Follow- Up Please be honest I have cried enough tonight!



  • kristi223
    kristi223 Posts: 78 Member
    I definitely think you're dr. told me that false positives just don't happen...congratulations girl!!!!
  • iishnova
    iishnova Posts: 259 Member
    OK. So I got up this morning and took a Clearblue Easy test and it was clearly positive. Took a First Response and could not see a positive line. Still confused but hopeful.

    First Response was the first EPT I used and I didn't realize the line was there until I held the thing at an angle and looked close (I was very hopeful) When its negative there is nooooo hint of a line, but as everyone has been saying you're more likely to get a false neg that a false positive. Good luck with the Doc visit!
  • Go to the doctor, get some blood drawn, and know for sure. It will happen in its on time. Hang in there.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Let us know how you make out after the doctor's visit. Here's hoping!

  • Step 1: Since it might be too early to tell and you might actually still be pregnant: CHILL. Easier said than done, but if you're pregnant, the last thing you need, and the worst thing for the potential baby, is stress. It can lead to behavioral and emotional problems in childhood and throughout his or her potential life, and it's not going to be any good for you. Reach out to people who care for you--I'm very glad you posted on this forum, because that in and of itself is a step in the right direction. Remember--there are tens of thousands of people who don't even know you from Adam here, but we're bonded by a common objective of losing weight and getting healthy--and we're all behind you 100%.

    Step 2: See. Your. Doctor. Only he or she will be able to give you a conclusive diagnosis, and ONLY he or she will be able to recommend a course of action for you--if you really did miscarry, and you do something ill-advised now, that could seriously damage your chances of getting pregnant ever again, and you need to consult a physician as soon as possible.

    Step 3: Keep in mind that you're in all of our thoughts, our prayers, and our good intentions. There is nothing for you here but support and encouragement, and we'll stand shoulder to shoulder with you through anything. It's kind of the thing here.
  • justinswife
    justinswife Posts: 49 Member
    Guess I finally have a final answer for everyone. Last night while the hubby and I were out to eat and at a bookstore picking up some pregnancy books...I started bleeding terribly! Then the cramps started and felt like nothing I had ever experienced before! The pain lasted all night and into this morning with continued bleeding! We were so floored! We had lost our little 5 week old baby to a chemical miscarriage! I know we never heard its heartbeat but we loved the little one! Thanks ladies for all your input and encouraging words! Hopefully soon I can announce a new blessing of a baby that sticks!
  • I just read your latest reply - I lost a little one at the early stages as well and it's terrible. Best of luck in the future :)
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Guess I finally have a final answer for everyone. Last night while the hubby and I were out to eat and at a bookstore picking up some pregnancy books...I started bleeding terribly! Then the cramps started and felt like nothing I had ever experienced before! The pain lasted all night and into this morning with continued bleeding! We were so floored! We had lost our little 5 week old baby to a chemical miscarriage! I know we never heard its heartbeat but we loved the little one! Thanks ladies for all your input and encouraging words! Hopefully soon I can announce a new blessing of a baby that sticks!

    I'm so sorry for your loss! I wish that I had words to comfort you, but having been there myself, I know that there aren't any. I hope and pray that you will get your wish soon.
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    I am so sorry and I too can sympathise. I lost my baby last year at 8 weeks and it still hurts. I hope you conceive soon. Chin up x
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    Guess I finally have a final answer for everyone. Last night while the hubby and I were out to eat and at a bookstore picking up some pregnancy books...I started bleeding terribly! Then the cramps started and felt like nothing I had ever experienced before! The pain lasted all night and into this morning with continued bleeding! We were so floored! We had lost our little 5 week old baby to a chemical miscarriage! I know we never heard its heartbeat but we loved the little one! Thanks ladies for all your input and encouraging words! Hopefully soon I can announce a new blessing of a baby that sticks!

    I'm sorry. I know it is just like loosing a baby at any stage in pregnancy, no matter how early. It's sad and you will feel the loss. The baby that sticks will be the baby that was meant to be. There will be one in the future!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear about the miscarriage. Losing a little one has got to be one of the most difficult things to face. We're all thinking of you and hope you recover, mind, body, and soul soon.:-)

  • AislynneRobot
    AislynneRobot Posts: 19 Member
    Going to the doctor to get a blood test is the best bet. That wasy you can share your concerns with the doctor. Good luck and hope it all works for you. :)
  • Guess I finally have a final answer for everyone. Last night while the hubby and I were out to eat and at a bookstore picking up some pregnancy books...I started bleeding terribly! Then the cramps started and felt like nothing I had ever experienced before! The pain lasted all night and into this morning with continued bleeding! We were so floored! We had lost our little 5 week old baby to a chemical miscarriage! I know we never heard its heartbeat but we loved the little one! Thanks ladies for all your input and encouraging words! Hopefully soon I can announce a new blessing of a baby that sticks!

    I know how hard this is. I, too, miscarried when my little one was 9 weeks. It was medically termed a molar pregnancy, which I never fully understood. I am praying for you and I wish you the best emotional recovery. It's hard...we are all here for you ;-)
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Thinking of you x
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