I Don't Believe in Counting Calories on Thanksgiving



  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    And for goodness sakes, one day isn't going to "sabotage" anyone's weight loss.

    It certainly can, it depends on the person.

    Fine, I apologize. Eat salad on Thanksgiving or you will wake up 100 lbs heavier. This is the last straw for me on these boards. Too many extremists, too many judgmental people. This board is supposed to be about support but every time I come here I leave more stressed than when I came.

    If you all need rigid rules and all or nothing mindsets to feel cozy and snug at night then do what you gotta do. I'm off to find a forum where people can think outside the box and be rational.

    Wow. She deactivated her account over this discussion? Her ticker says 0 lbs lost and she has been here since last year. Maybe she doesn't update it or she is still battling her relationship with food. Her reaction to this topic is way over the top.

    Either way I wish her the best.

    I wish her the best too. I wasn't trying to get her to do things my way, just attempting to give my alternative view. The OP took it all in stride and saw my point (and I agree that we are actually quite aligned in our views, just using slightly different methods to get there.) I've just spent way too many Thanksgivings where I regretted eating certain things. I don't want to repeat that this year!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    So true! It's just too bad we have to celebrate it FIVE times since, now that we're married, everyone wants us over and everyone gets offended if we can't make it :P salad please!

    LOL! This could be a problem! I remember when I was younger we did lunch at one and dinner at another! Yes, if I still did that I would be counting at least one of those meals to the calorie!!

    Side note, personally, I have no problem with people who won't budge from what they think. They don't have to. It's what THEY think. I find very few people telling me what to do (at least, not in a hostile way). I have very opinionated views myself, though somewhat flexible (sometimes depending on how hungry I am :laugh:). It won't make me gain or lose one pound if you count your thanksgiving calories, if you go over by 2000, if you enjoy the day, or if you hate it because of the food stress. I'm doing it my way, and I might tell you what that is, and maybe even suggest you do it my way, but in the end, I don't "care" what you do. (i mean, I "care" about everyone, and wish everyone health and the best... but you get the point.)
  • Neuroticwench
    Neuroticwench Posts: 115 Member
    I don't even have to worry about this since I have to work Thanksgiving and my family is 50 miles away. Makes it easy! :grumble:
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    I agree with you! I do think, though, that there are plenty of things that will be on my family's table that are considered healthy. Besides turkey we always have raw vegetables, olives, pickles, and cooked vegetable dishes. I also think that pumpkin pie isn't the worst thing to eat as long as you don't add whipped cream.

    I plan on eating but limiting the really bad culprits: carbs. I will go easy on the mashed potatoes, homemade noodles and rolls.

    Have a great Thanksgiving Day! :smile:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    I agree~!Holidays do`nt have to stress everyone out.Eating healthier choices and eating smaller portions of the more calories.I think for me if I deprive myself,I`m more prone to eat more later in the day .
    The holidays are about spending time with loved ones.It doesn`t have to be all about the food.
    Happy thanksgiving to all!
  • Sharont213
    Sharont213 Posts: 323 Member
    As my WW leader used to say - it's okay to enjoy yourself but remember, it's a HoliDAY not a HoliWEEK :wink:
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    I agree. I haven't had a "cheat" day in 2 weeks & won't until Thanksgiving. There may be some collateral damage but I plan on logging it & offsetting it with exercise.
  • And for goodness sakes, one day isn't going to "sabotage" anyone's weight loss.

    lol agreed!
  • EmpressB
    EmpressB Posts: 36 Member
    I want to be educated and conscious about what I am eating, but obsessing over it is another thing.

    I'd like to lose weight and be healthy and live a "normal" just more healthy life.

    Balance is the key. With my new mentality, I will make sure not to go overboard on Thanksgiving like I normally would. I can have a great thanksgiving, enjoy my family and food without eating 10 times the serving size.My family has these HUUUUGE plates that are like platters for individuals to put food on, and in times gone by I sure would pile it on high with 5 different meats, 8 different sides, seconds and then throughout the night and the rest of the week continue eating the left overs. Needless to say, this Thanksgiving, that won't be happening.

    You can plan your Thanksgiving week calories around the actual day so you can eat more. I think that will be my only meal that day so I will save all my 1600 odd calories for that meal lol, but I also don't feel the need to pack it all on, THANK GOD! I wondered how I would manage, but now thinking about it, it's not a big deal, I don't live to eat anymore (wow, can't believe I'm saying this) so I will enjoy myself within reason.

    Food was often the first and last thing on my mind...and while I am a foodie and will continue to love and appreciate food...I am quickly learning that I can enjoy food without being gluttonous...which I will be the first to admit, I would be on holidays. My world doesn't revolve around food or being able to eat anymore, food is a nice part of my world but not at the center and on Thanksgiving it won't be the center either.
  • megteg
    megteg Posts: 97 Member
    And for goodness sakes, one day isn't going to "sabotage" anyone's weight loss.

    It certainly can, it depends on the person.

    Fine, I apologize. Eat salad on Thanksgiving or you will wake up 100 lbs heavier. This is the last straw for me on these boards. Too many extremists, too many judgmental people. This board is supposed to be about support but every time I come here I leave more stressed than when I came.

    If you all need rigid rules and all or nothing mindsets to feel cozy and snug at night then do what you gotta do. I'm off to find a forum where people can think outside the box and be rational.

    Huh. Not that I agree with a strict mindset with dieting, but I know that support doesn't mean people pat you on the back constantly and tell you what you WANT to hear. Support is about people telling you what you might NEED to hear! And I didn't realize anyone was being mean about it...

    Anyway, I wish her the best, and I think this is a really good discussion.
  • I can't wait for Thanksgiving! I'm eating less calories now (1200 calories/day) so I can pig out Thursday. I'm eating in moderation but will eat whatever I want. :bigsmile:
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    I'm gonna eat until I can't walk. :glasses: Happy Thanksgiving!
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    Here, here! I second this notion :)

  • Gogo76
    Gogo76 Posts: 581
    I'm gonna eat until I can't walk. :glasses: Happy Thanksgiving!

    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA!!!!! You crack me up! I too am going to eat any and everything I want. It is only one day a year!!! Plus, if I tell myself I can have whatever I want, I probably won't want half the stuff anyways. Gotta love reverse psychology!
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,082 Member
    Yup, I'm going to eat whatever I want on xgiving but I will eat seafood soup and salad first.
  • I love the reverse psychology idea...it's funny how when I give myself PERMISSION to eat things I love, I eat some--and really enjoy it--but I don't go crazy. It's when I feel I "shouldn't" that it's harder to stop...Propensity to misbehave! :D


    PS I like this thread, too. Thoughtful ideas from all. Thanks!
  • ashleyinthestars
    ashleyinthestars Posts: 107 Member
    AMEN!! My mantra is this: "I didn't lose 100 lbs over night and I certainly wont gain it back overnight!" It is indeed ONE day. Go for a walk once the food settles, workout in the morning, workout the next day (or power walk through the mall to catch all the black friday sales!), and get right back onto your regular routine. No sense in denying yourself!
  • shawnnshinta
    shawnnshinta Posts: 37 Member
    I give myself a free day every week anyways, so I'll just use Thanksgiving as my weekly free day. easy!
  • I am going to enjoy my TG as well!! I am satisfied with my progress. I do like that term "free-day" opposed to falling off the wagon or some other self-defeatist phrase. For me long term weight-loss will always be a lifetime goal. Some days will be others, some weeks will be better than others, but all years from here on out will be good.
  • misslizz6958
    misslizz6958 Posts: 124 Member
    nahhh.. I don't even want thanksgiving dinner this year, I'm going stay home n let hubby and baby go to our friends house. Ill be at home with healthy choice n football. Way better imo
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