I don't feel full.



  • I rarely feel full. I eat until I am no longer hungry.

    That would be 6 licks of food a day for me. Because when I taste it, the hunger goes away :laugh:
  • soozey1
    soozey1 Posts: 102 Member
    You could try a detox to help reset your feeling of fullness trigger, there is a special word for it. Dr Mark Hymann is a really good read, nothing drastic and it really works, real food to detox. It really helped me. He has a website lots of video tutorials
  • You could try a detox to help reset your feeling of fullness trigger, there is a special word for it. Dr Mark Hymann is a really good read, nothing drastic and it really works, real food to detox. It really helped me. He has a website lots of video tutorials

    How does a detox help anything? No offense, but I thought that's what we've got liver and kidneys for? :ohwell:
  • mohairbears
    mohairbears Posts: 2 Member
    If you have been overeating for a long time , your stomach stretches... Your body gets used to eating high carbs and sugars. You lose all sense of hunger, your body which is in a real mess, send urges to eat more of the addictive foods you are constantly consuming... Once you have started a new healthy eating plan, containing lots of fruit and vegetables and lean protein, it will take a few weeks to readjust, to the healthy foods and smaller ammounts. Your stomach will shrink. In time you will learn to eat less because your body will stop craving carbs and sugar. It is then your body will naturally tell you your are satified. If this does not happen its more likely because you not eating enough or you are still not selecting the right kind of healthy foods to fill up on... What are you eating?
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    I never feel so full I couldn't eat more if there's nice food available.
    I was on a preventative treatment for migraines for many years (pizotifen) which seemed to make it worse but in truth I've always been greedy!

    Following an intermittent fasting eating protocol for the last couple of years has helped me tell the difference between real hunger and eating out of habit, greed or boredom. Counting calories and stopping when you have eaten enough also works - if only there was a web site where you could log your food and see your calorie count....... :wink:
  • If you have been overeating for a long time , your stomach stretches... Your body gets used to eating high carbs and sugars. You lose all sense of hunger, your body which is in a real mess, send urges to eat more of the addictive foods you are constantly consuming... Once you have started a new healthy eating plan, containing lots of fruit and vegetables and lean protein, it will take a few weeks to readjust, to the healthy foods and smaller ammounts. Your stomach will shrink. In time you will learn to eat less because your body will stop craving carbs and sugar. It is then your body will naturally tell you your are satified. If this does not happen its more likely because you not eating enough or you are still not selecting the right kind of healthy foods to fill up on... What are you eating?

    Whatever I'd like within my calorie goal. Been eating this way for a few years. You can look at my diary if you want. But it doesn't go back far as I've only created this profile on Tuesday last week. (I think.) I've never eaten exclusively healthy. Restriction leads to binging. Also, I'm not craving anything. I've logged this week ahead. So you can look at what I will be eating the rest of the week as well if you wish. Don't bash carbs. I need their fibre for digestive reasons.
  • chloeealicee
    chloeealicee Posts: 204 Member
    My stomach is a bottomless pit, i never feel satisfied. I can eat a large pizza, 6 chicken tenders and a large fries and still want more (infact that's what i used to do everyday)

    but then i decided self confidence and being healthy was worth it so now i'd rather eat a reasonable amount and be fueled for my day but still hungry than overeat, be overweight and still be hungry (if that makes sense at all)
  • nezbit88
    nezbit88 Posts: 37 Member
    I am much the same, I can eat over 2000 calories a day and never feel satisfied. Oddly enough this is the same reason I find restricting easy - I am not going to feel unsatisfied if I eat a large meal vs something light so I eat enough not to have a grumbling tummy.
  • - if only there was a web site where you could log your food and see your calorie count....... :wink:

    Well darn it! I suppose there isn't is there?? :laugh:
  • Inkratlet
    Inkratlet Posts: 613 Member
    I know when I feel full, and have carried on eating anyway to the point of making myself sick in the past. I don't know when I'm sated though, or I've overeaten so much in the past that my body has forgotten this state in between empty and stuffed.

    So the calorie counting method works for me. I've just had a salad for lunch which was ~450 calories and about 45% protein, but right now I could eat another one quite happily. I make myself take half an hour and then re-assess (after all, I'm not going to die if I don't eat more immediately), and 9 times out of 10 after that 30 mins I can say I am no longer hungry.

    Maybe I eat too quickly, I don't know, but it seems that if I set out a balanced meal plan and give it time to settle that works.
  • Jess__I__Can
    Jess__I__Can Posts: 307 Member
    A lot of people always say you should eat until you're full.

    A lot of people are overweight.

  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    I have this all the time. Long story short, I participated in several medical research studies because the docs found out that even though I'm a normal weight, I have the genetic profile of an obese person (I come from a long line of fat people). I feel "full" only if I greatly overeat, but even then I don't feel satiated.
  • I kind of had this problem solved for me by gastritis and pre-ulcers. I simply cannot eat a bunch in one sitting. Its actually been a long time since I really stuffed my face... but I do understand what you mean! Years ago I had my own food journal, and it helped me make better choices and eat less!

    Anyways, I hope you're finding MFP helpful! :)