totally a mind game and you won't always make it, but keep the goal in mind. It gets easier and after a while sweet things will start tasting too sweet and you'll crave less. Good luck!
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    It helps me. I just don't keep the stuff around.... when I go see my parents its always a terrible weekend because they have all kinds of yummy goodies around. I find its easy to make good choices when its the only choice you have :)
  • akkimberly
    akkimberly Posts: 63 Member
    Every time I get a sweet tooth I reach for a Quest protein bar or make a protein shake (my favorite flavor is Reese's). These tend to satisfy my sweet tooth without ruining all my hard work. :)