Filling food



  • mariluny
    mariluny Posts: 428 Member
    I found that really often people will look at protein and fiber and calorie without looking at the quantity.
    You also eat with your eyes and if you eat a pitiful portion of something you will still want to eat after regardless if you are hungry or not.

    Your stomach need to be filled to send satiety signal to your brain. I was at 1200 cals for a while and i manage to fill full most days after many weeks of feeling hungry at all time. Try eating more veggies than fruit, they are just as good nutrition wise but much less caloric dense.
    I try to always have half of my plate filled with salad (usually cucumber/tomato/oregano or low fat dressing ceasar salad but those at my favorite just find yours), it's a 50-75 calories that will fill your stomach on low calories yet make you feel more full. So if you eat a chicken breast with rice and cauliflower (for example), that's about 350 cal, add the salad for 400 cals and at the end of your meal you'll feel much better. Or increase the cauliflower portion so you eat a lot of it. Make sure to have your plate as full as possible.

    Make sure to have plenty of protein for every meal. A big salad with no protein will make you feel full for about 1h and than back at being hungry. Also try eating slow digestive carbs. White potato get digested really fast compared to sweet potato or brown rice for example.
    Try to eat a big breakfast instead of a big dinner (some people hate doing that but I found it help me a lot). I usually get a 350+ breakfast so I start the day feeling full and i just don't let myself go hungry. If i start being hungry at 10h30 I snack a bit on something instead of waiting until lunch.

    Hope all of this help! :) Good luck!
  • gsallit
    gsallit Posts: 51 Member
    THANK YOU SO MUCH! All your suggestions were very helpful, but what was more helpful, your support and how much you cared!
    I wanted to give up, but your kindness gave me such motivation and inspiration!!! Many thanks!
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    THANK YOU SO MUCH! All your suggestions were very helpful, but what was more helpful, your support and how much you cared!
    I wanted to give up, but your kindness gave me such motivation and inspiration!!! Many thanks!

    Can I just say that it is really nice to see someone ask a question, get answers, and not freak out when it may not be the first thing they want to hear? You seem to have really wanted to learn something and made changes to do so. So, I say kudos. That is the sort of attitude that more people need to have to succeed at this.
  • mtruitt01
    mtruitt01 Posts: 370 Member
    i find that i am less hungry through the day when i have a large breakfast ie; baked beans, sausage, egg, slice of toast, mushrooms. 1200 seems pretty low though, you could try upping to 1250 and you'll probably still get the same results

    I love traditional English breakfasts!
    I eat a big breakfast most days and it a great help with weight loss.
    If I don't have time then I try for a filling lunch, maybe a large sandwich: whole wheat seed bread, cheese for protein and lots of my favorite veggies.
  • gsallit
    gsallit Posts: 51 Member
    THANK YOU SO MUCH! All your suggestions were very helpful, but what was more helpful, your support and how much you cared!
    I wanted to give up, but your kindness gave me such motivation and inspiration!!! Many thanks!

    Can I just say that it is really nice to see someone ask a question, get answers, and not freak out when it may not be the first thing they want to hear? You seem to have really wanted to learn something and made changes to do so. So, I say kudos. That is the sort of attitude that more people need to have to succeed at this.

    That's very nice of you to say :)
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    I find protein/fat combos VERY filling.

    I use to make two cans of tuna with some mayo paired with a couple cups of spinach, with a little butter, everything seasoned to taste. Whole meal was about 700 or so calories, enormous in volume, and I could NEVER finish it. I almost always could eat only half and would have to store the rest for another meal.

    Protein/fat combos are what I did before intermittent fasting to lose weight without calorie counting. I just find it almost impossible to gain weight on this combo because it's damn near impossible for me to overeat.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    THANK YOU SO MUCH! All your suggestions were very helpful, but what was more helpful, your support and how much you cared!
    I wanted to give up, but your kindness gave me such motivation and inspiration!!! Many thanks!
    Can I just say that it is really nice to see someone ask a question, get answers, and not freak out when it may not be the first thing they want to hear? You seem to have really wanted to learn something and made changes to do so. So, I say kudos. That is the sort of attitude that more people need to have to succeed at this.
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    I too have a 1200 cal limit. When I exercise I will earn from 400 to 700 calories giving me a total of 1600 to 1800.
    I will leave a deficit of anywhere from 400 to 500 calories depending on how hungry I am. On days I swim, do circuit training and housework I may eat all of my calories.
    Protein helps. I eat peanut butter on fruit or bread for a snack.