Trying to be a Morning-Exerciser

I have a plan (beginning tomorrow morning) to exercise *before* work (about 6am) instead of after. My problem is that I have a hard enough time getting out of bed just to get to work, let alone any earlier. In my half-asleep state I almost always hit the snooze (usually without any memory of doing so!)


Are you a morning person? Is it easy for you to pop out of bed in the a.m.? Can you share any tips on how to do so?

Have you had success transitioning from night owl to early bird? What helped you make the change?



  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    best advice i can give is lose the snooze button, it only makes you want to procrastinate getting out of bed more and more. if you have to, put your alarm clock far enough from your bed that you are forced to get out to shut it off
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I set out my clothes the night before. I use my laptop to write notes about my workout so I try to set that up the night before in my workout space as well. You'll want to get up 15-20 minutes before your workout is going to start, just to give you time to go to the bathroom, dress, stand there thinking "am I really going to do this?", drink some water, etc. I won't lie. It's hard the first several days but it does get easier. I am a morning person and it took me about a week to be able to hear the alarm at 5:15 and think "let's go!" instead of "can't I sleep a bit longer?" If you aren't a morning person it'll take a bit longer but being able to finish your workout early and then go on with your day knowing you've already achieved something gives you a little boost.
  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    I am not a morning person at all. For example, I work at 830am...which means I leave my house at 8am...therefore I wake up at about 750am. No lie.
    For a while I thought I had to wake up early to get a work out in first or I couldn't also have a social life. I was "so busy"...and then I realized, forcing myself to wake up was making me miserable. I stopped doing that. I work out either on my lunch hour (I'm lucky in where I work) or after work. I don't do much socially on weeknights but that's ok, my health is more important. I feel much better, more alert, etc. after I gave up trying to make myself a morning person.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Tell yourself tomorrow you just have to do it once, as a test. Then do it. Then afterward, take note of how good it feels to have it done and out of the way and how your whole day is better after starting it off that way. Then weigh that feeling against how hard it was to not snooze.

    Not that I've ever had success with it long-term but when I do, I think it does improve my day. And morning exercisers are (on average) more consistent because they get it done before life can get in the way or before we find ways to procrastinate it.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    Never been a morning workout person. The only way it works for me is to get up, eat, wait an hour, then workout, which is kind of defeating the purpose.

    Try it and see how it works. The suggestion to get clothes out the night before to be ready to go in the AM is a good one.
  • akaiookami
    akaiookami Posts: 43 Member
    I am not a morning person by nature, but for several months now I have been getting up at 5:30am m-f to workout for 90 minutes. I prepare EVERYTHING in advance the night before. Truly EVERYTHING: I set out my weights/yoga mats, have my clothes sitting out, water ready, and even my clothes and food for after the shower. I get out of bed, stumble downstairs, get dressed, and start the workout. If I don't have everything ready, I tend to think I won't have enough time or that its too much work (silly I know) and I will pass on it. The first week was rough, the second wasn't bad, and now its pretty easy to roll out of bed and start the workout.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    I am not a morning person at 5am, probably around 8am, but not 5, and it's not easy to get out of bed. It's just routine. I'm still half asleep and grumpy riding the elevator to walk to the gym, but when I start my warm-up and music, I'm good to go. It's not something I love, but my job is unpredictable and I can't guarantee an evening workout. If it's a priority, you will make it work.

    My shoes, clothes, headsets and water are all ready on the kitchen counter, so I just brush my teeth and go. There's no time to talk yourself out of it. Don't hit snooze, just get up.
  • ameliad87
    ameliad87 Posts: 66 Member
    I am SOOO not a morning person. But I've been waking up early to work out the past 3 weeks, and it's so nice. Tips:

    1. Definitely set clothes, water, food up the night before. Those extra few minutes at night will save you in the morning. I don't know about you, but when I first wake up, I move really slow, so everything takes a lot longer as my brain wakes up. So what takes 2 minutes to gather everything at night turns into 10 in the morning if I don't plan ahead.

    2. Eat SOMETHING before you start working out. I just have a Quest bar and some water, but for me (this isn't true for everyone), I have horrible workouts when I don't eat something. And if I keep having horrible workouts, why would I keep getting up early to workout?

    3. I got this app for my phone called Sleep Cycle. It costs about $3 I think, but it wakes you up at the best time in your sleep cycle. So I have mine set to wake me up sometimes between 5:20 and 5:40 AM. Waking up at the lightest part of my sleep, plus waking up to a soothing alarm, makes is SO much easier for me to wake up. I actually woke up this morning (kind of) to turn in my sleep, and right then is when my alarm went off. I wake up so much happier now. It's so silly, but for people that sleep super deep, having to pull yourself out of your sleep to a super annoying alarm at your deepest part of the sleep cycle = horrible. This app made it so I didn't have to.
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    You need to get to bed at a reasonable hour, so that might mean missing the Late Show or anything else one might stay-up late for. If it's important enough to you, you'll get out of bed; if it's not then you won't. There's no excuses for not getting out of bed, other than it just shows how much one is or is not committed to what they want to accomplish. It may sound mean, but it is really that simple.
  • kimberly_l_adams
    kimberly_l_adams Posts: 10 Member
    I am definately a morning person. I have tried working out after work and I can never committ to it, once the work day is over I just want to go home, spend time with my family and relax. I recently switched back to the am this past month and it has been working out great for me. I wake up 4:45 ( grant it I'm dragging) hit the gym for a good 45 mins (after 5 minutes or before I am in my zone and fully awake) then gohome to do a routine at home for about 30 minutes take my shower and I am good to go. I eat and drink after my workout. If I eat before I will make an excuse not to go and my tummy hurts. I'm refreshed for the rest of the day. Now when I get up in the morning its like second nature!
  • ThatMouse
    ThatMouse Posts: 229 Member
    I've been working out before work for the past 2 months. I'm up and out of bed at 6AM and in the gym by 7:15, then done at at work for 8:30.

    For me, the difference has been sleeping as close to 10PM as I can and packing my bag and lunch the night before. I don't have to worry about finding an outfit to wear to work or finding my sports bra - it's all right at the foot of my bed and ready to go. I also pre-fill my water bottle and get everything else ready.

    Now, I find it hard to NOT wake up and get in the gym. I've had to talk myself out of it a few times last week when I pulled really late nights and had to sleep in to get all the rest I needed. Then I hit the gym at lunch.

    For me, I know that if I don't go before work or at lunch, I'm going to be "too tired" to work out after work. Or I'll have to sacrifice scarce time with my boyfriend or my other activities if I don't get it done before work. I don't want to do that, so I have to work out in the morning.

    Plus - think about it. At 8AM, before you even walk into work, you'll have accomplished a great workout and set yourself up for a fantastic day. Is it really worth staying up late and being groggy all day to sacrifice that?
  • acampbe2umd
    acampbe2umd Posts: 145 Member
    I have 3 kids and a husband who also works out before work, so I have to go at 4. Like others, I plan the night before what I'm going to do and have my gym things ready. I totally drag some mornings, but others I wake up before my alarm. It will take a few weeks to get used to it, but I promise you will get used to it. Now if it's not the first thing that I do in the morning, I never get around to it later in the day. Too much going on after work with the kids and their sports and daycare pick ups and the occasional social life. I'm one of those that can't eat before my workout though. Also, I'm fortunate enough to live 1/2 mile from the gym, so I don't need to deal with packing my work clothes and items for the shower. I come home post workout and then I get ready for work. If you have this flexibility, it will be much easier.
  • __Bad_Leroy
    __Bad_Leroy Posts: 242
    Would agree with most of what's above and would add that my trick is sleeping with a nightlihgt. I takes a little getting used to but I find it makes it much easier to get up if the room is not completely dark when the alarm goes off.
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    Do you workout at home or at the gym? If at the gym - do you know anyone else that goes there? I workout at 5am 3x a week with one of my MFP friends. We don't workout together and aren't near eachother once we get to the gym, but it helps to have someone to text you at 4:45am to make sure your butt is out of bed :)

    The first week was rough, now I look forward to my early morning workouts. The gym is empty.
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    I have a plan (beginning tomorrow morning) to exercise *before* work (about 6am) instead of after. My problem is that I have a hard enough time getting out of bed just to get to work, let alone any earlier. In my half-asleep state I almost always hit the snooze (usually without any memory of doing so!)


    Are you a morning person? Is it easy for you to pop out of bed in the a.m.? Can you share any tips on how to do so?

    Have you had success transitioning from night owl to early bird? What helped you make the change?

    First couple times are the hardest. There really is no trick to it other than just getting up when the alarm goes off. Some say go to bet earlier but that is hard to do once you already have your schedule.

    After you do it for awhile though you do turn in a bit earlier and your body adjusts.

    LOVE AM get it done and over with and you feel like you got something accomplished.

    AND>>.>>>>>it sets you up for a double workout if you do one in the PM as well!
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    NOT a morning person. I could sleep til 11am easy, every day if life let me.

    I cheat, by slugging down some Red Bull, Rock Star, 5 Hr Energy, or a preworkout mix or pill, then hitting snooze. By the time the snooze alarm goes off, the caffeine has kicked in and I'm ready to kill a 5am workout. :drinker:
  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    I'm definitely not a morning person, but I know I'm less likely to exercise after work. I just force myself to get up and get it done. It's gotten easier with time, but I don't think I'll ever enjoy getting up hours before I'm being paid to be awake and productive.
  • canary_girl
    canary_girl Posts: 366 Member
    I generally view myself as a night owl, but I LOVE to workout first thing in the morning. I get up at 4, get to gym by 4:45. I do a quick run, a 5:15 cycle class, and weights (mon, wed, & fri), and back home by 6:45. I can shower and get a few things done before my girls even wake up. I love that I am done with my workout before most people are even waking. It makes me feel powerful.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I have gotten use to it. I love to be out there by myself and watch the city start to wake up. Up at 4:30 and run or run to the gym on gym days. If it doesn't happen in the morning it just ain't gonna happen that day.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    If you do well working out in the evening, why switch? You found something that works. Stick with it.