How to stop weight flucations bothering me so much?



  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    You need to seek professional help...sorry.

    You are obessive and can't seem to control yourself.

    You have posted various times that you can't get yourself at maitenance calories and stay there and now you freak and crash diet if you "gain" a lb or two...get help.

    I agree with this. It is quite clear you are struggling with some form of disordered eating. You have posted on quite a few occasions on this matter. No-one here can help, you need to see a professional.
    OP - this advice is spot on. I suggest you look back at your own posting history as though it belongs to someone else. It might become clear that you have a very unhealthy relationship with food and weight. This isn't making you happy or healthy - please get some help.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Join a yoga class. That helps people learn mindfullness and body awareness. Yoga is hard work -- if you are up to learning a new thing. Try it for at least three or four sessions.
  • Spiderkeys
    Spiderkeys Posts: 338 Member
    I can hardly call 2,200 - 2,700 calories a day a eating disorder, nvm today I for the first time I just didn't weight myself, my clothes still fit just as loose, still just as cold, then someone told me today I'm too skinny, so why I'm worried about a single number, and it's all been night weight, where most ppl are at their heaviest, just got so use just seeing 69kg, then finding maintance in the long term is harder than i first thought...
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Do you obsess about things other than weight?
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    if staying trim was easy, nobody would get fat... be realistic with you maitenance.. set a range.... if you get above ~72 kilos then go back to a deficit for a while...

    trying to maintain a set number is ridiculous...
  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I can hardly call 2,200 - 2,700 calories a day a eating disorder, nvm today I for the first time I just didn't weight myself, my clothes still fit just as loose, still just as cold, then someone told me today I'm too skinny, so why I'm worried about a single number, and it's all been night weight, where most ppl are at their heaviest, just got so use just seeing 69kg, then finding maintance in the long term is harder than i first thought...

    There is far more to eating disorders than the amount of calories you eat and your initial posts did suggest that this might be the case.

    Great news that you didn't weigh yourself today!

    Maybe try and stretch the times between weighing, concentrate on the fit of your clothes and how you look. Also set yourself a realistic maintenance weight range, say +/- 3 Kg?
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I weigh everyday as well. I do get upset if it swells up over 2 pounds because I know I overdid the salt, but the good news is that it signals the type of foods I eat that day - and I just use the information. I don't reduce calories, I just cut out salty stuff and drink more water. Maybe have a high % protein day. Go for only very dark green vegetables along with it. To be honest, yoga helps with the focus as well for me. It takes a while to use the daily information as a compass, not a a judgement, but if you focus on it as information and guide your eating/sleeping/activity needs, it gets better, I promise.
  • ColeCake292012
    ColeCake292012 Posts: 247 Member
    Stop weighing daily if it bothers you. I weigh daily...and now that I'm pregnant I fluctuate like CRAZY...I'm talking more than 5 pounds up and down sometimes. If I don't like the number I just go "hmph" in my head and then go about my day.
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member

    He helped me, hope it will help you as well. If you want to weigh daily, you have to relax a little and just know that you are eating right! If you cannot do this, perhaps you should plan a weigh in day following a set meal plan(low sodium, well balance couple of days)

    Edit- my weigh fluctuates up to 10 pounds daily and I'm not going to mention TOM weigh ins since you don't have to worry about that...
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Read this. It's the truth about weight fluctuations. They are going to happen. There is no way around them. If you are truly bothered by them, learn to deal with them.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I can't deal with daily fluxuations. They are triggers and they make me crazy. I weigh myself every other week. In weigh watches, when you hit maintenance they weigh you once a month. Fluxuations are inevitable - too much salt, more exercise or less than usual.. there's no way of logic. I don't even have a scale. I either go to the gym or sometimes I check in with my dietician.

    I'd get a new goal and concentrat on that and stop fussing with your weight. Use your cloghing and a tape measure.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I can hardly call 2,200 - 2,700 calories a day a eating disorder, nvm today I for the first time I just didn't weight myself, my clothes still fit just as loose, still just as cold, then someone told me today I'm too skinny, so why I'm worried about a single number, and it's all been night weight, where most ppl are at their heaviest, just got so use just seeing 69kg, then finding maintance in the long term is harder than i first thought...

    I eat 2000-2200 a day and I am a woman but regardless of that here is the reason I said seek help
    Starting Weight: 125kg
    Goal Weight 75kg
    Current weight: 68kg

    The flulications bothered me too much so I very slowly crept and lost more, I literically half the person I used to be.
    I think constant logging in the long-term just slows down your metabolism, keeps you feeling cold and miserable, and even unplanned weight loss
    I think I've changed my mind, I've already started stacking off with the logging and suddenely gained over 3 pounds, and havent got enough infomation recorded to work out where I got wrong.
    and I believe logging has left me with a slight food disorder

    Where you know you lose weight on 2500 yet still insist on eating below it

    Where you know you need to weigh food because you are over estimating and losing weight still
    Weight loss was actually the fun part, its only a temporary change, you eat defliect and you are rewarded with new lower numbers on the scale.

    Maintancing is still at a deflect, its a life time commitment, your only reward is to see your weight not returning, so long term effect maintance can feel so a slow starvation, so yeah it is harder.
    Where you say you are always hungry even tho you are "eating at maitenance" but still losing
    I may look the same as thin people today, but mentally I'm not.

    I have to track my calories everyday, they don't
    I'm cold all the time, they're not.

    I have to work hard, just to feel a part of the crowd.
    Makes me feel shameful and guilty the next day, so I eat less, then 2 days later I find out it was just water weight, the scales drops down I've lost too much weight.

    These are posts from you where you have indicated through words you have an issue. This last post is just another feel shame, guilt admit mentally you feel fat even though you are below goal weight, freak at a 3lb difference on the scale so do a crash "diet", feel that maitenance is just slow starvation etc...

    You need help...
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Woah. Sounds like you've got at least the beginnings of some seriously disordered thinking/behaviors.

    First: Stop. Weighing. Every. Day.

    Second, if you really, really try and can't stop what you're doing, talk to somebody, like a counselor or at least a trusted friend.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    You apparently haven't grasped the concept that our bodies can flucuated several lbs/kgs on any given day. It's normal, it doesn't mean you ate too much so you either have to educated yourself more and stop obsessing and get a grip or stop weighing yourself on a daily basis.

    Right. I'm a big fan of the daily weigh, but you have to couple it with a good understanding of the normal behavior of that sort of data.

    I liken it to weather vs. climate. When Fall comes, for example, it tends to get colder (in the Northern Hemisphere anyway). If you wrote down the temperature every day, it would not be unusual to see a series of decreasing numbers.

    But then, if there was a hotter day or two, would you freak out and think the Earth had slipped off of its axis and Fall was not actually approaching? :laugh: Of course not! You'd understand that your periodic samples are going to have natural variance, and that it didn't mean there wasn't still an overall downward trend.
    Yeah, I was going to post a weather/climate analogy. Getting bothered about daily weight fluctuations would be like getting bothered if it rains one day and is sunny the next. Living in the UK, that would be disastrous.

    I agree with others that have commented that you may need some help with this. Not to be alarmist, but it sounds like your obsession is out of control. Eating disorders are not just about calorie intake or being underweight. Extreme fear and feelings of guilt about eating or weight fluctuations are not good signs. Reducing your daily intake by 700 calories to try to control sodium levels is irrational. you're not crazy, but dieting, especially long-term, can really mess up some people's relationships with food and/or their bodies.

    Your perspective on all of this is extremely unhealthy. That's not just going by this thread, but the other ones you've posted too. Please get help.
  • joyfuljoy65
    joyfuljoy65 Posts: 317 Member
    I think calling the OP obsessive is a bit harsh - we all have been on this weight loss journey a while and it takes time for us to move out of 'losing' mode and into 'maintaining' mode when we finally reach that elusive goal.

    I still weigh and log everyday, in the sure knowledge that I will go up and down in both lbs and calories! I don't like it when I go up above a certain number - and some days yes I do freak out. But then I go get the tape measure and that pair of jeans in size 20 that I saved and measure myself and put on the jeans. I am not fat anymore.

    Some of us get to the place where we can ease off on the weighing and logging quicker than others..... for us slowcoaches, we will get there and telling us to 'go get help' is not going to make that come any day quicker.
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    Put your scale away. Take it out in a week or two. That's what I have had to do.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    considering that body weight is not static, you can't stop natural weight fluctuations. you need to learn to do trend analysis rather than getting wrapped up in the minutia of day to day fluctuations.

    I've been maintaining for about 14 months now and I fluctuate anywhere from 179 to 185ish. On average I'm 182 over those 14ish months. I often fluctuate a lot day to day....yesterday I was 184.6 and this morning I'm 181.7. It is what it is.
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    I'm a daily weigher, I feel I'll lose control if I wasn't, because of annoying flulications, ive lost a lot more than my goal weight of 75kg, I've happily been on 68-69kg for quite some time, but yesterday unexplainly I was 70kg, feeling of guilt, today I ate much less and saved 700 calories in attempt to reduce my sodium levels, but stilll 70kg today, now I gotta try harder tommorow, it's unthinkable if I don't reduce my calories, now all of a sudden I'm back on another crash weight loss diet day again, almost back on the same low calories I was on during my weight loss journey in attempt to regain control again.

    Just can't tell the difference between a weight Fluctuation or worse, weight gain!

    The scale is the single most important tool in your arsenal as it doesn't lie. Keep weighing yourself at the same time every day with the same routine, and as you are doing, make small adjustments to get back to parity. If that means a deficit for a few days (or what you call "another crash diet" - so be it.
  • bfanny
    bfanny Posts: 440 Member
    It seems like you are afraid that you'll regain the weight that you lost overnight and NO it doesn't happen like that!!! You may or may not to "choose" to step on the scale everyday, if its me and you tell me not to do it? I want to more, just make one day as your official "real" day and depending on "that" result adjust, the rest? Normal fluctuations , nothing to panic about, learn to relax, trust in yourself, because even if you regain some, you know how to get rid of it! and please, please enjoy what you work so hard to achieve...Congratulations by the way :)
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    ...but yesterday unexplainly I was 70kg, feeling of guilt...
    Guilt? Seriously? Over a couple pounds you have feelings of guilt?
    70kg feels a lot heavier than 69kg
    1kg "feels" heavier ? My wife uses those powder blue 3lb dumbbells. They don't feel heavy at all. A box of cereal feels heavier than the tiny dumbbells. What you're talking about is the mental weight of adding 1kg, correct?
    I'm worried about a single number
    Why? Because you irrationally expect to stay at exactly 69kg every day?

    If you're going to obsess over something at least find something that's beneficial. For example instead of weighing everyday, spend at least 15 minutes everyday researching on how body weight naturally fluctuates. Do this for a couple of weeks and the knowledge of weight fluctuations should ease your mind about a tiny 1kg change in weight. Or you can choose to ignore science and continue with your irrational behavior.