"Junk" Food - Abstinence or Moderation?



  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    I cut out "junk food" for a little while knowing that I would incorporate it back into my diet in the future. I did it for about 2 months and now I have incorporated it back into my diet. The two rules I have for myself is that it does have to fit within my calorie budget and it doesn't come into the house. This helps to ensure that I only have one serving at a time and don't eat a whole big bag of chips or a tub of ice cream.
    i did exactly this, though i will buy a bag of chips or whatnot every once and then to keep in the pantry
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    As a person who is starting to be a little more open minded to peoples issues with "junk" food, I'm going to say maybe some folks need to abstain for a bit and then have it in moderation once they start to see a change in thier bodies and feel confident that they can have a bit.

    I'm on the threshhold of abstaining from bread for a period of time, like 30 days.
  • kuchurimal
    kuchurimal Posts: 13
    everything for me is moderation cause abstinence does not work for long term. I am trying to stick with 80/20 rule...eat healthy 80% of times during the week and eat what you want 20%. I feel this is more doable.
  • jason_adams
    jason_adams Posts: 187 Member
    I find abstinence easier. If I get cravings I prefer to get a small bag of chips or ice cream or what not. Then I eat it and it's done. If there's a big bag or a big tub around the house.... that's bad news for me.
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    Double post
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    For the most part I abstain. I know that I can't really keep any kind of junk food in the house, especially not things like cookies or brownies. That doesn't mean I'll never have them, but I just can't have them around.

    I know people say this isn't sustainable, but I disagree. I've maintained a healthy weight pretty much my entire life by following this principle. I'm 38.

    However, I will stress, I don't eat perfect all the time. In fact, I definitely follow an 80/20 type split. I'm great M-Th. Pretty bad Fri-Sat, and decent on Sundays. Usually. :-)
  • ellynor
    ellynor Posts: 3 Member
  • awolf2011
    awolf2011 Posts: 265 Member
    I LOVE sweets, chocolate, hard candy, etc. and when I try to cut it out completely my body does weird things. I crave it more and more. I eat it in moderation because I can control this. When I try to cut it out and have the cravings I tend to binge on it. I learned to eat it in moderation and watch how much of it I was eating. I also use it as a treat for me when I've done really well with my calorie intake and my exercise. It's also helping that I'm still pumping for my 8 mo so I have to watch how much sugar goes into my body.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    I know people say this isn't sustainable, but I disagree. I've maintained a healthy weight pretty much my entire life by following this principle. I'm 38.


    I really, really wish people would stop generalizing what is, or is not, sustainable for other people and just say "this isn't sustainable ...for me." I get so tired of seeing people around here talking about everyone as if we're all the same, with the same issues, same strengths, and same weaknesses.

    I see very common behaviors around here that are deemed "sustainable" and advisable which aren't sustainable for me at all.
  • RabbitLost
    RabbitLost Posts: 333 Member
    As many have tried to explain to you multiple times, when you overly restrict it typically makes sustainability much more difficult. Plan your day include 1 serving or whatever it is you can fit of your ice cream serve that put the rest of the way.

    Really start working on your relationship with food, food is not good, bad, evil or whatever other label you want to give it... it's food. The main reason I have been successful this time is because I finally learned that 99% of what I thought I knew about dieting was wrong, by making a few small changes, learning portion control, learning moderation, and getting off my butt and moving I can lose weight, get healthier and not be miserable.

    Good luck

    Perfect! :flowerforyou:
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    As many have tried to explain to you multiple times, when you overly restrict it typically makes sustainability much more difficult. Plan your day include 1 serving or whatever it is you can fit of your ice cream serve that put the rest of the way.

    Really start working on your relationship with food, food is not good, bad, evil or whatever other label you want to give it... it's food. The main reason I have been successful this time is because I finally learned that 99% of what I thought I knew about dieting was wrong, by making a few small changes, learning portion control, learning moderation, and getting off my butt and moving I can lose weight, get healthier and not be miserable.

    Good luck

    Perfect! :flowerforyou:
    what some people dont understand is that for many, moderation just doesnt work until you get your habits under control. i tried moderation with chips and whatnot for the first couple of weeks, but my old habits kicked in and it often turned into a binge. i needed a sort of mental detox from all the crap before i could re-introduce it into my lifestyle. it wasnt until a couple months into eating smaller portions and healthier foods that i got in under control and could again indulge in the foods that beforehand would cause a binge
  • SRDB00
    SRDB00 Posts: 50 Member
    My choice is moderation. In the past I too have gone with the abstinence method and finally got tired of not having what I wanted so I would over induldge. One day turned in to everyday for a long period of time. (I preferred junk food over real food all of the time). Once I learned how to adjust my calories around the junk food I want then it became a win win. Like you said the key word is moderation. I eat one serving and will put the bag/box away. If I want ice cream I eat a cup. It might be a lot of calories but I usually log that item first and then eat regular food using remaining calories.

    Also you can exercise for those treats as well.