I Don't Believe in Counting Calories on Thanksgiving



  • Rjperron
    Rjperron Posts: 150
    I agree too on the point about people who mentally cannot take a cheat day even one every couple months at a holiday. That is unhealthy. Though your body may be healthy, the mindset of freaking out and not being able to eat anything high cal without mental / emotional trauma is just as unhealthy a mindset as those who use food for comfort, think holidays are all about food, etc.

    That's exactly what I was getting at....all these responses about simply eating sensibly make so much sense. Yes, the holiday isn't about food...so we shouldn't be worried about it, whether that means eating a little more turkey or a little less gravy.

    And watching FOOTBALL!
  • Loseittoo
    Loseittoo Posts: 74 Member
    Well, I have made a lifestyle change too, but at my heart my number one belief is in moderation. That means I am going to eat as healthy as I"m able to most of the time, and I am also going to treat myself at times. It's not good to go 100% off the deep end in either direction. That is what really disturbs me about this community, we seem to have a lot of people who are so "all or nothing" in mindset. Yeah, I have chosen to lead a healthier lifestyle, but I have also chosen to incorporate a few days out of the year when I'm going to indulge. Life goes on.....

    When you get married you don't get to have cheat days do you? Thats what a lifestyle change is. it makes no sense to take a day off of this lifestyle either.

    Sunday I had smoke bbq spare ribs and all kinds of good food. I stayed with in my calories goals. I will do the same on thanksgiving. I will enjoy the food and also stay with in my goals.

    Sounds to me like alot of people feeling deprived of food needing a excuse to splurge. You can have a wonderful meal and still not blow your calorie goals.
  • Rjperron
    Rjperron Posts: 150
    Well, I have made a lifestyle change too, but at my heart my number one belief is in moderation. That means I am going to eat as healthy as I"m able to most of the time, and I am also going to treat myself at times. It's not good to go 100% off the deep end in either direction. That is what really disturbs me about this community, we seem to have a lot of people who are so "all or nothing" in mindset. Yeah, I have chosen to lead a healthier lifestyle, but I have also chosen to incorporate a few days out of the year when I'm going to indulge. Life goes on.....

    When you get married you don't get to have cheat days do you? Thats what a lifestyle change is. it makes no sense to take a day off of this lifestyle either.

    Sunday I had smoke bbq spare ribs and all kinds of good food. I stayed with in my calories goals. I will do the same on thanksgiving. I will enjoy the food and also stay with in my goals.

    Sounds to me like alot of people feeling deprived of food needing a excuse to splurge. You can have a wonderful meal and still not blow your calorie goals.

    That's true. In fact, I've been out to eat, been out to bars, and cooked delicious meals (smoking feasts sound awesome!) all without blowing my goals (well, sometimes there are the extra 50-100 cals here and there). But I also allow some elbow room for my favorites! Yes, it is possible to lose weight and have what you want.
  • Loseittoo
    Loseittoo Posts: 74 Member

    That's true. In fact, I've been out to eat, been out to bars, and cooked delicious meals (smoking feasts sound awesome!) all without blowing my goals (well, sometimes there are the extra 50-100 cals here and there). But I also allow some elbow room for my favorites! Yes, it is possible to lose weight and have what you want.

    Mmmm Ribs lol.

  • tdh302
    tdh302 Posts: 57 Member
    I admit that I haven't read all of the posts, so this may just be echoing what others have stated; however, here are my thoughts. I personally look at holidays as a time to be with people, or participate in activities, that I normally don't get to enjoy. That usually includes some foods that I don't normally eat or may only see once a year. I've never looked at it as a last meal before the electric chair or the opportunity to eat as much as I can just because it's a "special day." I think there are some people who DO eat as much as possible because it may be what they've always done on a holiday, but that can even be more complicated than what it appears. I personally do not judge the day a loss or a set back if I don't track what I eat, simply because I am conscious of portions and understand it as being one day- or for that matter - one meal. Each person has their own way of handling holiday eating and for some that will be to keep it as monitored/controlled as they normally do, to throw all rules out the window, or to just do the best that they can and move on. Whatever works :)
  • buggaboo73
    Well, I have made a lifestyle change too, but at my heart my number one belief is in moderation. That means I am going to eat as healthy as I"m able to most of the time, and I am also going to treat myself at times. It's not good to go 100% off the deep end in either direction. That is what really disturbs me about this community, we seem to have a lot of people who are so "all or nothing" in mindset. Yeah, I have chosen to lead a healthier lifestyle, but I have also chosen to incorporate a few days out of the year when I'm going to indulge. Life goes on.....

    When you get married you don't get to have cheat days do you? Thats what a lifestyle change is. it makes no sense to take a day off of this lifestyle either.

    Sunday I had smoke bbq spare ribs and all kinds of good food. I stayed with in my calories goals. I will do the same on thanksgiving. I will enjoy the food and also stay with in my goals.

    Sounds to me like alot of people feeling deprived of food needing a excuse to splurge. You can have a wonderful meal and still not blow your calorie goals.

    I am simply saying that my lifestyle choice is moderation. And enjoying different foods and treating myself to a piece of pie or cake a few days out of the year is, in my mind, moderation. The strongest tree is the one that can bend.....

    If you are not comfortable with that then by all means, stay within the lines. Whatever gets you through.
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    Part of the MFP plan is to not get to crazy with calorie reduction. Because of that, hopefully your metabolism hasn't downshifted so much that a couple extra calories will throw you off to far.

    Personally, I plan to focus on healthy foods while still enjoying myself. Just be reasonable and understand that you might not lose as much as normal. No biggie.
  • Loseittoo
    Loseittoo Posts: 74 Member
    Well, I have made a lifestyle change too, but at my heart my number one belief is in moderation. That means I am going to eat as healthy as I"m able to most of the time, and I am also going to treat myself at times. It's not good to go 100% off the deep end in either direction. That is what really disturbs me about this community, we seem to have a lot of people who are so "all or nothing" in mindset. Yeah, I have chosen to lead a healthier lifestyle, but I have also chosen to incorporate a few days out of the year when I'm going to indulge. Life goes on.....

    When you get married you don't get to have cheat days do you? Thats what a lifestyle change is. it makes no sense to take a day off of this lifestyle either.

    Sunday I had smoke bbq spare ribs and all kinds of good food. I stayed with in my calories goals. I will do the same on thanksgiving. I will enjoy the food and also stay with in my goals.

    Sounds to me like alot of people feeling deprived of food needing a excuse to splurge. You can have a wonderful meal and still not blow your calorie goals.

    I am simply saying that my lifestyle choice is moderation. And enjoying different foods and treating myself to a piece of pie or cake a few days out of the year is, in my mind, moderation. The strongest tree is the one that can bend.....

    If you are not comfortable with that then by all means, stay within the lines. Whatever gets you through.

    A piece of pie or cake is far from what some are talking bout. I have a family dinner at my house every week. We have all kinds of food. More than some will have on thanksgiving. I stay with in my goals each week. I have cake, pie, cookies what ever. Its about moderation,accountability and responsibility. Thats why I don't have a "cheat day". I am living life.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    A piece of pie or cake is far from what some are talking bout. I have a family dinner at my house every week. We have all kinds of food. More than some will have on thanksgiving. I stay with in my goals each week. I have cake, pie, cookies what ever. Its about moderation,accountability and responsibility. Thats why I don't have a "cheat day". I am living life.

    There are many many of us who don't have these sort of events regularly. Eating out, having family over etc. For me, I eat with family (other than my husband) maybe 2 times a year, if that, and in a restaurant maybe 6. If they were regular events it would make more sense to stay way within range and with sever moderation, but the 2 times a year I see my family and eat their signature dishes, I'm not skipping out on two kinds of pie!! (though my pie slices also won't be 1/4 of the pie!)

    I think for thanksgiving for me, it would be pretty easy to stay close to my calorie goal because it's currently about 2200 calories), but there are lots of people at a 1200 cal limit, which is NOT much food when you're talking Thanksgiving meals!

    It's hardly likened to cheating outside of marriage - marriage includes a vow that you will do no such thing. Eating healthy and losing weight includes no such specific exclusion. Some people could argue that taking a day off exercising is a cheat day (and thus comparable to cheating on a spouse?), but it's healthy for your body and your mind - occasional overeating (not stuffing, just going over) can actually be healthy and good for your metabolism and your mind as well!

    Plus, people need to remember that they are already at a (generally speaking) 500 deficit - so they can go over 500 and call it a maintenance day, then the wiggle room on overeating is anything ABOVE that. So going over your goal by 700 - is really NOT THAT BIG A DEAL! Even going over 1400 - that's only 900 cals toward weight gain or .25 of a lb - providing that every single calorie over goes directly to fat stores and nothing at all gets flushed out. One day of that ruins absolutely nothing.

    Now, again, if you have events similar to Thanksgiving all the time - ie your weekly meal, it really does remove a lot of the significance of Thanksgiving and that meal and gathering, compared to people who it's the only day a year (or one of few) they see family or get access to an actual full spread of food like this.

    That being said, you can still eat in moderation and go over your typical daily goal but still be within a realistic and healthy overage that will have no effect on your weight gain or loss a week from then.
  • Rjperron
    Rjperron Posts: 150
    Great discussion everybody. I think we're on the right page in terms of balance and moderation, and enjoying some special time with family.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    While one day of overindulging wouldn't do much harm in the long run, I'd rather eat reasonably (including using some healthy recipes), enjoy my day with my family and NOT feel stuffed silly at the end of the day. The focus of the day is the company I'm keeping, not the food - so I refuse to feel guilty for tracking my calories and applying my habit changes to Thanksgiving just like any other day.

    Edited to add: my opinion on why I *should* track on Thanksgiving, is that part of why I got here in the first place is mindless eating. I don't want to allow myself to eat mindlessly for any occasion - by tracking what I eat for Thanksgiving, I'm more likely to stick to reasonable portions and not make myself feel sick by the end of the day.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Do whatever YOU think is best for YOU. What works for one, may not work for another. That's the beauty of this life; we can all do whatever the hell we want and nobody can (or atleast they shouldn't) tell us we are wrong for doing it!

    mjtwomail - I like your outlook/attitude on threads! :wink:
  • buggaboo73
    I don't think you should feel guilty for counting calories if that's what you want to do.

    Nor do I think I should feel guilty for choosing one or two days to not count them.

    Nor do I think Loseittoo should feel guilty for doing his lifestyle change in the way that suits him.

    At the end of the day we all need to do what works for us.

    When I said my lifestyle change was moderation, I was NOT attacking anyone who said their lifestyle change was 100% healthy all the time.

    I was ONLY stating how I like to do things.

    I don't think my way is superior, nor do I think yours is.

    I only know ME and that I do not tend to feel black and white about ANY topic. Not religion, not child rearing, not sexuality, none of it. FOR ME it is reasonable to say that I want to extend that moderation to my diet. Considering in the past that I have been a binge eater, moderation FOR ME is a good plan.

    Talking about me here, again, nobody else. Not judging anyone else's choices. Not attacking anyone. Just saying this is what works for me. Period.
  • buggaboo73
    Do whatever YOU think is best for YOU. What works for one, may not work for another. That's the beauty of this life; we can all do whatever the hell we want and nobody can (or atleast they shouldn't) tell us we are wrong for doing it!

    mjtwomail - I like your outlook/attitude on threads! :wink:

    Agreed! On both statements!
  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    And for goodness sakes, one day isn't going to "sabotage" anyone's weight loss.

    It certainly can, it depends on the person.
  • TaneeisFitforLife
    I will do what I do at any event. Eat lighter during the day, get a good work out in and eat sensible. I will not go all out and eat what ever I like.

    I have family over every week. I smoke some meat on the smoker and we have a big feast. I always stay with in my goals. Thanksgiving is no different.

    I have made a lifestyle change. I am not on a diet. After being 400lbs and losing most of it you see food differently. And my holiday will not be about stuffing myself full of bad foods. It will be about sharing a day of thanks with those that mean so much to me.

    And FOOTBALL!!!!!

    Yes! This is how I view Thanksgiving eating. We are visiting in-laws so what they make is beyond my control so I'll eat a nice salad (I do bring my own dressing lol) and then eat sensibly. :) it's not an excuse to gorge myself.
  • buggaboo73
    And for goodness sakes, one day isn't going to "sabotage" anyone's weight loss.

    It certainly can, it depends on the person.

    Fine, I apologize. Eat salad on Thanksgiving or you will wake up 100 lbs heavier. This is the last straw for me on these boards. Too many extremists, too many judgmental people. This board is supposed to be about support but every time I come here I leave more stressed than when I came.

    If you all need rigid rules and all or nothing mindsets to feel cozy and snug at night then do what you gotta do. I'm off to find a forum where people can think outside the box and be rational.
  • Mkserpa
    Mkserpa Posts: 136
    So true! It's just too bad we have to celebrate it FIVE times since, now that we're married, everyone wants us over and everyone gets offended if we can't make it :P salad please!
  • Mkserpa
    Mkserpa Posts: 136
    And for goodness sakes, one day isn't going to "sabotage" anyone's weight loss.

    It certainly can, it depends on the person.

    Fine, I apologize. Eat salad on Thanksgiving or you will wake up 100 lbs heavier. This is the last straw for me on these boards. Too many extremists, too many judgmental people. This board is supposed to be about support but every time I come here I leave more stressed than when I came.

    If you all need rigid rules and all or nothing mindsets to feel cozy and snug at night then do what you gotta do. I'm off to find a forum where people can think outside the box and be rational.

    I agree buggaboo! One day will not hurt! It's called willpower and the ability to say no to overeating AFTER that one day!
  • Loseittoo
    Loseittoo Posts: 74 Member
    And for goodness sakes, one day isn't going to "sabotage" anyone's weight loss.

    It certainly can, it depends on the person.

    Fine, I apologize. Eat salad on Thanksgiving or you will wake up 100 lbs heavier. This is the last straw for me on these boards. Too many extremists, too many judgmental people. This board is supposed to be about support but every time I come here I leave more stressed than when I came.

    If you all need rigid rules and all or nothing mindsets to feel cozy and snug at night then do what you gotta do. I'm off to find a forum where people can think outside the box and be rational.

    Wow. She deactivated her account over this discussion? Her ticker says 0 lbs lost and she has been here since last year. Maybe she doesn't update it or she is still battling her relationship with food. Her reaction to this topic is way over the top.

    Either way I wish her the best.