LADIES: Skipping exercise for that time of the month?



  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Nvm... It ain't worth it.
  • Saree1902
    Saree1902 Posts: 611 Member
    If you're exhausted and honestly don't want to, don't. I personally do exercise during my TOM, simply because movement relieves cramps, promotes blood flow, and it helps keep my flow less heavy. But simply because you skip a week doesn't mean you're still not on point. Just don't binge! For example, I usually burn anywhere from 500-700 calories 6 days a week exercising, but today I"m not going to exercise at all because my knee is in pain. Do what works for you. Everyone is different. Every TOM is different. If you want to go for a run, do it! If you'd rather hibernate in sweatpants with a Downton Abbey marathon, more power to you! :drinker:

    Agree with this! For me, exercise seems to help and I can do my usual routine most months. Plus once I had a half marathon during TOM which I'd trained for and wanted to run!
    However, I do occasionally get a killer month when all I can do is whimper and pop ibuprofen like smarties! My appetite is usually lower during so I don't miss the exercise calories.
  • cherrilovee
    cherrilovee Posts: 194 Member
    I usually only skip the first day because the cramps are THAT bad. But, other days I'm fine. Even if you're in pain, just take an ibuprofen before exercising, you should be fine. Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
  • combatbunny
    combatbunny Posts: 42 Member
    I get some pretty awful cramps, so I usually go swimming to relax things.
  • jjeanmneis
    jjeanmneis Posts: 83 Member
    I've always found that exercise makes my period pain better and gives me more energy. Only some exercises help though; with sit-ups or riding a stationary bike being my favourite. It might be worth trying a few things out to see if you feel better. If you really do feel awful then just skip it - it's better that you don't associate exercise with feeling bad!

    I agree - exercise does help, but you don't have to over due it. Just keep moving even if it's just walking to keep you going
  • jjeanmneis
    jjeanmneis Posts: 83 Member
    I get some pretty awful cramps, so I usually go swimming to relax things.

    Swimming is always a great idea
  • Paraskevi78
    Paraskevi78 Posts: 4 Member
    Don't get too stressed if you cannot exercise for a few days! Everyone's body is different and people deal with period pain differently.
    I haven't exercised for 3 weeks because of minor surgery but stuck to my 1,200 calorie daily goal and still managed to lose just over 4 lb's.
  • jjeanmneis
    jjeanmneis Posts: 83 Member
    Geez, how did women in centuries past do it? I can't imagine a 19th century farm wife taking the day off from mending clothes, feeding seven kids, hanging the laundry, scrubbing the floors, and shucking corn just because she got her period.

    A womens just got to do what she's got to do when there is work to be done. However, I have found that having a kid actually helped with my over all cramping/PMS - 7 and I'd be done. It worries me that so many women on here are doubling over - for days at a time. I recommend seeing a OB/GYN to make sure there isn't a more serious problem going on.
  • Lilly_the_Hillbilly
    Lilly_the_Hillbilly Posts: 914 Member
    When I got to university, I joined a rowing team. Prior to joining- I had horrible cramps. I stayed home and spent the day throwing up and crying and trying to sleep the pain off. After I joined rowing- the cramps went away. I'm not certain, but I heard physical activity helps to get rid of terrible period pain. I have not had cramps in a very long time now.
    I'd say maybe not this one or the next - but if you keep up with the physical training- I'm guessing the bad periods will ease up and go away.
  • summer92008
    summer92008 Posts: 202
    Thanks, everyone. I don't know why a few people felt the extreme need to be bit**y? Maybe it is their time of the month. But, for those who imagine that I must be some lazy bum wanting attention because I'm bleeding, I only worked out the 1st day of my period - Wednesday - and couldn't since then, not because of my period, but because my father has been sick. No need to go into all of his medical problems. But, like always, I've stuck my deficit and ate like any other day and have managed to drop 2 more pounds. So, ha, this lazy bum just wanting attention is still on her weight loss track.
  • Left4Good
    Left4Good Posts: 304
    I prefer it tbh, maybe cause the painkillers make me feel happy and energetic haha.
  • BlueButterfly94
    BlueButterfly94 Posts: 303 Member
    Honestly the first two days of my period (which are the WORST pain-wise) I skip running. Everything else- pilates and calisthenics- I push through because it actually helps ease the pain. I don't think skipping a few days to a week will do too much harm, but it's really what you can do. Take some pain medication, sit with a heating pad for a while, then take a HOT shower. (My cramps typically render me immobile for two days, and the pain brings an incredible nausea... So yeah, I know your pain. xD)
  • fitcrt
    fitcrt Posts: 76 Member
    I too have about two days each month where I cannot do anything except eat at a deficit. During that time I get migraines and I suffer from anemia as my cycles are SO heavy - I have to take iron supplements on those days & the pain is unbearable - the pain is equal to giving birth (I gave birth to both of my children without drugs - so I know). My issue is fibroids - which may be yours? There is surgery for it, but the possible side effects include death or needing a complete hysterectomy later - so I just put up with it each month & I am looking forward to menopause! I know this doesn't help - but you are not alone! =0)
  • summer92008
    summer92008 Posts: 202
    Lol, I too am looking forward to menopause. I'm only 20 so I know it probably isn't any time soon, but I will welcome it with open arms.