Trying to be a Morning-Exerciser



  • shireeniebeanie
    shireeniebeanie Posts: 293 Member
    Ugh--I have the same problem.
    Step 1 is to sleep in my workout clothes.
    I'm still working on step 2: no more snooze and no checking MFP for distractions!
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    I have a plan (beginning tomorrow morning) to exercise *before* work (about 6am) instead of after. My problem is that I have a hard enough time getting out of bed just to get to work, let alone any earlier. In my half-asleep state I almost always hit the snooze (usually without any memory of doing so!)


    Are you a morning person? Is it easy for you to pop out of bed in the a.m.? Can you share any tips on how to do so?

    Have you had success transitioning from night owl to early bird? What helped you make the change?


    Morning is my favorite time to work out. Getting up and doing it, it's done and you have the rest of the day knowing it's done! I get up a bit earlier and do it. Every person has their preference but I get up, eat breakfast and then workout. That way I've gotten up and woken up a bit to get going.
  • maz504
    maz504 Posts: 450
    I am all for doing whatever works for you, but if you find that morning workouts aren't your thing... I think that's ok. I am NOT a morning person at all, and I have forced myself to get up and workout before work before, and a few things happen: 1) I don't feel like I give my workout my all because I'm still sleepy; 2) It does energize me for a little while, but it seems like I always crash mid-day when I work out in the morning, and I mean CRASH hard; and 3) I always feel hungrier when I work out in the morning.

    Like I said, a lot of people do it and love it, but if it turns out that it's not working out for you, don't beat yourself up. If you want it bad enough, you can work in time to exercise in the rest of your day! At least that's what worked for me. :)

    ETA: Just to clarify, working out before work for me means being at the gym at 5 a.m. If your schedule is different and you can push it later to like 6:30 or 7, that might be easier to work with, especially when the days are long like they are now and the sun is at least starting to come up around that time.
  • xtasa25
    xtasa25 Posts: 12
    I actually just got a new job that has me work shifts such as 9-6, 10-7, 11-8. So I'm usually too tired from standing all day to go to the gym afterwards. I've started getting up early and going to the gym. I thought it would be impossible since I'm really not a morning person, but honestly I just pushed through, got up, drove to the gym with my eyes barely open, and did it. Once you're at the gym you're good to go. Just stick with it and don't allow yourself to sleep past your alarm.

    I try to wake up around 6 or 7 so I have solid time to spend at the gym. I head home, shower, and get ready for work. It honestly does make you feel a lot better during the day.

    I think the main thing you have to strive for is motivation. If you're motivated, you'll get up. It's going to suck, you're gonna want to sleep in, but you can do it. :)
  • ddkphotos
    ddkphotos Posts: 304 Member
    get everything organized the night before - lay out what you'll wear - what you need to bring.
    get to bed earlier! I know it takes a while to get used to - but trust me - if you are exercising on 4 hours of sleep it will suck more!
    eat a little something before you go - and don't forget your water.
    let us know how it goes!
  • craftergin
    craftergin Posts: 25 Member
    When I was younger, I used to LOVE to work out after work. Get all that tension out of the body. But once I got into my mid-40's, I just couldn't do it anymore. I was exhausted after work. Since I am a natural morning person (love those sunrises!), I tried doing my workout before getting ready for work. OMG! What a difference! I am filled with pep the rest of the day! I get up at 5, brush my teeth, throw on my exercise togs and do a 40 minute workout. Then I get ready and walk the mile to work.
    I think - try different times of the day to see if you like it better. But don't try to fight your natural tendencies.
  • SRDB00
    SRDB00 Posts: 50 Member
    I know that I am not going to work out after work.. Tried convincing myself that I would and failed miserably at it.. I lay in the and debate about getting up in the morning then reality kicks in. This is a must for me so I just do it. I commited to four days in the gym, I lay my workout clothes out the night before and put my keys, ipod, and water bottle in one place so I don't make excuses.
  • ChrisUK70
    ChrisUK70 Posts: 54 Member
    I go to gym before work, I rock up at 6:30 when the gym opens.

    The only tip I have is 'just go' does not mater how tired you feel, when I am half awake and tired and that is most mornings I push myself to go.

    Once there I wake up and feel a hell of a lot better afterwards awake and full of energy.

    Goof luck!
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    I'm not a morning person but try to do as many mornings as possible. To better my chances of it happening I set my alarm clock across the room so I have to physically get up and walk to it. It still sucks once I turn it off but second step is to wash my face and brush my teeth. This usually wakes me up just enough to have the will to wake up the rest of the way and go. I hate/love working out in the morning. I hate getting up to go do it but morning workouts get those endorphines flowing early and I end up in a better mood and overall more productive when I can make it happen.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I used to refuse to get up early to work out, but now I'm up at 5AM Monday-Friday without fail to get my workout in. I wouldn't say I'm a "morning person." At first, the motivation was that I would not have to do it after work, which I consider a huge pain in my butt. That was enough for awhile and, when I started to get lazy, I just took on the Nike mentality - "Just do it." I didn't think about it or ponder getting in a few minutes of sleep. When that alarm goes off, my butt is off that bed and into the bathroom to change into my workout clothes and throw my hair up. I lift at home, so I don't have to trek to the gym or anything, which is preferable for me. Now it's a habit, and something I look forward to. I usually wake up before the alarm goes off these days. Working out in the morning gets my day off right and it's such a relief to do it early and not worry about doing it at 8PM after dinner. When I get home, I want to cook, eat, and relax with my husband and dog, or maybe take a little evening walk, and then hit the sack by 9.

    People I know think I'm absolutely nuts for getting up at 5 to work out, though. :)
  • VTRutz
    VTRutz Posts: 52 Member
    I set the most aggravating alarm I can on the table across the bedroom so I HAVE to get up to turn it off, then I set another one for a minute after the first in the kitchen so when I get up to turn off the one in my room, the one down the hall goes off. Once I'm down the hall my dogs get up too and want to go out and at that point- I'm up for good. lol
  • teemama2
    teemama2 Posts: 72 Member
    best advice i can give is lose the snooze button, it only makes you want to procrastinate getting out of bed more and more. if you have to, put your alarm clock far enough from your bed that you are forced to get out to shut it off

    ^^once you are up it would be hard to hit the snooze.

    I have found that exercising in the morning has helped to boost my metabolism and has jumped started my weight loss after a long plateau. I wake at 5 a.m. and exercise for 45-60 minutes before getting ready for work. I leave home at 6:30 for an hour drive to work. It can be done! This has tremendously helped give me energy throughout my day. Tips: Prepare as much as possible the night before; pack lunch, have clothes ready for work, have workout clothes laid out so when the alarm sounds you are ready to get moving!
  • errollmaclean
    errollmaclean Posts: 562 Member
    I used to refuse to get up early to work out, but now I'm up at 5AM Monday-Friday without fail to get my workout in. I wouldn't say I'm a "morning person." At first, the motivation was that I would not have to do it after work, which I consider a huge pain in my butt. That was enough for awhile and, when I started to get lazy, I just took on the Nike mentality - "Just do it." I didn't think about it or ponder getting in a few minutes of sleep. When that alarm goes off, my butt is off that bed and into the bathroom to change into my workout clothes and throw my hair up. I lift at home, so I don't have to trek to the gym or anything, which is preferable for me. Now it's a habit, and something I look forward to. I usually wake up before the alarm goes off these days. Working out in the morning gets my day off right and it's such a relief to do it early and not worry about doing it at 8PM after dinner. When I get home, I want to cook, eat, and relax with my husband and dog, or maybe take a little evening walk, and then hit the sack by 9.

    People I know think I'm absolutely nuts for getting up at 5 to work out, though. :)

    Same :) In my head I just make it imperative to get to it as fast as possible, so I don't have time to make any excuses or procrastinate.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    I am more or less a morning person... been having to catch a 6am train to work for long enough that I naturally am up pretty early. BUT once the kids sports are going I have to get up at 4am so I can workout before that train. What seems to help me is packing my gym bag before time and having a defined workout set. When I really need a boost I ask my MFP friends to push me, that accountability to friends is always a big push.
  • errollmaclean
    errollmaclean Posts: 562 Member
    I set the most aggravating alarm I can on the table across the bedroom so I HAVE to get up to turn it off, then I set another one for a minute after the first in the kitchen so when I get up to turn off the one in my room, the one down the hall goes off. Once I'm down the hall my dogs get up too and want to go out and at that point- I'm up for good. lol

    BAHAHAHAHA awesome!!
  • eggomylegos
    eggomylegos Posts: 146 Member
    Morning workouts are my favorite. I get out of bed immediately after the alarm goes off, get dressed, and walk to the gym right away. By the time I totally wake up the workout is over. Basically, I am too sleepy to talk myself out of it.
  • HarleyQuinn26
    HarleyQuinn26 Posts: 158 Member
    I am a morning exerciser but I am also a morning person. I get up at 2:15, without an alarm, so I can work out.

    I agree with previous posters to get rid of the snooze button. Also, working out in the morning does take some getting used to.

    The only reason I work out in the morning is because that is when I have more energy. I recommend working out when you have the most energy to actually do the workout. I found myself struggling with afternoon workouts and missed so many of them.

    Hope this helps :)
  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    I'm not a morning person either, but unlike so many, I prefer to workout fasted. The only thing I have before I go is coffee. Anything else and I feel nauseous.

    Like everyone else said....have as much prepared the night before. Lunch, clothes, etc. etc. Then "just do it". You may have to really talk yourself into it the first little while, but I find that it feels amazing to get up and get it done. Then the rest of the day is mine! No worrying about whether I will be able to fit it in later or not. :)

    Give it a shot and see. If it doesn't workout, fit it in somewhere else.
  • shireeniebeanie
    shireeniebeanie Posts: 293 Member
    I set the most aggravating alarm I can on the table across the bedroom so I HAVE to get up to turn it off, then I set another one for a minute after the first in the kitchen so when I get up to turn off the one in my room, the one down the hall goes off. Once I'm down the hall my dogs get up too and want to go out and at that point- I'm up for good. lol

    Brilliant--that's it!
    I'll set an alarm on the other side of the house. And get a dog.
  • SrMaggalicious
    SrMaggalicious Posts: 495 Member
    I used to refuse to get up early to work out, but now I'm up at 5AM Monday-Friday without fail to get my workout in. I wouldn't say I'm a "morning person." At first, the motivation was that I would not have to do it after work, which I consider a huge pain in my butt. That was enough for awhile and, when I started to get lazy, I just took on the Nike mentality - "Just do it." I didn't think about it or ponder getting in a few minutes of sleep. When that alarm goes off, my butt is off that bed and into the bathroom to change into my workout clothes and throw my hair up. I lift at home, so I don't have to trek to the gym or anything, which is preferable for me. Now it's a habit, and something I look forward to. I usually wake up before the alarm goes off these days. Working out in the morning gets my day off right and it's such a relief to do it early and not worry about doing it at 8PM after dinner. When I get home, I want to cook, eat, and relax with my husband and dog, or maybe take a little evening walk, and then hit the sack by 9.

    People I know think I'm absolutely nuts for getting up at 5 to work out, though. :)

    I could have written this. It's done before my body realizes its awake, and I have the time after work to hang out with friends, get things done, etc. I love it. I also wake before the alarm now, even on weekends. I'm def a morning person. love being one of the only ones out and about first thing in the morning.