Secret tricks?



  • Liggy302
    Liggy302 Posts: 47 Member
    Pick up a food scale.

    Sorry if this sounds really basic, but actually weighing EVERYTHING makes a big difference. If your food isn't measured accurately, then it's extremely difficult to count calories with any type of accuracy. When I first joined MFP and lost 42 lbs, I found that many times when someone wasn't hitting their goals it was because they were estimating portions. I find a food scale to be a tremendous help.

    This ties in with the fact I seem to struggle a bit with what an adult portion size is, for example a bowl of cereal. Does anyone know a site I could find such a thing, like an adult portion control chart or something?
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    Damn tricky weight lifting,

    didn't lose much weight but lost 3 pant sizes.

    That makes sense I suppose as the muscle gained would be heavier then the fat lost wouldn't it? So the scales wouldn't has altered much. If that makes sense :s lol

    Not heavier - the same. And sorry, but you wouldn't gain muscle walking on the treadmill and eating at a deficit. How soon is the wedding? Wear some spanx and rock the hell out of your dress.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Why are people getting so miffed with this post? I want quick weight loss as I am getting married soon... I will repeat myself again and say that I am doing this in the correct and healthy way... I am just asking if there is any little hints and tips i.e "sprinkle cinnamon on your porridge as it is thought to speed up metabolism". People seem to think I am asking for hints like, eat two lettuce leaves a day and stick your fingers down your throat. Jeeze.

    because there is no "quick" weight loss that is done correctly and properly. There are no "extras"...just be in a calorie deficit...exercise for health.

    Quick weight loss for a wedding...hmmmm....should not have left in the first place ...that would have solved it.
  • Liggy302
    Liggy302 Posts: 47 Member
    Why are people getting so miffed with this post? I want quick weight loss as I am getting married soon... I will repeat myself again and say that I am doing this in the correct and healthy way... I am just asking if there is any little hints and tips i.e "sprinkle cinnamon on your porridge as it is thought to speed up metabolism". People seem to think I am asking for hints like, eat two lettuce leaves a day and stick your fingers down your throat. Jeeze.

    bahha... it was your wording don't take anything here personal there are some people on here that are quick to attack at anything they disagree with.

    before I got married

    I added these few changes along with my "diet" and exercise:

    adding cucumber/lemon/mint/ginger/chia seeds to my water- the chia helped me feel full longer
    I limited the amounts of food in purchased and my groceries were ALMOST ALWAYS the same- week after week
    I replaced lots of carbs with veggies- instead of having pasta I would have zucchini noodles or replaced rice with cauliflower etc etc
    I started walking during my lunches along with my regular works outs
    I TRIED cutting as much sugar as possible (even limited fruit)
    I carried extra gym clothes with me EVERYDAY even if I wasn't scheduled for a gym session in case plans fell through or I just felt like going to the gym

    these are the things that helped me lose 50 lbs before the wedding BUT!!!! after the wedding on our honeymoon we ate EVERYTHING under the sun and kind of ruined it so just make sure that you don't throw away all your hard work

    and try to make some of these LONG term

    Thank you for the advice :)
  • sseqwnp
    sseqwnp Posts: 327 Member
    Pick up a food scale.

    Sorry if this sounds really basic, but actually weighing EVERYTHING makes a big difference. If your food isn't measured accurately, then it's extremely difficult to count calories with any type of accuracy. When I first joined MFP and lost 42 lbs, I found that many times when someone wasn't hitting their goals it was because they were estimating portions. I find a food scale to be a tremendous help.

    This ties in with the fact I seem to struggle a bit with what an adult portion size is, for example a bowl of cereal. Does anyone know a site I could find such a thing, like an adult portion control chart or something?

    It's on the side of the cereal box ...
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    Pick up a food scale.

    Sorry if this sounds really basic, but actually weighing EVERYTHING makes a big difference. If your food isn't measured accurately, then it's extremely difficult to count calories with any type of accuracy. When I first joined MFP and lost 42 lbs, I found that many times when someone wasn't hitting their goals it was because they were estimating portions. I find a food scale to be a tremendous help.

    This ties in with the fact I seem to struggle a bit with what an adult portion size is, for example a bowl of cereal. Does anyone know a site I could find such a thing, like an adult portion control chart or something?

    The portion size will depend on what brand/type you eat? Weighing your food IS your portion control.
  • gelar93
    gelar93 Posts: 160
    There's this really secret and magical to getting fit and losing weight, called working out and eating healthy.
    Like seriously what were you thinking when you posted this topic??
  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member
    If you take any medication (antidepressants, mood stabilizers, birth control, antihistamines, etc.) try to get on weight neutral substitutions. I stopped certain medications and increased others when I was looking to boost my metabolism. The rest is about mindfulness, focus, and hard work. Good luck OP!

    Thank you for the first decent response to my question. I am on Sertraline which I feel may be a prime suspect as I did start to gain shortly after I started taking them. Maybe I should talk to my GP to find an alternative. :)

    From what I've been told, and what I've researched, Sertraline causes the least weight gain out of that entire class of meds. Pill wise, I honestly don't think any over the counter diet pills work, whatever you lose, you gain back when you stop taking them. Other than my sertraline & bp meds, I try to take a womens multivitamin daily, I personally like the women's ultra-mega energy & metabolism from GNC.

    I'll also second whoever mentioned Chia seeds, they really do bulk up & make you feel fuller longer
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Pick up a food scale.

    Sorry if this sounds really basic, but actually weighing EVERYTHING makes a big difference. If your food isn't measured accurately, then it's extremely difficult to count calories with any type of accuracy. When I first joined MFP and lost 42 lbs, I found that many times when someone wasn't hitting their goals it was because they were estimating portions. I find a food scale to be a tremendous help.

    This ties in with the fact I seem to struggle a bit with what an adult portion size is, for example a bowl of cereal. Does anyone know a site I could find such a thing, like an adult portion control chart or something?

    It's on the side of the cereal box ...

  • s_pekz
    s_pekz Posts: 340 Member
    Honestly I have no idea what you are expected people to tell you. There are no tricks. Its just eating less and moving more. But clearly you only seem content to hear people tell you what you want to hear and people who tell you the truth you have attacked and insulted.

    What exactly are you trying to get out of this post?
  • Liggy302
    Liggy302 Posts: 47 Member
    I've not insulted anyone to be fair. The truth I can handle. Rudeness I cannot.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    For a short term solution... I'd say restrict your calories and try to burn double that amount for one to two weeks solid and yeah, chug a lot of water. I use a lot of items like hemp, maca, chia on my yogurts, etc. to keep a balance. I also supplement my iron and fiber. I have used Tonalin which worked awesome for me. Not a fat eliminator but more of a fat re-organizer. I don't really know any "tricks" per se. Starving yourself isn't really a trick but that would work. Not advocating that at all but... you asked so there's my answer.
  • TheNoLeafClover
    TheNoLeafClover Posts: 335 Member
    Honestly I have no idea what you are expected people to tell you. There are no tricks. Its just eating less and moving more. But clearly you only seem content to hear people tell you what you want to hear and people who tell you the truth you have attacked and insulted.

    What exactly are you trying to get out of this post?
    ^^ This.
  • s_pekz
    s_pekz Posts: 340 Member
    There's this really secret and magical to getting fit and losing weight, called working out and eating healthy.
    Like seriously what were you thinking when you posted this topic??

    Clearly you did not read my post properly.. I said AS WELL AS eating healthily and exercising. Whats up love? What did daddy do to make you such a *****?

    I'm sorry how is this not rude or insulting?

    You've been reported for it BTW. Its against the TOS
  • Liggy302
    Liggy302 Posts: 47 Member
    There's this really secret and magical to getting fit and losing weight, called working out and eating healthy.
    Like seriously what were you thinking when you posted this topic??

    Clearly you did not read my post properly.. I said AS WELL AS eating healthily and exercising. Whats up love? What did daddy do to make you such a *****?

    I'm sorry how is this not rude or insulting?

    You've been reported for it BTW. Its against the TOS

    Yawn. You fail to see what she said first. Actually not even bothered if I am banned from here. It is by far the rudest forum I have ever had the displeasure of joining. Good riddance.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    You won't lose "properly" with diet supplements, and anything you lose is likely to be regained.
  • gelar93
    gelar93 Posts: 160
    There's this really secret and magical to getting fit and losing weight, called working out and eating healthy.
    Like seriously what were you thinking when you posted this topic??

    Clearly you did not read my post properly.. I said AS WELL AS eating healthily and exercising. Whats up love? What did daddy do to make you such a *****?

    Alright to give you a better response:
    working out, eating healthy and not asking pointless questions
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Weight loss isn't's just not. Cutting carbs will result in some quick losses on the scale due to water loss, but that's about it. Personally I'd just focus on the process of becoming a healthier and more fit individual and not worry about timelines and such. Ultimately, your health and fitness are lifetime endeavors so what's the rush?
  • TheNoLeafClover
    TheNoLeafClover Posts: 335 Member
    Yawn. You fail to see what she said first. Actually not even bothered if I am banned from here. It is by far the rudest forum I have ever had the displeasure of joining. Good riddance.

    We'll be glad to see you go.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Why are people getting so miffed with this post? I want quick weight loss as I am getting married soon... I will repeat myself again and say that I am doing this in the correct and healthy way... I am just asking if there is any little hints and tips i.e "sprinkle cinnamon on your porridge as it is thought to speed up metabolism". People seem to think I am asking for hints like, eat two lettuce leaves a day and stick your fingers down your throat. Jeeze.

    The "correct and healthy way" isn't quick.