


  • nezbit88
    nezbit88 Posts: 37 Member
    So? Was I supposed to know that? It's totally irrelevant anyway. You accused me me of being ableist with no good reason, the point I was making is how ridiculous your tag line is on your profile.

    Just out of interest why do you think it is ridiculous on someone else's profile? Surely its better to put people off that eat a ridiculously low amount of kcals before they get butthurt when you call them out on their unhealthy habits or delete them?

    Why is it totally acceptable to claim that people who are on low calorie diets have eating disorders? I could only imagine how butthurt people would be if my tag line was something along the lines of not accepting people who eat too much. I've deleted people who constantly *****ed about gaining weight yet continued to over eat. I didn't deem it necessary to put a warning on my page.

    People on here seem to think it is OK to go around telling people to 'eat more' or that they are underweight. What if it was the other way around - I could go and point of the obvious to overweight people - But if you tell a fat person that they are fat or that they eat too much then suddenly you're worse than Hitler. Tell a thin person they need to eat more and suddenly you're Gandhi.
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    So? Was I supposed to know that? It's totally irrelevant anyway. You accused me me of being ableist with no good reason, the point I was making is how ridiculous your tag line is on your profile.

    Just out of interest why do you think it is ridiculous on someone else's profile? Surely its better to put people off that eat a ridiculously low amount of kcals before they get butthurt when you call them out on their unhealthy habits or delete them?

    Why is it totally acceptable to claim that people who are on low calorie diets have eating disorders? I could only imagine how butthurt people would be if my tag line was something along the lines of not accepting people who eat too much. I've deleted people who constantly *****ed about gaining weight yet continued to over eat. I didn't deem it necessary to put a warning on my page.

    People on here seem to think it is OK to go around telling people to 'eat more' or that they are underweight. What if it was the other way around - I could go and point of the obvious to overweight people - But if you tell a fat person that they are fat or that they eat too much then suddenly you're worse than Hitler. Tell a thin person they need to eat more and suddenly you're Gandhi.

    If you don't like it, then leave.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    So? Was I supposed to know that? It's totally irrelevant anyway. You accused me me of being ableist with no good reason, the point I was making is how ridiculous your tag line is on your profile.

    Just out of interest why do you think it is ridiculous on someone else's profile? Surely its better to put people off that eat a ridiculously low amount of kcals before they get butthurt when you call them out on their unhealthy habits or delete them?

    Why is it totally acceptable to claim that people who are on low calorie diets have eating disorders? I could only imagine how butthurt people would be if my tag line was something along the lines of not accepting people who eat too much. I've deleted people who constantly *****ed about gaining weight yet continued to over eat. I didn't deem it necessary to put a warning on my page.

    People on here seem to think it is OK to go around telling people to 'eat more' or that they are underweight. What if it was the other way around - I could go and point of the obvious to overweight people - But if you tell a fat person that they are fat or that they eat too much then suddenly you're worse than Hitler. Tell a thin person they need to eat more and suddenly you're Gandhi.

    If you don't like it, then leave.

    Interesting reaction. I got the impression that poster was on your side.
  • LucasEVille
    LucasEVille Posts: 567 Member
    Why is it totally acceptable to claim that people who are on low calorie diets have eating disorders? I could only imagine how butthurt people would be if my tag line was something along the lines of not accepting people who eat too much. I've deleted people who constantly *****ed about gaining weight yet continued to over eat. I didn't deem it necessary to put a warning on my page.

    People on here seem to think it is OK to go around telling people to 'eat more' or that they are underweight. What if it was the other way around - I could go and point of the obvious to overweight people - But if you tell a fat person that they are fat or that they eat too much then suddenly you're worse than Hitler. Tell a thin person they need to eat more and suddenly you're Gandhi.

    Wow, such anger at people's personal profiles that you have chosen to lurk on :)
    I couldn't careless what is on your profile, this website has certain rules and promoting unhealthy diets is something you will not be able to do. Naturally people ignore the fabulous advice on this forum and continue on with 800kcal diets, why should we accept that and wish them luck on their mission to self destruction? Your last comment confuses me, I recognise I am fat and that I ate too much previously. If it wasn't for the "mean people" giving out their advice I wouldn't have lost 49lbs so far in a healthy and sustainable way! So yes this website and forum told me I was fat and that I ate too much. I have no problem with that, but if your trying to defend an unhealthy diet and your not willing to listen to reason then its likely you will get butthurt here.
  • fitsporation96
    Thank you for your comments everyone, I am sorry that this post has caused upset to some people, I am going to up my calories to 1200 today and see how it goes ????

    Don't let the behaviour of others destroy your inner peace - Dalai Lama

    Have a great day everyone.
  • greengoddess0123
    greengoddess0123 Posts: 417 Member
    Oh Honey, if you were my daughter I would want you to see a doctor. You are not eating enough food to fuel your amazing body, and you are already a healthy weight. I hope you'll take this advice to heart and talk to someone about your health. You can do this. :flowerforyou:

    ETA: I just saw where you're upping your calories. That's a great start. :smile:
  • fushigi1988
    fushigi1988 Posts: 519 Member
    Your goal weight will put you in the underweight category. Can you tell us why you feel like you need to lose more weight? If you just feel like you look flabby or jiggly, I'd suggest that you eat at maintenance and incorporate weight training to change your body composition.

    You definitely need to eat more for your health. You're eating well under maintenance, and 15 lbs per month is way too much and pretty much guarantees that you're losing muscle. Muscle is what makes you look good naked.

    I plugged your numbers into this calculator:

    It came up with 1638 to maintain your weight if you're completely sedentary. That means no exercise and very little movement throughout the day. If you do any exercise at all or if you have a job that requires movement it's going to be much higher. Personally I'm not much bigger than you (5'4" 125 lbs) and I maintain on about 1900-2300, depending on the day.

    When I got to my goal weight I was unhappy. I figured I could either keep doing what I was doing, lose more weight, and probably get the exact same kind of results I had been getting, or I could follow the advice I got here to do a recomp. Recomp is what I mentioned above-- I ate at maintenance, got enough protein, and lifted weights. It's a slow process but I've been very happy with the results. My body fat percentage is down from about 24% to about 18%.



    Great post! And you're looking great! This is very similar to what I am doing now, slow and steady :)
  • nezbit88
    nezbit88 Posts: 37 Member
    Why is it totally acceptable to claim that people who are on low calorie diets have eating disorders? I could only imagine how butthurt people would be if my tag line was something along the lines of not accepting people who eat too much. I've deleted people who constantly *****ed about gaining weight yet continued to over eat. I didn't deem it necessary to put a warning on my page.

    People on here seem to think it is OK to go around telling people to 'eat more' or that they are underweight. What if it was the other way around - I could go and point of the obvious to overweight people - But if you tell a fat person that they are fat or that they eat too much then suddenly you're worse than Hitler. Tell a thin person they need to eat more and suddenly you're Gandhi.

    Wow, such anger at people's personal profiles that you have chosen to lurk on :)
    I couldn't careless what is on your profile, this website has certain rules and promoting unhealthy diets is something you will not be able to do. Naturally people ignore the fabulous advice on this forum and continue on with 800kcal diets, why should we accept that and wish them luck on their mission to self destruction? Your last comment confuses me, I recognise I am fat and that I ate too much previously. If it wasn't for the "mean people" giving out their advice I wouldn't have lost 49lbs so far in a healthy and sustainable way! So yes this website and forum told me I was fat and that I ate too much. I have no problem with that, but if your trying to defend an unhealthy diet and your not willing to listen to reason then its likely you will get butthurt here.

    Being overweight is also self destructive. I wasn't aiming any of that comment directly at you personally, it's a generalisation of how a lot of people on here seem to think. I am not defending an unhealthy low calorie diet any more than people do with high calorie/excessive eating do.

    Overall I just don't like that double standard both on here and in reality. People think it's acceptable to ask thin people how much they weigh, what size they are, what they eat etc, I turned the questions around on a co-worker who thought it was totally acceptable to check the labels on my clothes and she was mortified.
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    Why is it totally acceptable to claim that people who are on low calorie diets have eating disorders? I could only imagine how butthurt people would be if my tag line was something along the lines of not accepting people who eat too much. I've deleted people who constantly *****ed about gaining weight yet continued to over eat. I didn't deem it necessary to put a warning on my page.

    People on here seem to think it is OK to go around telling people to 'eat more' or that they are underweight. What if it was the other way around - I could go and point of the obvious to overweight people - But if you tell a fat person that they are fat or that they eat too much then suddenly you're worse than Hitler. Tell a thin person they need to eat more and suddenly you're Gandhi.

    Wow, such anger at people's personal profiles that you have chosen to lurk on :)
    I couldn't careless what is on your profile, this website has certain rules and promoting unhealthy diets is something you will not be able to do. Naturally people ignore the fabulous advice on this forum and continue on with 800kcal diets, why should we accept that and wish them luck on their mission to self destruction? Your last comment confuses me, I recognise I am fat and that I ate too much previously. If it wasn't for the "mean people" giving out their advice I wouldn't have lost 49lbs so far in a healthy and sustainable way! So yes this website and forum told me I was fat and that I ate too much. I have no problem with that, but if your trying to defend an unhealthy diet and your not willing to listen to reason then its likely you will get butthurt here.

    Being overweight is also self destructive. I wasn't aiming any of that comment directly at you personally, it's a generalisation of how a lot of people on here seem to think. I am not defending an unhealthy low calorie diet any more than people do with high calorie/excessive eating do.

    Overall I just don't like that double standard both on here and in reality. People think it's acceptable to ask thin people how much they weigh, what size they are, what they eat etc, I turned the questions around on a co-worker who thought it was totally acceptable to check the labels on my clothes and she was mortified.

    Well, not all normies, are okay with that.