Losing Weight Without Counting Calories



  • pure777
    pure777 Posts: 10
    I do 5:2 but use mfp to track calories also.. I make sure I have 500 on fast days so mfp does come in useful in that respect.. I also track my exercise on here too. so I see no issue with what OP is saying.. everyone is completely different and here for many different reasons.. People should be allowed to say what works for them without people jumping down their throats.. our individual differences are what stop us being clones.. and its interesting to get different points of view.. just saying xxx:smile:
  • Lindzpnc
    Lindzpnc Posts: 98 Member
    people will always always always attack or be negative.. on these threads.. don't take it personal.

    I have toyed with the idea of IF 5:2 but it would be too difficult for me. the hubby does it all the time to get out of being stuck and it works for him.

    I personaly don't think its unhealthy, I used to do merely for spiritual reasons and have attempted in more recent years but haven't been successful at now. I causes me to binge

    I may give it a try- I figure in the last month there has been several summer potlucks and I haven't given in maybe I can do it.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I don't get this at all. This is a calorie-counting website. That's not to say people may be interested in other ways of losing weight, but it seems a bit disrespectful and futile to bang that drum here, given that people are here because they have chosen calorie-counting.
    I don't think everyone here is calorie counting, and for those who are, I see no reason they should feel disrespected by the presence of one thread about the existence of other methods. They don't have to read it.

    I welcome the discussion.

    Some here are doing Weight Watchers using a script that adds points to the MFP food log, for example. Not a lot, probably, but some. There used to be a lot of IFers.
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    I have a serious question about this topic. Why do you use MFP if this is your chosen method of weight loss and/or maintenance? I was under the impression that MFP is a self-described calorie tracking app.


    It's great you lost a bunch of weight and all, but why are you here, on a site that is specifically meant to assist in counting calories...if you don't like counting calories? :huh:

    A lot of folks are using this site to track one or more macros, micronutrients and/or exercise without concerning themselves about calories. You can set your diary to not show calories in the settings.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    I have a serious question about this topic. Why do you use MFP if this is your chosen method of weight loss and/or maintenance? I was under the impression that MFP is a self-described calorie tracking app.

    I didn't find MFP through the app. I found it via the forums as I searched for a board to read, and discuss, weight loss related topics during my journey. I come for the forums and the community.

    There are others who use MFP without using the calorie counting app. Some track just their fitness here, others there water, and still others are here for the community, like me. This isn't MyCalorieCountingPal.

    No, this isn't "MyCalorieCountingPal". You are correct in that astute observation, sir. But you will note that it clearly states of MFP's login page that they call it "The fastest, easiest to use calorie counter app". Now if that doesn't make this a --what?-- calorie counting tool, I don't know what does.

    If you don't feel you need to count calories, fine. Don't. But you are using a hammer to saw logs, when most people use it to drive nails.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    It's totally possible. I lost 50lbs in the 2 years after I was diagnosed with diabetes simply by keeping track of my carbs and exercising 3-4 days a week.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    What is this, religion now? Why are people getting their panties in a twist because someone DOES NOT calorie count?

    Calorie Counting is not everyones weapon of choice against weight-loss. Same with IF. The words myFITNESSpal...could include a wide variety of techniques and methods.
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    I have lost weight in the past without counting calories , but I haven't maintained without counting calories.
    Me too. And I've lost with counting calories. But I haven't maintained with counting calories, either. And I don't plan to count forever. I don't think it's a natural relationship to eating, for the long haul.

    I'd like to try IF but I'm afraid it'll make me binge-y. I need to just give it a week and see how I do. I figure the steep drop-off in 5:2 threads here since last year means it didn't work out for many but I have a lot of discipline.

    I'm surrounded in real life by people who maintain a healthy weight without calorie counting. I don't think it's that difficult, if you have a method and the discipline to stick to it.

    I too have lost weight counting calories but in my case, I would have lost weight the same way I always have by simple cutting back portion sizes and increasing activity. Fixating on calories only definitely is not a healthy relationship with food even if it achieves the desired goal. I'm currently very close maintaining (slowly, slowly losing) while pondering whether to actively lose a bit more to get to 105 lb. I'm currently reading a book called Letting Ana Go where the entire problem centers around calorie counting and using an app like MFP. I honestly think that calorie counting has the potential to trigger an eating disorder and should only be used to get to a healthy weight WHILE learning how to effectively maintain a healthy weight without calorie counting. That is, calorie counting is an effective tool that will aid you in learning how to maintain but should not be a life long aid. My opinion...
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    What is this, religion now? Why are people getting their panties in a twist because someone DOES NOT calorie count?

    Calorie Counting is not everyones weapon of choice against weight-loss. Same with IF. The words myFITNESSpal...could include a wide variety of techniques and methods.
    i agree. good for OP, she is just sharing her experience to help provide a viable option for those who dont wish to count calories, she explicitly stated that it took a few years of T&E for her to get it right, as well as stating that a calorie deficit is still the end game. seems like a sustainable approach to me
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    good for OP, she is just sharing her experience...
    Pretty sure the OP is a dude.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    good for OP, she is just sharing her experience...
    Pretty sure the OP is a dude.
    lol true, not sure why i assumed OP was female
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I lost, and maintain my weight, without counting calories, also. I tried it, and gave up after a month or so. It just wasn't for me. At the time, I was maintaining my weight, and just wanted to be a bit slimmer. Since I was maintaining naturally, it was pretty easy. I thought about what I eat on a day by day basis, and just made small cuts from there. Cut out the glass or two of wine I was having every night, and saved it for the weekend. I eat a lot of sandwiches, so I switched to light bread, used mustard instead of mayo. I added a little less cheese than usual, and try to cut out unnecessary bored snacking at work. I stick with those methods now, but have higher calorie days a couple of times a week. (like drinking nights or going out to dinner, or someone brings donuts to work, etc...) It works very well for me. I don't count calories, but I do pay attention to how many calories are in what I eat, and every once in awhile log some stuff for a quick check on myself.

    For anyone who is having trouble losing weight, I still would suggest giving calorie counting and accurate logging a try. If you can't get it on your own, it's an extremely useful took that many people have had a lot of success with.

    And I use MFP because I like the forums, and for tips and advice on working out/lifting weights. I have a general interest in health and nutrition, so there are a lot of interesting things to read.

    Jk, I'm really just here for the GIF's.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    It's not MyIntemiitentFastingPal either. It's great that it works for you, but that doesn't mean it's intended for everybody.

    Why are you so intent on pushing IF over calorie counting ?

    You're going a bit too deep. People have asked me several times how I've managed to shift so much weight without counting calories and I created a thread to explain. That's your definition of "pushing"?

    I find it interesting that I covered a number of angles regarding my weight loss methods and you, and others, feel the need to zero in solely on intermittent fasting.
    Thanks for sharing an alternative to calorie counting.

    You're absolutely welcome!
    Sincere question here, no snark: if you don't count calories, how do you determine how much/what to eat on your fasting days? Did you work it out through trial and error? From the perspective of one who's never done IF, I can understand following hunger cues on non-fasting days but I would think it would be harder on fasting days.

    I don't eat on fasting days. I have fasted for years for religious purposes and define a "fast" as consuming nothing but water. Fasting is natural and normal for me, nothing difficult at all. I know others define "fasting" as having a low calorie day, but that just isn't the case specifically for me. But I think most people would get similar benefits doing the 500 calorie fast days, or even one of the other forms of IFing like alternate day, or shorter eating windows like 18:6.

    I will have to make sure that I consume enough calories in maintenance. My goal range is 165-175 pounds (I am a male for those who can't see my profile). With my typical level of activity, doing a 5:2 plan, will allow me upwards of 3800 calories a day on my eating days. That's a lot of food. I might have to do some calorie counting initially to make sure I get enough food.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I can see why people would feel negative though about this thread. I know how frustrating it can be to lose weight.

    Its all portion control and healthy choice. Do I want a banana for snack or candy?

    I think I have one accurate day logged into this thing. I never log exercise but I like all of my friends status on exercise.

    Servings size are there for a reason. Either eyeball and eat or weigh out and eat.
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    Congratulations on your 100+ lb loss!! ;)

    What works for you may not work for others. What works for others may not work for you. We get this people!! Myfitnesspal is a tool for counting calories, macros and exercise. One may only use it for calories, one may only use it for macros and one may only use it for exercise. Hell one may only use it to be apart of the forum. Who cares really who is using it for what? This is the internet and forum open to opinions and discussions such as this one.

    That being said I have lost weight in the past by not counting calories as well. It was more about portion control and stop eating when I am full. That was the past and now it seems that my guessing is way off, so calorie counting is the best option for me.

    If that worked for you OP then great job!
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    If you don't feel you need to count calories, fine. Don't. But you are using a hammer to saw logs, when most people use it to drive nails.

    I've lost, to date, over a 110 pounds. Almost 80 of those from the approach outlined in the OP (I lost the rest low carbing and maintaining that loss for a year and a half). I've done so in a way that's given me total freedom with food, helped me learn to eat intuitively, built in a deficit that's more attractive to me than daily restriction, and all without having to measure, weigh, budget, count or log anything. I'm currently encroaching on the slimmest adult (and mostly childhood actually) weight I've ever been, for the first time in over a decade.

    I've never had such a good time sawing logs with my trusty hammer.
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    I don't really see anything wrong with what the OP is saying, and I don't think you have to choose one method for the rest of your life either. I think counting calories is probably a good thing to do if you haven't tried it. If nothing else, I think it gives me a better understanding of how many calories are in the foods I'm used to eating at the portion sizes I'm used to eating.

    Sometimes I don't like counting calories. I get kind of burned out on it. So I take a break.

    I should also note that I do not lose weight easily when I stop counting calories, but that's a personal thing. I tend to run a little hypoglycemic, and I have since I was a kid. For me, feelings of hunger immediately trigger an "oh crap! something is wrong" feeling. If I'm not counting calories and just go by my feelings of hunger, I tend to overeat as an over compensation to avoid being too hungry. Counting calories offers a structure for me, so that I can feel a little safer about ignoring those feelings of hunger.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    To all the awesome people who totally got the point of this thread , or who gave congrats, accolades, shared their own non-counting road, or asked relevant questions...

  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    That the question I have. Yes it helps to count calories to lose weight and maintain but are you really building good healthy eating habits.
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    That the question I have. Yes it helps to count calories to lose weight and maintain but are you really building good healthy eating habits.

    That depends completely on the individual. If you let any system (i.e. diet) do the thinking for you, then no. Improving habits requires people to be somewhat self-aware.