Boyfriend refuses to respect that I want to workout alone?



  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,931 Member
    At least it's nice he wants to spend time with you :)

    BUT to answer your question, can you start going very early in the morning - perhaps when he's too sleepy to want to join you?

    I definitely get it though, I feel this way when I exercise with my bf too but it doesn't happen too often so I don't mind the company once in a while.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    is he scared you will run off
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,523 Member
    This isn't uncommon. Many couples don't work out together due to differences in goals. Some do like to work out together. IMO, tell him. One thing men aren't good at is mind reading. Heck lots of times you could put the best hints in front of us and we still wouldn't get what you really want! So be straight up and tell him. If he's mature enough, he'll abide.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    Are you really telling him to go away or only half heartedly? Are you like......'giggle', oh go away. Or are you "LEAVE ME ALONE TILL I'M DONE" OR "NOW WHAT?, I'M IN THE MIDDLE OF SOMETHING HERE...GO DO YOUR THING"

    Or maybe you could find a middle ground of agreeing to take a break at a specific time where you two can chat for a couple minutes but the rest of the time do your own thing.
  • WJZR
    WJZR Posts: 98 Member
    Is he wondering if you are flirting with other guys? Is he that jealous... that he has to watch you....? If he's that " posessive" dump him.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    OP, you have some issues that you may want to work on.
  • fooninie
    fooninie Posts: 291 Member
    I'm a straight shooter. My hubby knows that my gym time is mine and he is welcome to join, but not "be with me" the time we are there. I prefer to go solo also, so I can relate to you on that.

    I vote for honesty here. Tell him the truth about how it makes you feel. Also, make sure you let him know that it's not because you don't want to spend time with him, but that gym time is your alone time. I also agree with the comment that men can't read minds.
  • sc003ro
    sc003ro Posts: 227 Member
    Option one....either smoke screen when you are he does not know when you are there if possible

    Option 2......Or sit down and discuss proper gym etiquette when you are there toether....nice but firm

    I have had both GF who want to go and just chit chat and GF who want to actually work out....its not an hour long date...its a work out..

    I think it is hot to have a female that works out and can make it through one of your work outs
  • KnM0107
    KnM0107 Posts: 355 Member
    I can't believe he actually lets you dictate when he is allowed at the gym. If I were him and I got there early, I would not leave just because you said so. Poor guy.
  • workout_ninja
    workout_ninja Posts: 524 Member
    I work out with my hubby about once a week for a run. he is faster than me but slows down to run with me. Then puts his headphones in and ignores me (i dont listen to music when i run). I never saw the point in that. I guess there is no point to my post either, except I have a husband who wants to run with me but compeltely ignore me during said run. But Im ok with that.

    Tell him the truth maybe? at a neutral time?
  • RLMsFitnessPal
    RLMsFitnessPal Posts: 81 Member
    As others have said, the only thing you can do is be honest and straightforward with him. Just explain to him that you want workout time to be alone time because it helps you concentrate on your goals.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I can't believe he actually lets you dictate when he is allowed at the gym. If I were him and I got there early, I would not leave just because you said so. Poor guy.

    I'd flat out tell her how ridiculous she is being.
  • tart_of_darkness
    I don't know if the word choice is hyperbole, but when someone refuses to respect something you want the question of what to do becomes kind of obvious.

    Anyway, the only thing you can do if you want the relationship to continue is either asset yourself or acquiesce. Being assertive isn't being a (whatever asterisked word you typed out) but neither is it fun to get ready for a workout, drive/walk there and then find out your partner is there demanding you leave immediately. If there's no contract, just ask him to end his membership. Or you could agree that he works out at the Y during their hours, giving you time to work out at your gym alone.
  • UK_Gal
    UK_Gal Posts: 25
    My partner and I have a couples membership at our gym. My partner is fit. Very healthy. He runs and lifts. He used to be a trainer - he has retained a really healthy lifestyle.

    I am TOTALLY chubby. Literally - a proper Thigh Slapping Chubs.

    I LOVE going to the gym with him.

    I don't expect to achieve what he achieves. I maintain my expectations and work to them. I talk openly about what I weigh (a lot more than him) and he encourages me to feel great about myself.

    We have COMPLETELY different routines at the gym. Try to make an agreement that you can go to the gym, but not interact. ASK him NOT to stand on a machine next to yours. Let him be there, but tell him you need to have space and focus. We arrive together and then separate for the duration as we both want to focus and stay true to our goals. We sometimes stretch together if we finish at the same time - but mostly, he comes and finds me, says he's going to the sauna and I say, "Cool". We then meet in the lobby at about 8pm (or whatever time). Going together is GREAT. I never ask him what his calories are like and how fast he runs, but I LOVE telling him how I'm doing. He is a massive support and advocate for me. No pressure - just love. He also LOVES that we go together. I was actually super self conscious initially - and then realised - it's pretty cool that he's there. It's silent support. My best friend is with me while I'm sweating and heaving. Wonderful.

    You need to talk to your partner and set boundaries. Tell him if you go together, you want to be independent in that moment. No chatting, no standing next to each other - just two independent people working out. You arrive together, separate, leave together. That would be a good concession from you, because he clearly wants to spend time with you. Set the boundaries and you'll keep your focus.

    If it doesn't work - at least you tried to concede something. If it still distracts you and ruins your workout - then get him to stop coming at the same time... You need to talk to him clearly and openly so he understands. He certainly doesn't right now.

    Good luck!
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    So, I started telling him to go to the gym after I'm done. And if he comes earlier I tell him either he leaves, or I leave and come back later. He usually leaves. I told him numerous times that we can't work out together and he doesn't listen.

    :-( advice?

    This part right here is bad.

    For both of you.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,361 Member
    Seriously, tell him, straight up.

    I've gone running with a few significant others now, and I set the pace. I have my headphones in, and I'm ignoring him, no matter what he's doing. Run time is my time. They all respect that.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    I don't know how old ya'll are, but it sounds like you both need to grow up.

  • JoyeII
    JoyeII Posts: 240 Member
    I prefer to work out alone also. Which is why I don't work out at a gym. I work out at home, in my basement. I have all the equipment I need.

    I think you have some control issues. You seem to be pretty bossy with your BF while it seems he wants to encourage you and spend time with you.

    Why not just tell him, "hey, we can go to the gym together but, I need to focus and don't want to be interrupted during my workout so, we'll hook back up after we're both done"?
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Significant others can't win. It's either sabotage, disinterest and now too much interest. SMH.
  • runner475
    runner475 Posts: 1,236 Member
    So a couple months into our relationship, he switched gyms and joined mine. Makes sense, he used to go to the YMCA, but mines 24/7 so it's more convenient. Initially our schedules didnt allow us to go to the gym at the same time, but for the past few months he's been always available and asks to join me. I'd say yes, but it started negatively impacting my workouts. Maybe I'm crazy, but seeing him there discourages me. He's always looking over at me, dropping by to say hello between his sets, blah. It just drains my focus and if he does something with me, like running, he always does it better which also makes me feel kinda discouraged. If I'm running 6 mph, he's running 9. I know he's a boy, I know he's more in shape (in the army) but for some reason it still gets to me. And he'd ask me how many miles I did, how many calories I burned, etc. I hate it. I find working out to be a private affair.

    So, I started telling him to go to the gym after I'm done. And if he comes earlier I tell him either he leaves, or I leave and come back later. He usually leaves. I told him numerous times that we can't work out together and he doesn't listen. He even asks to join me, when he knows that I hate it when he does. It just puts me in a position of either being a ***** or sacrificing the intensity of my workout. He Still has a membership at the YMCA by the way, and that's much closer to his house. He didn't even regularly work out till he started dating me.

    :-( advice?

    Reading the bold words from your quote have you ever thought
    1) You may be inspiring and motivating him
    2) His theory maybe couples who work out together have strong bonds.

    Talk to him. Ask him what he thinks about you and him working out together. He has the answer.