So what are you doing with those clothes 1 size too large?



  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    If the item is to big for comfortable wearing, it GOES. In fact, it is a celebration. Within a week they were boxed up and donated. I became more determined when my hubby and good friend suggested I keep the clothing so I'll have clothes when I get big again. My generally good supporters became doubters. So yes I remove the clothes.

    I do love the ideas of changing the fit and/or repurposing them that others posted. I wear jeans a lot. I am considering in making a quilt out of the jeans.
  • FrankiesSaysRelax
    FrankiesSaysRelax Posts: 403 Member
    I kept them for awhile until I could slowly build up a new collection of the smaller sizes, then I eventually just ended up phasing those items out.
  • nicoleambersumpter
    nicoleambersumpter Posts: 48 Member
    I'm a 6/8 (UK size) and my old clothes were a size 16

    I kept 1 dress and 1 pair of jeans from when i was my bigger size just to remind me of my old size
    All the "on the way down" and start weight clothes have been sold to buy new clothes in my new size...
    and the size 10's are still in the wardrobe...I wear them baggy sometimes for around the house... but hope to get some of the more expensive items taken in.
  • rosehips60
    rosehips60 Posts: 1,030 Member
    I donate them at Goodwill and shop there for something new (to me).

    This exactly!
  • sukiwabi
    sukiwabi Posts: 221 Member
    I'm a bit confused by some of the replies. 1 size too large is not really that different from actual size. Just a little roomey. Why are people donating/burning/selling them?

    because clothes that are a size too big make me look bigger and don't feel right. pretty much like if i tried to wear a shoe a size too big.

    i learned my lesson...kept my one size up clothes and...freaking wallah, like magic i fit in them again this year. :grumble: should have gotten rid of them.
  • Tab122377
    Tab122377 Posts: 81 Member
    giving those to friends who are working on loosing. There for motivates them and keeps me motivated
  • meltedsno
    meltedsno Posts: 208 Member
    I flatly refuse to keep anything in my closet that DOES NOT FIT ME PROPERLY.... that means dumping "1 size too big" clothing and I will not resort to having anything that has a drawstring or elastic waist "just in case"...

    I am going to be 59 years old tomorrow and for the very first time in my life, I am welcoming my birthday feeling good, looking good, proper weight for my height.... I spent all too many years wearing clothes that were ill fitting because I was lugging around 100+ extra pounds.

    I've ventured down the "weightloss" path many times over the years and each time I would carefully fold and box up the clothes that got too big for me... only to find myself wearing them some time later. To hell with that "security blanket". I don't want to have that back up tucked away in a corner in my closet or packed away in a box. For the first time in my life, I am wearing clothes that F-I-T and will not try to make something that is "too big" fit with a belt or a drawstring or with elastic. I've earned the privilege to wear clothes that fit.

    This doesn' tmean that I go out and spend $$$ on clothes.. .I know how to shop the sales and the money I save from all the junk food I used to buy is more than enough to keep my fashionable :-)
  • Mgypsygirl
    Mgypsygirl Posts: 37 Member
    I have done like others have. I keep a size bigger but all my huge clothes were donated. I went from size 22 to 12 and personally decided I'm never going to be wearing a 22 again! Good luck !
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I'm a bit confused by some of the replies. 1 size too large is not really that different from actual size. Just a little roomey. Why are people donating/burning/selling them?

    because clothes that are a size too big make me look bigger and don't feel right. pretty much like if i tried to wear a shoe a size too big.

    i learned my lesson...kept my one size up clothes and...freaking wallah, like magic i fit in them again this year. :grumble: should have gotten rid of them.

    I guess I can understand. Probably because I have at least 18 sizes to lose that I don't feel the need to throw away clothes every time I go down a size, it would be unreasonable money-wise to buy a new wardrobe every 2-3 months. I can understand how people whose goal is to lose 1-2 sizes or who are close to their goal weight may actually need to clean their closet.
  • marylynn85
    marylynn85 Posts: 496 Member
    I'm a seamstress so I make them fit.
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    I don't have the money to replace my whole wardrobe at once, so I'm keeping a lot of the stuff that's only a little big and isn't actually falling off my body. Some I'll use for gardening or other times when it just doesn't matter. Others...well, belts are fashionable at the moment! I work from home, the cats don't care, and my husband knows I've been losing weight (and appreciates I didn't take advantage of this to buy ALL new clothes all at once.)

    I plan to get a few of the more expensive items tailored as time and money permit.

    Everything else gets donated. I can understand why the people who are making bonfires feel it's cathartic, but I couldn't bear to be that wasteful.
  • stephenson2012
    stephenson2012 Posts: 94 Member
    I am down to 4/6 from a 16. The professional clothes were donated to Suited for Success. I gave a friend a number of cute clothes. We have a similar taste. I am where I want to be and want things to fit now. I did the belt and safety pin for my pants and skirts on the downward journey. I felt frumpy. So I am just keeping what fits now. I am keeping up the exercise so I don't need the next size up.
  • rosnz
    rosnz Posts: 91 Member
    I flatly refuse to keep anything in my closet that DOES NOT FIT ME PROPERLY.... that means dumping "1 size too big" clothing and I will not resort to having anything that has a drawstring or elastic waist "just in case"...

    I am going to be 59 years old tomorrow and for the very first time in my life, I am welcoming my birthday feeling good, looking good, proper weight for my height.... I spent all too many years wearing clothes that were ill fitting because I was lugging around 100+ extra pounds.

    I've ventured down the "weightloss" path many times over the years and each time I would carefully fold and box up the clothes that got too big for me... only to find myself wearing them some time later. To hell with that "security blanket". I don't want to have that back up tucked away in a corner in my closet or packed away in a box. For the first time in my life, I am wearing clothes that F-I-T and will not try to make something that is "too big" fit with a belt or a drawstring or with elastic. I've earned the privilege to wear clothes that fit.

    This doesn' tmean that I go out and spend $$$ on clothes.. .I know how to shop the sales and the money I save from all the junk food I used to buy is more than enough to keep my fashionable :-)

    My feeling exactly! I know just what you mean by enjoying looking and feeling good in my new size of clothes. This time round no too large clothes are being kept in the guise of 'comfy' - all of a sudden comfy becomes 'normal' My new items fit well and are 'comfy' - I'm not keeping the too large stuff.

    As the OP I've enjoyed everyones replies to this thread - thank you for taking the time to post. Congratulations to you all on attaining the happy state of having 'too large clothes' whatever you elect to do with them ;-)
  • I keep 1 size bigger, just for period bloat. lol I donate 2 sizes and larger though

    ^^^^^ This.