Fitbit..or nah?

Hello fellow users. I'm really thinking about purchasing a fitbit to help track my daily activities and work. I know they are a bit pricey, but is it really worth the buy? Anyone have any other brands they use to keep up with their daily calories? Would really love the help so I can finally purchase something. :)
!Thank you!


  • Ems500c
    Ems500c Posts: 153 Member
    I am posting to see the results myself! I am looking into a fitbit, so would love all the feedback!
  • I just received my fitbit today, which I ordered from Amazon. Several family members have one and love it. I have been using the fitbit app on my iphone to record my steps, but it seems to really eat up my battery. So, I am hoping the actual fitbit flex will save my iphone and serve as a constant reminder that it is important to get up and move. Sorry I do not have more to report so far, but I am hopeful this helps me with my fitness regimen. Good luck to you!
  • RonJr88
    RonJr88 Posts: 56 Member
    I Love my fitbit..I have had zip and now have a flex.I wear it everyday and had no problems.It does a great job tracking my steps and sleep and helping to remind me to get my 10,000 steps in a day.
  • SXMEnrico
    SXMEnrico Posts: 89 Member
    I've been using the fitbit one for about a week. I find it helpful in tracking my activity and sleep. Its also a good motivator.
  • geckospot
    geckospot Posts: 56 Member
    Love it! I had the Flex but it died so I took my hubby's One. Didn't like wearing that ugly bracelet anyway. The One clips into my pants pocket and I wear it every day. I haven't synched with the site since I switched to the One, but I write down mileage every day. I've been using one for about a year.
  • Swiftlet66
    Swiftlet66 Posts: 729 Member
    I got mine about a month ago and it's great for motivation. During the summer, I only work part time and I didn't realize that on my off days from work, I was only netting around 2000 steps and an extremely low calorie burn. Lol. Now, on those days, I try to get out more, which is awesome imo. I have the One and it also has a sleeping tracker which made me realize why I always feel tired (apparently I'm a very restless sleeper) so now, I go to bed earlier to get more hours in and feel better because of it.
  • Yanagibashi
    Yanagibashi Posts: 58 Member
    I love mine! I have the One (really wanted a Force but those have been recalled). As far as accurate step and calorie burning, there are probably better (and more expensive) on the market. Rather than believe everything it says, I use it more as a gauge of how much effort I put in per day. I can easily see if I did better or worse than the day before. It becomes like a game: each day, go a little farther or a little faster or a little longer than the day before.
  • madyt7
    madyt7 Posts: 5 Member
    They are pricy, but worth it. I used it when I originally cut weight from about 220 lbs down to 170. I'm using it again now since I bulked back up to 200ish, and now I'm losing again. It's a really nice reminder as to how you need to adjust your intake accordingly. If you need some more help losing I definitely recommend it.
  • I've read reviews that say the FitBit is basically a glorified pedometer and that it isn't accurate/the sleep function is a gimmick, ect, but unless you're willing to invest in a heavy duty heart monitor for working out then the FitBit may be your best option, especially if you want it for every day use. There are alternatives-Jawbones makes the Up24 which sounds like it has way better software, but is also pricier and has a tendency to break down. tl;dr you have options, and the fitbit isn't a bad one at all.
  • CaitlinK1
    CaitlinK1 Posts: 1 Member
    I love mine! I've had a flex for about 4 months, and I find it really motivating- I love to get badges for achieving goals. I love that it syncs with MFP automatically, so I can set my activity level to sedentary, and only get credit for the movement I'm really doing. If you're a runner/walker, totally recommend. If you prefer biking or swimming or something it can't track, it might not be as useful.
  • Takes2long
    Takes2long Posts: 367 Member
    I've had mine for around a month or so. It does track my activity, but I use my HRM when I'm exercising, too. One thing I'll mention is if you get it, or for anyone else that has one…sign up with Sync it all together, and you earn points for your activity. Especially steps!! I've earned free shoes, discounts on sneakers, tea, watches. Yes, you do have to buy something. But the companies usually give back to the community in some way, Most products are green in some way. The next reward I'm working towards is a watch. It's BOGO. "Epic International is more than just a watch company, it's a company with philanthropy at its core. For every Epic timepiece sold, Epic will provide clean drinking water for an individual in Haiti for five years through the distribution of water filters. Epic teams also provide health education during our distributions to teach the basics about germs, disease, hygiene and food preparation. " Sorry for the long ramble. The FitBit does get you moving. I was going to return mine, but I find myself moving a bit more, walking further, just get in more activity, to earn more rewards. :tongue:
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    If it is right for you or not really depends upon what you do and what you want to track about your activity level. If you walk a lot, or want a tool to help you get up and walk more throughout the day it might be a good tool for you. If you're a swimmer, cyclist, aerobics class type ... it might not be since it tracks only steps.

    I have a Flex and use it to track trends. It isn't a must reach X steps every day thing for me. For others, it is.
  • Twignasty
    Twignasty Posts: 80 Member
    Love the reviews from everyone! I'm really trying to use it to keep myself active and see my progress each day. Definitely will look more into it! Thanks alot! I'm excited!
  • Mariachicat
    Mariachicat Posts: 311 Member
    I want one but I'm planning on upgrading my phone so want to wait until I do that...then invest in a Fitbit, Jawbone, or something comparable. I think Apple is coming out with one called iWatch soon. I'll probably wait, but I've been wanting one too! Let us know what you decide.
  • want2bahotmama
    want2bahotmama Posts: 6 Member
    I love mine! I had the Ultra (first gen.) is was old but, still worked until it went into the wash : ( I ended up going to BestBuy and getting the Zip they have 2 for about $100.00 it does not track sleep or stairs but, it shows your steps and calorie burn.. Very helpful.. Good luck no matter what you do
  • bsmith101112
    bsmith101112 Posts: 31 Member
    I love it! My husband has one... it's kinda nice to have the competition of steps. I also purchased one for my sister as a birthday present! We are becoming a fitbit family. Pricey, but it's an investment in your health!
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,030 Member
    I've been agonising over whether to get one, too. It's expensive and I don't know whether it would change anything for me, or just assuage my curiosity. I do martial arts and it wouldn't count that and I don't know if it would make me walk more... I have a pedometer on my phone which appears fairly accurate so I'm struggling to justify the fitbit.
  • shireeniebeanie
    shireeniebeanie Posts: 293 Member
    Love it! Their customer service is amazing, too.
  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member
    I really like it. They are pricey but worth it. I bought it before I left on vacation to help remind me to stay on track...Motivates me to hit my step goals too
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    I would save my money. I have a flex and I don't believe it is any where close to being accurate in recording steps. The current dashboard is messed up, giving people credit for way more miles than they have done - I got my 250 mile badge just 20 days after my 50 mile badge - and there is absolutely no way I walked 200 miles in 20 days.

    I've requested assistance from customer service - and I'm still waiting after several days. And the last time I had an inquiry their answer was so off the wall I think they rep must have either answered someone else's question or he had way too much fun the night before.

    IMO it's the worst $100 I've ever spent. Only good thing - wearing it on my wrist does remind me to move more and that has to count for something...but I think a string could do that and that wold be far cheaper!

    And if you are thinking about using it for the sleep function - that function is a total waste!