Too much sugar and you won't lose weight even in defecit?



  • kwantlen2051
    kwantlen2051 Posts: 455 Member
    I think you can answer that - are you losing weight while eating X number of bananas a day?
  • AnswerzPwease
    AnswerzPwease Posts: 142 Member
    It's not about sugar; it's about the carbs. A diet with too many carbs will make it very difficult for you to lose weight. There are three macronutrients: proteins, carbs, and fats. You want to keep these in balance. Myfitnesspal sets as default for your goal to be 50% carbs, 30% fat, and 20% protein. Do that and you'll do well.

    The hardest part is making sure you get your protein all the way to 20% and making sure you don't go over 50% carbs. Look for foods that are high protein and low carb and that will help a lot. Bananas are all carbs (and moderately/high glycemic as well -- google glycemic weight loss index for a much deeper discussion of how different kinds of carbs -- e.g. breads, potatoes, veggies, fruits -- all can affect weight loss and blood sure differently) so that's why you'll hear some people have concerns about bananas. There's nothing inherently wrong with bananas at all; they just don't help you keep your carbs, fats, and proteins in balance. If you're eating them together with foods that include proteins and fats, though, they're fine.

    Ok, this is what I mean.

    You're saying if you eat too many carbs it will be hard to lose weight.... Even in a calorie defecit?

    Very confusing.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • Cryptonomnomicon
    Cryptonomnomicon Posts: 848 Member
    Who said this?

    A friend.
    So your friend is a respected nutritionist/dietician/specialist?

    They probably saw a pop-up on their computer.

    Lies I tell you, ignore it!

    Setting Your Calorie and Macro Targets
  • princess71903
    princess71903 Posts: 56 Member
    As I said on previous post I'm living proof CICO is not all there is to it. But yet all the "know it alls" here will say its cause of my body. My body is fine according to my bloodwork. I was nauseous from meds so barely ate anything but a few 100 call cereal bars or nurtigrains a day. I gained weight like crazy the past few months. Even my doc says its cause all I ate was sugar and carbs. It is CICO but its whats in the CI! CICO is just everyones simple way of starting an argument. Even MFP tracks these but they will still all tell you to ignore it even right after they tell you that MFP gives you the correct CI count that you should have. I've been to 3 diff sites and got 3 diff CI amounts from the same info I entered in.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    It's not about sugar; it's about the carbs. A diet with too many carbs will make it very difficult for you to lose weight. There are three macronutrients: proteins, carbs, and fats. You want to keep these in balance. Myfitnesspal sets as default for your goal to be 50% carbs, 30% fat, and 20% protein. Do that and you'll do well.

    The hardest part is making sure you get your protein all the way to 20% and making sure you don't go over 50% carbs. Look for foods that are high protein and low carb and that will help a lot. Bananas are all carbs (and moderately/high glycemic as well -- google glycemic weight loss index for a much deeper discussion of how different kinds of carbs -- e.g. breads, potatoes, veggies, fruits -- all can affect weight loss and blood sure differently) so that's why you'll hear some people have concerns about bananas. There's nothing inherently wrong with bananas at all; they just don't help you keep your carbs, fats, and proteins in balance. If you're eating them together with foods that include proteins and fats, though, they're fine.

    Ok, this is what I mean.

    You're saying if you eat too many carbs it will be hard to lose weight.... Even in a calorie defecit?

    Very confusing.

    You had over 500 posts on your first thread debating this.
    There are going to be conflicting opinions on everything. It's up to you to read the facts presented and decide. A lot of people try different ideas to see how it works for them.
    I've done the "clean eating". I've done paleo. In the end, I believe in IIFYM. calories in/calories out for weight loss, macros/micros for health/body composition.
  • AnswerzPwease
    AnswerzPwease Posts: 142 Member
    Who said this?

    A friend.
    So your friend is a respected nutritionist/dietician/specialist?

    They probably saw a pop-up on their computer.

    Lies I tell you, ignore it!

    Setting Your Calorie and Macro Targets

    Haha, no not at all.

    But she is skinny.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    It's not about sugar; it's about the carbs. A diet with too many carbs will make it very difficult for you to lose weight. There are three macronutrients: proteins, carbs, and fats. You want to keep these in balance. Myfitnesspal sets as default for your goal to be 50% carbs, 30% fat, and 20% protein. Do that and you'll do well.

    The hardest part is making sure you get your protein all the way to 20% and making sure you don't go over 50% carbs. Look for foods that are high protein and low carb and that will help a lot. Bananas are all carbs (and moderately/high glycemic as well -- google glycemic weight loss index for a much deeper discussion of how different kinds of carbs -- e.g. breads, potatoes, veggies, fruits -- all can affect weight loss and blood sure differently) so that's why you'll hear some people have concerns about bananas. There's nothing inherently wrong with bananas at all; they just don't help you keep your carbs, fats, and proteins in balance. If you're eating them together with foods that include proteins and fats, though, they're fine.

    ^ This. So much.

    I mean, if you want to eat your entire calories in cakes and sweets, then surely you're going to be hungry after you eat all of your calories for the day. Just doesn't seem like a good idea.

    Solution: Get a higher calorie goal
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    As I said on previous post I'm living proof CICO is not all there is to it. But yet all the "know it alls" here will say its cause of my body. My body is fine according to my bloodwork. I was nauseous from meds so barely ate anything but a few 100 call cereal bars or nurtigrains a day. I gained weight like crazy the past few months. Even my doc says its cause all I ate was sugar and carbs. It is CICO but its whats in the CI! CICO is just everyones simple way of starting an argument. Even MFP tracks these but they will still all tell you to ignore it even right after they tell you that MFP gives you the correct CI count that you should have. I've been to 3 diff sites and got 3 diff CI amounts from the same info I entered in.

    I would consider you living proof if the ONLY thing that changed was your diet. But it wasn't. From your own admission in the other thread you were ill, on medication, far less active than you used to be, eating a lot of take out food and not tracking.
    Any of those factors or combination thereof could contribute to weight gain, not just the food.
  • OkamiLavande
    OkamiLavande Posts: 336 Member
    As I said on previous post I'm living proof CICO is not all there is to it. But yet all the "know it alls" here will say its cause of my body. My body is fine according to my bloodwork. I was nauseous from meds so barely ate anything but a few 100 call cereal bars or nurtigrains a day. I gained weight like crazy the past few months. Even my doc says its cause all I ate was sugar and carbs. It is CICO but its whats in the CI! CICO is just everyones simple way of starting an argument. Even MFP tracks these but they will still all tell you to ignore it even right after they tell you that MFP gives you the correct CI count that you should have. I've been to 3 diff sites and got 3 diff CI amounts from the same info I entered in.

    And I'm proof CICO works eating over your sugar goal every day. I had my tonsils taken out two weeks ago and all I can eat is sugar essentially still: popsicles, jello, pudding, ice cream. I can hardly eat anything else and I've lost weight.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    As I said on previous post I'm living proof CICO is not all there is to it. But yet all the "know it alls" here will say its cause of my body. My body is fine according to my bloodwork. I was nauseous from meds so barely ate anything but a few 100 call cereal bars or nurtigrains a day. I gained weight like crazy the past few months. Even my doc says its cause all I ate was sugar and carbs. It is CICO but its whats in the CI! CICO is just everyones simple way of starting an argument. Even MFP tracks these but they will still all tell you to ignore it even right after they tell you that MFP gives you the correct CI count that you should have. I've been to 3 diff sites and got 3 diff CI amounts from the same info I entered in.

    Your doctor sounds like a moron. My sugar average is 125g daily (and not from fruit.) and yet I lose weight without issue.

    As for you, specifically, its not possible that the medication took a toll on the CO portion of the equation? Or that your activity levels dropped, this changing the CO part?
  • Cryptonomnomicon
    Cryptonomnomicon Posts: 848 Member
    Who said this?

    A friend.
    So your friend is a respected nutritionist/dietician/specialist?

    They probably saw a pop-up on their computer.

    Lies I tell you, ignore it!

    Setting Your Calorie and Macro Targets

    Haha, no not at all.

    But she is skinny.
    So are most meth heads, are you going to take nutritional advice from them as well?
  • princess71903
    princess71903 Posts: 56 Member
    That's my point EXACTLY!! Everyone is totally different. Its not about how many calories it what each persons body does with whats IN those calories. My body DID NOT like sugar and carbs. I need to cut back on them. Some ppl might not be bothered by them and others are. Yeah on a good day I may eat a happy meal from mcdonalds which would still be under my 1200 calories a day that MFP gave me. I can log in my head cuz I literally had 3-4 things I ate for months. Therefore I know I was under 1200 calories. And once again, Sprycel is not going to effect my metabolism
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    That's my point EXACTLY!! Everyone is totally different. Its not about how many calories it what each persons body does with whats IN those calories. My body DID NOT like sugar and carbs. I need to cut back on them. Some ppl might not be bothered by them and others are. Yeah on a good day I may eat a happy meal from mcdonalds which would still be under my 1200 calories a day that MFP gave me. I can log in my head cuz I literally had 3-4 things I ate for months. Therefore I know I was under 1200 calories. And once again, Sprycel is not going to effect my metabolism

    Your flawed.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    In to hear more about the evils of sugar, because I don't get enough of it on Facebook. Maybe we can discuss It Works wraps and some amazing benefits of low fat diets while we're at it?
  • AnswerzPwease
    AnswerzPwease Posts: 142 Member
    Who said this?

    A friend.
    So your friend is a respected nutritionist/dietician/specialist?

    They probably saw a pop-up on their computer.

    Lies I tell you, ignore it!

    Setting Your Calorie and Macro Targets

    Haha, no not at all.

    But she is skinny.
    So are most meth heads, are you going to take nutritional advice from them as well?

    I'm not here to fight. Just asking a question. If you feel the need to be snarky there's other posters who will entertain that request I'm sure.
  • princess71903
    princess71903 Posts: 56 Member
    As I said on previous post I'm living proof CICO is not all there is to it. But yet all the "know it alls" here will say its cause of my body. My body is fine according to my bloodwork. I was nauseous from meds so barely ate anything but a few 100 call cereal bars or nurtigrains a day. I gained weight like crazy the past few months. Even my doc says its cause all I ate was sugar and carbs. It is CICO but its whats in the CI! CICO is just everyones simple way of starting an argument. Even MFP tracks these but they will still all tell you to ignore it even right after they tell you that MFP gives you the correct CI count that you should have. I've been to 3 diff sites and got 3 diff CI amounts from the same info I entered in.

    Your doctor sounds like a moron. My sugar average is 125g daily (and not from fruit.) and yet I lose weight without issue.

    As for you, specifically, its not possible that the medication took a toll on the CO portion of the equation? Or that your activity levels dropped, this changing the CO part?

    I suggest you grow up instead of insulting an oncologist from northwestern who saves many lives. Very far from a moron. And the dieticians and nutritionists there are top notch as well. My activity level changed to staying home with my son instead of going to a desk job. I never worked out or anything. So instead of sitting at work for 8 hrs I stayed home and played with my son. I would say I prob burn more playing with my 5 yr old
  • Bananas (according to MFP) have 17g of sugar in them. I'm not sure what the exact GI number for a banana is, I think it depends on how ripe they are, but anything 55 and under is considered Low GI, anything between 55-70 is considered medium, so if you are following a low GI diet, you'd only want to have those foods now and again, and anything with a GI over 70 is considered high, which you would want to stay away from, if you were following that kind of diet.

    It also depends on if you have any metabolic conditions etc, for example, I have PCOS and Insulin Resistance - I cannot lose weight just by eating 'healthy' and at a caloric deficit. I have to limit my sugar intake and eat low GI because that's what works for me personally.

    Saying that, I still have bananas. Just not too many and not every day. But if you aren't following the low GI diet etc I don't think you need to worry. :)
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    As I said on previous post I'm living proof CICO is not all there is to it. But yet all the "know it alls" here will say its cause of my body. My body is fine according to my bloodwork. I was nauseous from meds so barely ate anything but a few 100 call cereal bars or nurtigrains a day. I gained weight like crazy the past few months. Even my doc says its cause all I ate was sugar and carbs. It is CICO but its whats in the CI! CICO is just everyones simple way of starting an argument. Even MFP tracks these but they will still all tell you to ignore it even right after they tell you that MFP gives you the correct CI count that you should have. I've been to 3 diff sites and got 3 diff CI amounts from the same info I entered in.

    Your doctor sounds like a moron. My sugar average is 125g daily (and not from fruit.) and yet I lose weight without issue.

    As for you, specifically, its not possible that the medication took a toll on the CO portion of the equation? Or that your activity levels dropped, this changing the CO part?

    I suggest you grow up instead of insulting an oncologist from northwestern who saves many lives. Very far from a moron. And the dieticians and nutritionists there are top notch as well. My activity level changed to staying home with my son instead of going to a desk job. I never worked out or anything. So instead of sitting at work for 8 hrs I stayed home and played with my son. I would say I prob burn more playing with my 5 yr old

    Growing up won't make your doctor sound any less like a moron.
  • princess71903
    princess71903 Posts: 56 Member
    My dieticians and nutritionists would disagree. One of them is a friend and I have seen others at northwestern. I'd bet on you being flawed before those well educated on the subject.