Any TeacherPals Out There?!!



  • kimberlyblindsey
    kimberlyblindsey Posts: 266 Member
    I'm a middle school teacher and understand the struggles! There are always yummy looking snacks brought into the teacher's lounge or kindly left on my desk. I have had to create two entirely new curriculums and then learn two new curriculums in my first two years of teaching. I definitely struggled with finding the time to exercise and prepare healthy meals, but am determined to succeed this school year! I'm not going to let all of my hard summer work be wasted. Anyone looking for friends on mfp can feel welcome to add me!
    New teachers and old yeah, that's me I guess, stay clear of teacher's lounge and oh admin. building, those secretaries and counselors eat all day long, if you're a counselor I apologize, but I stay clear of those areas, and for me our english office, because our dept. chair likes to load it up with candy and who doesn't need to use the xerox on occasion, sigh.
  • kimberlyblindsey
    kimberlyblindsey Posts: 266 Member
    I am planning on using my fitbit this upcoming year to motivate some fellow teachers to do some walking at lunch, even if it's just 15 minutes. I always lag after lunch anyway and this will maybe give me an energy boost to finish out the day.
  • imcrafty2
    imcrafty2 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm a grade 8 math teacher at a K-8 school.I love my fitbit and earning badges but I have to get serious about the logging of the food. Trying to eat every few hours when school is in session is a challenge. I'm hoping to lose about 10-15 before the school year starts.
  • honee_bear
    honee_bear Posts: 28
    Hi, I'm a grade 8 math teacher at a K-8 school.I love my fitbit and earning badges but I have to get serious about the logging of the food. Trying to eat every few hours when school is in session is a challenge. I'm hoping to lose about 10-15 before the school year starts.

    A teacher friend of mine had phenomenal results with the shredding (eating every 2-3 hours). She was transformed!! I gain weight, but I really don't like eating all the time, so shredding isn't for me. It really puzzles me as to WHY I gain weight. I've tried the 8 hour diet, but it mostly helps to maintain. I still like it though. When I began logging last summer on another site, I had pretty good results and lost like 10 pounds...but I love the food database at MFP. Every food I attempt to log is already there.
  • Kr1sMar1e
    Kr1sMar1e Posts: 57 Member
    I'm a special education teacher. Last year I was working in a middle school behavior intervention program. Next year, I'll be in a high school emerging autism program. I tend to let the pounds creep on during the school year. I'm hoping to plan better for this coming year and lose weight. Anyone can feel free to add me, always looking to give and get more support! :flowerforyou:

  • Geekygal85
    Geekygal85 Posts: 37 Member
    I have also found that my students keep me on track because once they find out that I am trying to lose weight, they are very encouraging. By doing all this I managed to lose 35lbs last school year.

    35 pounds is amazing!! I want to be you :-) What an awesome idea to get the students to help. My son kept snatching snickers bars and super cupcakes from me this summer.

    Honestly I was a little embarrassed when they first found out. During lunch I usually have about 10 kids in my room you would rather eat in my room versus the cafeteria and I was in the middle of using the barcode scanner on the app to scan something. One of my kids noticed and asked me what I was doing so I sucked it up and explained what I was doing. Ever since then they keep me pretty honest during lunchtime. It's been surprisingly helpful!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I'm a secondary school languages teacher (in England) although I'm on maternity leave now with my 3rd baby. I've been off since mid March and am having a year off.

    I've actually lost weight while teaching...well, apart from in each of my pregnancies! We've got loads of different staff areas, so my area is languages and Humanities, and we rarely have chocolate in our little staff room. I just drink a lot of coffee! I take my own lunch in, and snacks. We only get half hour for lunch anyway, and by the time you've dismissed your class, grabbed your stuff, been to the loo and put the kettle on, you've lost part of your break already.
  • honee_bear
    honee_bear Posts: 28
    I'm a secondary school languages teacher (in England) although I'm on maternity leave now with my 3rd baby. I've been off since mid March and am having a year off.

    I've actually lost weight while teaching...well, apart from in each of my pregnancies! We've got loads of different staff areas, so my area is languages and Humanities, and we rarely have chocolate in our little staff room. I just drink a lot of coffee! I take my own lunch in, and snacks. We only get half hour for lunch anyway, and by the time you've dismissed your class, grabbed your stuff, been to the loo and put the kettle on, you've lost part of your break already.

    Congrats on your new little one! I used to drop around 5-10 pounds at the start of a school year...then last year. Maybe the stress of having a new assigment I wasn't fond of.
  • honee_bear
    honee_bear Posts: 28
    Lots of advice today, and I really needed it. You really can't imagine how much you've helped. Thanks everyone!
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I also teach HS English. I stay on track all day at school because, like you, I bring my own. However, when I get home, all bets are off. I am ravenous and I binge. Then I don't work out because I am so upset that I binge. I am really going to try and break that cycle this year. Feel free to friend me if you want someone for encouragement!
  • Melissface
    Melissface Posts: 18 Member
    My current teaching position is split between the high school and one of the middle schools in my district. I have three different preps with at least one new prep each year... I'm in 5 different classrooms during the day between the two buildings. My life is crazy! When I'm done with school I have no energy to work out. I'm hoping to use this summer to get into a good routine that I can carry into the next school year.
  • honee_bear
    honee_bear Posts: 28
    I also teach HS English. I stay on track all day at school because, like you, I bring my own. However, when I get home, all bets are off. I am ravenous and I binge. Then I don't work out because I am so upset that I binge. I am really going to try and break that cycle this year. Feel free to friend me if you want someone for encouragement!

    Maybe that ought to be called the "teacher" cycle, cuz I did it too. This is all about the change though, and I really, really want to change. I've been successful with a cut off time for eating. Mine is 8:00 PM. It got stuck in my brain and I was surprised to find that I didn't eat anything after that time. Hope it still works when school starts.
  • IHateThinkingOfAUsername
    The other thing I'm going to do after our summer holidays (uk here), is join a gym local to my school. That way I can literally go straight after school, instead of driving the 30-45 mins home and then feeling like I cannot be bothered. There's a pool albeit only 14m long, I am looking forward to going for a swim after a challenging day.
  • quaysdays
    quaysdays Posts: 5
    I can totally relate. I teach k-7 RSP and there is always an occasion to whip out the snacks lol!
  • quaysdays
    quaysdays Posts: 5
    @ Melissface: I did that split school routine last year and got very little accomplished because I spent more time traveling from school to school. I am looking forward to a more stable assignment next year. I wish you the best!
  • alexadevyn
    alexadevyn Posts: 26
    I would love to say that school has made me fat, but...I'm guessing my love for sweets might have something to do with it. I lost 15 lbs last summer and by December had gained it all back. Summer has gloriously returned with beautiful sun and some extra time. I'm back down 10. I would really like to figure out how to find balance between lesson plans, meetings, graduate classes, and actually having a life of my own. My goal (again) is to not only maintain, but to lose this year. I do not want to give up my "me" time.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I also teach HS English. I stay on track all day at school because, like you, I bring my own. However, when I get home, all bets are off. I am ravenous and I binge. Then I don't work out because I am so upset that I binge. I am really going to try and break that cycle this year. Feel free to friend me if you want someone for encouragement!

    I take my gym stuff in the car and go straight to the gym after. Either that or go home, have an early dinner, then do an evening aerobics class.

    It's a bit more complicated now I have kids and my husband works shifts. When my older two were both at nursery, I paid for them to be there until 6 as we have after school meetings sometimes, so if I finished work on time I could go to the gym then collect them., And as they't eaten at nursery i didnt need to worry about that. Then my eldest started school in Sept. he was only just 4 as that's when children start school in England. So he used to go to after school club before I could collect him. He could've stayed there until 6, but he didn't like it, and school was such a big change. So on my husband's late shift week I couldn't go to the gym on my working days. I work 3 days a week.
  • Pathend2
    Pathend2 Posts: 142
    I'm another English high school teacher, and in about 3 weeks, I'll be starting my first year.

    I fully anticipate hell on earth. You know what they say: hope for the best, prepare for the worst. I still need to work on some lesson plans; I've been told by my site coordinator and others that I should only work on the first two months as things will change and I'll have to do some rearranging as the year goes on.

    I'm looking forward for the upcoming year, but I'm also terrified. I just wish the year would start already so I can deal with things as they come.

    Also, I'm broke as hell, so my room is going to be eeeeeeemmmmmmmppppttttyyyyyy...
  • Journeygirl
    Journeygirl Posts: 40 Member
    I've taught kgn for 24 years. I am finding it harder to stay on track this summer with all the extra time on my hands. I have been exercising. I do better during the day when I'm working I bring my lunch and plan my snacks, but evenings get challenging, especially when I have a difficult class which is happening more and more often. You can add me if you like.
  • mattwhite63
    mattwhite63 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey guys,

    I'm a relatively new teacher myself - less than 3 years experience. I feel like we've all got that common thread: the abundance of work and effort required to be the best teachers we can be, yet still trying to find time for 'us'/

    I run an extracurricular drama program at my school from Oct-April and we're rehearsing almost every lunch hour, as well as some after school's and weekends. Combine that with a second job at a bar on weekends to support my income, I've found it very difficult to keep up. After multiple blown out knee's and an end to my football career I'm not where I need to be on fitness side just yet...


    I do feel that as a new teacher I've been pretty successful with handling the 'stress' side of things, to the point where I'll be hosting professional development sessions for new teachers at our teachers convention in Feb. If any of you teachers-especially the new ones would like to chat about entering into the profession/health etc. let me know. I know I could probably share some insights and I could definitely benefit from hearing some of yours.