Scientific reasons why curves and breasts are attractive



  • DenDweller
    DenDweller Posts: 1,438 Member
    Absolutely brilliant!

    Well, the studies and their conclusions are rubbish, really. So, not so much that.

    But getting funding to study boobies all day? Pure, unmitigated genius.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I think they are both hot!


    Hmmm not my ideal body type I like.
  • spade117
    spade117 Posts: 2,466 Member


    I would rather bang a woman that's more similar to the woman on the right vs the woman on the left.


    At the same time.
  • ItsMeGee3
    ItsMeGee3 Posts: 13,254 Member
    Men like BOOBS. (period)
  • Bostonsoul
    Bostonsoul Posts: 151 Member
    Do we really need a study to know men like boobs and *kitten*? And if so, how do I fund such a study?
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    In for breasts.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    Do we really need a study to know men like boobs and *kitten*? And if so, how do I fund such a study?

    you can send checks to me to fund my study. i have been doing daily research for a long time without proper funding.
  • Megan101792
    Megan101792 Posts: 3,194 Member
    Do we really need a study to know men like boobs and *kitten*? And if so, how do I fund such a study?

    you can send checks to me to fund my study. i have been doing daily research for a long time without proper funding.

    If we need a study for how we know men like boobs and butts, let's get a study for how girls like men...well most girls
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    hilariously non scientific and leaving so many questions about the results. why even bother putting in 2 AND 3 as they contradict each other and basically show that the men they polled seem to be from a cross section of men who believe all women are submissive

    The author claims to be only interested in the scientific facts, but has no idea (apparently) how to reference. Linking to news articles doesn't count. That makes it difficult for the reader to form their own opinion based on the studies. I agree that she contradicts herself a couple of times in the article. Also, it has been known a long time that signs of fertility are attractive to men. Duh.
  • sw33tp3a11
    sw33tp3a11 Posts: 4,646 Member
    This goes for woman too. I appreciate the curves and the bobbies on women.
  • Shan_Lindsay
    Shan_Lindsay Posts: 60 Member
    I like boobs more! they're fun.
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    Interesting read!

    "Scientific reasons why curves (and breasts) are attractive to men"

    What do you think?

    "Poorer men prefer larger breasts" made me LOL so... How many of you out there are broke?:laugh:

    I would think it would be, "Larger breasts make men poor"

    How much money would you make the average man spend? :bigsmile:
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    I'm rather large chested and prefer to be submissive hogwash on study for me

    How YOU doin'? :wink:
  • Oklahoma_qt
    Oklahoma_qt Posts: 145 Member
    Makes since poorer men would want bigger breast> cause once she pops out babies those are free food for that baby for a while. Curves and boobs are sexually attractive> but totally goes back to cave man days> curvy women > baby makers.. Lol big boobs baby feeders. I think it's our animalistic nature. Whether we actively think about it or not it's in there. We want to "breed" lmao ????
  • JenD1066
    JenD1066 Posts: 298 Member
    This article is anecdotes and opinions. "Scientific" should not even be in the title. To state that "men perceive large breasts as “traditional” femininity and “perceive women as meek and weak” and then claim that "men who generally prefer smaller breasts are those who prefer a submissive partner who is easy to control" renders the article both nonsensical and offensive.
    Couple the inaccuracy with the serial killer cut-outs of the body parts of famous people, and you have something which is really better placed in Star magazine.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    The evolutionary perspective in this article is totally out of date (and incorrect)

    Breasts are NOT a sign of fertility. They are actually the opposite.

    in other primates (and in mammals generally) nipples swell up when the female is lactating - human breasts imitate what lactating breasts look like. Other male primates (and mammals) are not attracted to swollen breasts, as they're a sign that the female is not currently fertile. So this begs the question - why are human males attracted to swollen breasts? Why are they attracted to the look of a non-fertile, lactating nipple? i.e. that of a female who's already born another male's child?

    Humans also have hidden oestrus - i.e. you can't look at a human female and tell whether or not she's ovulating and she has sex at any time in her cycle, while in most primate species the females get sexual swellings of their genitals which they flash at males for sex, and only have sex when ovulating.

    The main theories on this are quite complex and involve the evolution of other traits such as bipedalism and loss of the large canine teeth of other primates (which male primates use for male-male aggression/displaying, and is a sign of masculinity in many other primate species). The upshot is that hominins seem to have gone down the evolutionary route of females choosing less aggressive males to mate with (smaller canine teeth), who provide them with regular food and regular sex, and males have gone down the route of choosing females that don't look fertile, to eliminate the competition of other males, while he provides her with all this food and regular sex (i.e. a long term relationship). Food sharing in humans goes both ways, but with different foods provided by each gender (male = hunter; female = gatherer) but it's not clear exactly when this division occurred and earlier hominins may have shared all kinds of food with the male providing more food to the female during the initial courtship and while she's too pregnant or nursing a small infant to be able to find so much food...... so anyway, by selecting females that don't look fertile, the male is more likely to actually be the father of the infant born as a result of such a relationship - and the female going for less aggressive males is likely to be due to less aggressive males being more likely to put effort into provisioning for her (and any infant that's born) rather than competing with other males to mate with as many females as possible. It's thought that this strategy evolved early on in hominins, and is what separated early hominins from the ancestors of chimps/bonobos and set hominins on a different evolutionary trajectory.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Spanking. It's the answer
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    I don't see this ending well. In, nonetheless.
  • Cryptonomnomicon
    Cryptonomnomicon Posts: 848 Member
    Where do I sign up for these studies?

    Is it hands on?

    Do I get paid?

    Do I really care if I get paid?
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Accoring to this article, I am poor and a sexist, becuase I like curves. Not True.

    Also, according to this article, my wife chose me because I am unattractive and less likely to stray.