having trouble eating 1200 cals....



  • stunningalmond
    stunningalmond Posts: 275 Member
    I'm very much an all or nothing person too. I can't do moderation - it doesn't work for me. So I've committed to eating clean (my personal trainer gave me a meal plan which is pretty easy to stick to) but some days it takes everything in me to choke down enough calories so I don't get yelled at by my friends on MFP. :)

    I have a few suggestions...

    Protein shakes are an easy way to get a couple hundred calories in.

    Nuts and seeds are awesome to snack on. I made roasted chick peas tonight and they're so yummy and you can grab a handful here and there to get some more calories.

    An apple with almond butter or peanut butter is also a good snack that's not too filling.

    Hard boiled eggs too, if you like them. I do not. :)

    And, butter is your friend. :)
  • jennetsullivan
    jennetsullivan Posts: 37 Member
    I second (or third or fourth) the protein shake thing. I use those as my "snacks" and then I don't feel as hungry when eating a "healthy" meal. Love that it helps me get some potassium and calcium (which are two things I notoriously struggle with when counting calories).

    Also, I had to move my cheat day from weekly to bi-weekly because I was averaging a weight gain of 2 pounds from one day or one meal. I can put some food AWAY....but when I'm counting calories, I struggle to eat enough. The shakes have helped a LOT :)
  • MargaretSobers
    MargaretSobers Posts: 167 Member
    Loosing weight is about how much calories you are taking in and for loosing weight you need to eat fewer calories, then you burn more in each day through exercise, and general living.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,077 Member
    Loosing weight is about how much calories you are taking in and for loosing weight you need to eat fewer calories, then you burn more in each day through exercise, and general living.

    Yes, no kidding.

    But how does this address OP's question?
  • basiabroker
    basiabroker Posts: 48 Member
    If you aren't feeling hungry or tired then I don't see the point in forcing yourself to eat. I am generally at about 900-1100 calories. I am losing weight so I know I am not in starvation mode. I don't even know if I really believe in the whole starvation mode thing. If it IS a real thing I think you would have to be below like 500-600 calories a day to get there.

    Eating below 1200 is not about "starvation mode," it's about getting to 100% on your nutrients: iron, calcium, vitamins and minerals without resorting to supplements. That is impossible to do on 900 calories.

    I am pretty confident I am getting more nutrients out of my 1,000 calories of clean eating than I was in my 38 years of eating 2,000 calories worth of french fries, pizza and mac n cheese. I am feeling healthy and great. When I get to my goal weight I will increase my calories but for now this is working for me.