Secret tricks?

Hi everyone.

I disappeared for a while after losing 17lbs, which thankfully I have managed to keep off. But my clothes somehow fit the same and I don't seem to have changed in appearance at all!

Basically I want to get back on it, and properly this time.

I will be going to the gym, mainly to do fast walking on treadmill until my fitness improves and I will be dieting and limiting my carbs (not eliminating them) as well as cutting out Gluten as this really works for me, especially as I have PCOS.

I am just wondering if anyone has any tricks up their sleeve that has REALLY worked for quick weight loss...

I'm talking about supplements, diet pills, eating certain foods in particular, not just "drink lots of water", "eat healthily"... I've heard that a million times and I couldn't possibly drink any more water without drowning! haha

Just little things that added to a good diet and exercise, that deliver great results.

Anyone willing to share??



  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    Wants to get back to losing weight... "properly this time", posts thread asking for supplements and pills to lose weight?... seems legit.

    Eat at a caloric deficit. Log your intake.
  • disasterman
    disasterman Posts: 746 Member
    Ruh roh
  • Liggy302
    Liggy302 Posts: 47 Member
    To be fair that obvious and not a trick. Like I said I will be doing the whole exercise, diet things. I was asking a reasonable question about any added extras that work as well as those things.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    No tricks - maybe you should continue to do whatever it was that helped you lose 17lbs in the first place....
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    What is the trick and REALLY works in terms of diet pills? What is the hurry for quick weight loss? Whenever you are ready to do this the correct and healthy way then here it is for you:
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    If you want to do it "properly" there are no "tricks". Honestly, I think the whole concept of a diet is flawed to start with. If you "diet" it's assumed there's a beginning and an end. If you reach your goal weight on a "diet" and then go back to the way you were eating before you're going to go back to the weight you were before the "diet".

    Instead, focus on how you want to eat for the rest of your life and eat that way now. It'll take longer to get to your goal weight, yes, but you won't arrive there feeling deprived and cranky.
  • Supertact
    Supertact Posts: 466 Member
    Wants to get back to losing weight... "properly this time", posts thread asking for supplements and pills to lose weight?... seems legit.

    Eat at a caloric deficit. Log your intake.

    haha. truth
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    What was your "trick" to getting overweight/out of shape? Whatever it was, do the opposite.
  • Liggy302
    Liggy302 Posts: 47 Member
    Why are people getting so miffed with this post? I want quick weight loss as I am getting married soon... I will repeat myself again and say that I am doing this in the correct and healthy way... I am just asking if there is any little hints and tips i.e "sprinkle cinnamon on your porridge as it is thought to speed up metabolism". People seem to think I am asking for hints like, eat two lettuce leaves a day and stick your fingers down your throat. Jeeze.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    To be fair that obvious and not a trick. Like I said I will be doing the whole exercise, diet things. I was asking a reasonable question about any added extras that work as well as those things.

    Sorry tricks do not work. Really there are none. Anything that does work is temporary and probably not fat. Any diet pills that work a little are unanimously unhealthy and almost all weight is regained when you stop taking them, Anything else is a placebo. I know it can be difficult to believe because the internet is just full of people who want to take advantage of your desire to see quick results. But in the end there is NO SHORTCUT. The sooner you accept that the better off you will be.

    I suppose a VLCD could technically be classed as one if you don't mind losing bone mass and muscle tissue and ruining your health in the process. And we are not getting "miffed" at this post. We just want you to realize a simple truth. If there was a shortcut to weight loss. No one would be fat.
  • TheBrolympus
    TheBrolympus Posts: 586 Member
    Why are people getting so miffed with this post? I want quick weight loss as I am getting married soon..

    Because there are no "tricks". If there were, we would all be ripped and this site wouldn't exist.
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    Damn tricky weight lifting,

    didn't lose much weight but lost 3 pant sizes.
  • Mariachicat
    Mariachicat Posts: 311 Member
    If you take any medication (antidepressants, mood stabilizers, birth control, antihistamines, etc.) try to get on weight neutral substitutions. I stopped certain medications and increased others when I was looking to boost my metabolism. The rest is about mindfulness, focus, and hard work. Good luck OP!
  • Liggy302
    Liggy302 Posts: 47 Member
    If you take any medication (antidepressants, mood stabilizers, birth control, antihistamines, etc.) try to get on weight neutral substitutions. I stopped certain medications and increased others when I was looking to boost my metabolism. The rest is about mindfulness, focus, and hard work. Good luck OP!

    Thank you for the first decent response to my question. I am on Sertraline which I feel may be a prime suspect as I did start to gain shortly after I started taking them. Maybe I should talk to my GP to find an alternative. :)
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    I'm a little worried, so fun fact: anything "quick" that says it works... is going to be expensive, and it's going to destroy your liver/kidneys/other things. Or do nothing at all. It's a waste of money and time.
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    Pick up a food scale.

    Sorry if this sounds really basic, but actually weighing EVERYTHING makes a big difference. If your food isn't measured accurately, then it's extremely difficult to count calories with any type of accuracy. When I first joined MFP and lost 42 lbs, I found that many times when someone wasn't hitting their goals it was because they were estimating portions. I find a food scale to be a tremendous help.
  • Birder155
    Birder155 Posts: 223 Member
    If you look through the Success story threads on here, you will see that almost to the person, the 'secret' has been to have a calorie deficit and stick with it.

    I haven't seen any where the successful person has mentioned using diet pills or supplements. Just hard work and persistence.
    It really is as basic as that, I think.
  • Lindzpnc
    Lindzpnc Posts: 98 Member
    Why are people getting so miffed with this post? I want quick weight loss as I am getting married soon... I will repeat myself again and say that I am doing this in the correct and healthy way... I am just asking if there is any little hints and tips i.e "sprinkle cinnamon on your porridge as it is thought to speed up metabolism". People seem to think I am asking for hints like, eat two lettuce leaves a day and stick your fingers down your throat. Jeeze.

    bahha... it was your wording don't take anything here personal there are some people on here that are quick to attack at anything they disagree with.

    before I got married

    I added these few changes along with my "diet" and exercise:

    adding cucumber/lemon/mint/ginger/chia seeds to my water- the chia helped me feel full longer
    I limited the amounts of food in purchased and my groceries were ALMOST ALWAYS the same- week after week
    I replaced lots of carbs with veggies- instead of having pasta I would have zucchini noodles or replaced rice with cauliflower etc etc
    I started walking during my lunches along with my regular works outs
    I TRIED cutting as much sugar as possible (even limited fruit)
    I carried extra gym clothes with me EVERYDAY even if I wasn't scheduled for a gym session in case plans fell through or I just felt like going to the gym

    these are the things that helped me lose 50 lbs before the wedding BUT!!!! after the wedding on our honeymoon we ate EVERYTHING under the sun and kind of ruined it so just make sure that you don't throw away all your hard work

    and try to make some of these LONG term
  • GabrielWJ
    GabrielWJ Posts: 11
    Sounds like what you really need is to grow up.

    If that stings real hard, you know I've hit something.

    Truth hurts - and my intention isn't to hurt you.

    There are no "tricks" to anything real. Trick is the opposite of real. Do you want to "trick" yourself?

    All tricks are illusions - that's why magic tricks are called magic tricks.

    My advice? Eat healthy, exercise, drink lots of water -- all advice you don't want to hear.

    The messed up thing is that I can relate with your question and the way you ask it so much - the inner teenager within me totally gets it. And I am not trying to offend you. I am just giving you the best advice I can, which is what I think you asked for.

    What you need is maturity - not a trick.

    I wish you the best.
  • Liggy302
    Liggy302 Posts: 47 Member
    Damn tricky weight lifting,

    didn't lose much weight but lost 3 pant sizes.

    That makes sense I suppose as the muscle gained would be heavier then the fat lost wouldn't it? So the scales wouldn't has altered much. If that makes sense :s lol