Sore from Lifting

So, lifting day is supposed to be Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

For the past several weeks, we've lifted on Tuesday, and I've been in so much pain still on Thursday.

Sometimes we skip the lifting, sometimes I push through it. Saturday has gotten skipped the past several weeks due to pain.

So here we are, on Thursday, and my thighs still hurt really bad (not the arms though) from lifting on Tuesday.

Part of me is sick of constantly being in pain, but I know I need to push through it. I've been taking muscle relaxers, which I absolutely hate, and they've made me feel drugged up all week.

I've taken a ton of ibuprofen. I'm afraid to drink the protein shakes because even though I know they help heal the muscles faster they always make me gain weight.

Is it supposed to hurt this bad? Is this normal?

If it still hurts after two days should I even keep pushing myself?

I took a full rest day besides walking a mile and a half at the office yesterday.

I think I have some Tiger Balm in my bag, I can try that although I'm sure the co-workers won't enjoy it as much as I will.



  • Shan_Lindsay
    Shan_Lindsay Posts: 60 Member
    DOMS - Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. Usually the second day is the worst, for the pain. This is completely normal.

    Maybe you can reconfigure your lifting schedule to allow more time inbetween lifting? Or work different muscle groups, so legs on Tuesday, Arms on thursday, or something?
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    DOMS - Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. Usually the second day is the worst, for the pain. This is completely normal.

    Maybe you can reconfigure your lifting schedule to allow more time inbetween lifting? Or work different muscle groups, so legs on Tuesday, Arms on thursday, or something?

    Back in the day when I worked out solo in a gym I rotated and it helped. I did arms one day, legs the next, and cardio and abs at every visit. They taught me that at an all women's gym, and it proved to be very effective. I only used machines, though.

    Now I'm lifting with a barbell with my boyfriend. In each session we do 3X10 Barbell Curls, Military/Overhead Press, Deadlift, Bench Press and the Squat.

    I like the idea and the feelings you get from lifting like this, but holy jacked up moly it is hard/hurts/ouch!
  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    I use a foam roller to help with the muscle soreness. It's a good pain, at least it is for me. Increasing protein, maybe a protein shake after, is also supposed to help with the soreness. :)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    More lifting.
    More water
    More stretching
    More rolling.

    How long have you been lifting (recently)

    if you just got started- you should expect this kind of constant soreness to last 3-4 weeks... but it should start to taper off. Then you find you just ache most of the time.

    But if you are so inconceivably sore that day to day functions are torture- you need to dial down the lifting- it's okay to be sore- but being so uncomfortable that skipping workouts is the best options (it's usually not) then you need to dial down intensity or weights.

    Good luck!!!
  • jsantus
    jsantus Posts: 53 Member
    I find that once I get warmed up and loose, I feel good enough to get through my lifting session even when I'm still sore from previous days. If you're REALLY sore though, you may want to skip, it all depends on how you feel. ;)
  • Shan_Lindsay
    Shan_Lindsay Posts: 60 Member
    Yes, the foam roller is wonderful! My husband bought one for our house and he uses it daily! It hurts so good!
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    DOMS - Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. Usually the second day is the worst, for the pain. This is completely normal.

    Maybe you can reconfigure your lifting schedule to allow more time inbetween lifting? Or work different muscle groups, so legs on Tuesday, Arms on thursday, or something?

    Back in the day when I worked out solo in a gym I rotated and it helped. I did arms one day, legs the next, and cardio and abs at every visit. They taught me that at an all women's gym, and it proved to be very effective. I only used machines, though.

    Now I'm lifting with a barbell with my boyfriend. In each session we do 3X10 Barbell Curls, Military/Overhead Press, Deadlift, Bench Press and the Squat.

    I like the idea and the feelings you get from lifting like this, but holy jacked up moly it is hard/hurts/ouch!

    You do that routine every time?

    1. Drop the barbell curls. That's such a bro thing. As a newbie, you really have no use for them.

    2. Even if you're doing a full body routine, you're doing too many big lifts, too many times a week. What program are you following? If you're not following a program, there's your problem. Get on a program and stick with it.

    3. You're not recovering - no wonder you're sore. See point 2.

    4. Drink the protein. Eat the protein. Protein does not make you gain weight, excess calories does.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    I just suck it up. I love the pain! :devil:
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    I did stronglifts 5X5 following the recommended weights and even slowing down and adding smaller increments and I still hurt ALL the time. I skipped a lot of days and I still hurt doing it every 2nd day instead of every other day. Eventually I decided that it wasn't worth it. I lift, I just don't lift as much. I'm aiming for 2X per week now and feeling good.
  • DBoone85
    DBoone85 Posts: 916 Member
    Drink some organic tart cherry juice every day. Not much...just a shot.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    If it is truly DOMS and not an injury the best thing to do is get back in the gym and work it out... Best of Luck
  • DaneDillinger
    DaneDillinger Posts: 70 Member
    There is a definite difference between "pain" and "soreness." Only you can tell the difference. If you're experiencing the former, see a doctor. Soreness dissipates.
  • sc003ro
    sc003ro Posts: 227 Member
    keep stretching....eating bananas can shower...the worst thing to do is to take days off...I find it better to at least work out easy to get the blood flowing....the soreness last longer if when you take days off....IMO
  • The_WoIverine
    The_WoIverine Posts: 367 Member
    Drink plenty of water during the day. You need to hydrate your body/muscles.

    You can also do Epson salt baths. They are extremely good for soreness.

    A second option which might not feel so good is, do contrast therapy, which means you'll have to use cold and hot water on your body. A cold bathtub and hot shower back and forth. It helps flushing the lactic acid in the muscles.

    Last but not least, massages. Get a full body massage.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Adding on to what JTick said, because. .. damn that was a lot of truthiness there.

    Day after lifting? Go perform some cardio. I'm finding swimming the day after a heavy lifting session may hurt like a b, but those second day doms aren't so bad.

    Besides, once you get warmed up it all goes away. Once you get conditioned, you won't have to live on the pharms. Muscle relaxers, while great recreationally, won't do anything for DOMS.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    More lifting.
    More water
    More stretching
    More rolling.

    How long have you been lifting (recently)

    if you just got started- you should expect this kind of constant soreness to last 3-4 weeks... but it should start to taper off. Then you find you just ache most of the time.

    But if you are so inconceivably sore that day to day functions are torture- you need to dial down the lifting- it's okay to be sore- but being so uncomfortable that skipping workouts is the best options (it's usually not) then you need to dial down intensity or weights.

    Good luck!!!

    This...I have just recently started rolling...should have done it a longggggggggggggggggggggg time ago....
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member

    Semper, like this thing?

    JoRocka, I definitely need to stretch more.

    It's hard to fit it all in, but I think it would be quite helpful to demand a bit of cardio warm up and stretching routine before we lift.

    It's hard. I don't get off work till 5, than drive home, then lift, then cook, eat, then clean, than bathe, than in bed late to do it all again tomorrow. I thought I was doing really good to cram all that stuff into a single day. I guess I'll need to fit in time for stretching. I kind of grumble at the idea, almost no calorie burn and no time for it, but I think you're right, I think it would be helpful.

    Jsantus, I was sore enough to skip last week, I'm sore this week but not enough that I can't do the workout. It just hurts, I've been waiting for relief for a couple of days, so instead of relief, I'm going to go make it worse. It's probably good for me though.

    It stands to reason that at some point it will get easier.
  • wkwebby
    wkwebby Posts: 807 Member
    More lifting.
    More water
    More stretching
    More rolling.

    How long have you been lifting (recently)

    if you just got started- you should expect this kind of constant soreness to last 3-4 weeks... but it should start to taper off. Then you find you just ache most of the time.

    But if you are so inconceivably sore that day to day functions are torture- you need to dial down the lifting- it's okay to be sore- but being so uncomfortable that skipping workouts is the best options (it's usually not) then you need to dial down intensity or weights.

    Good luck!!!

    This sounds like the best advice. I have had those days, but rarely if you drink enough water and rotate the muscle groups you're working on. I weight train Tuesday and Fridays (sometimes have to move to Thursdays) and rarely do I have an issue unless we worked especially intensely and that body part is weaker (my first workout with weights after an injury, upper body, etc.). The days in between is for my cardio workouts where I can dilute out that lactic acid and pain. Lighter intensity workouts like the elliptical (as opposed to the treadmill or running outside) can really help if you're sore. But always remember, WATER, WATER, and more WATER.
  • skeo
    skeo Posts: 471 Member
    So, lifting day is supposed to be Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

    For the past several weeks, we've lifted on Tuesday, and I've been in so much pain still on Thursday.

    Sometimes we skip the lifting, sometimes I push through it. Saturday has gotten skipped the past several weeks due to pain.

    So here we are, on Thursday, and my thighs still hurt really bad (not the arms though) from lifting on Tuesday.

    Part of me is sick of constantly being in pain, but I know I need to push through it. I've been taking muscle relaxers, which I absolutely hate, and they've made me feel drugged up all week.

    I've taken a ton of ibuprofen. I'm afraid to drink the protein shakes because even though I know they help heal the muscles faster they always make me gain weight.

    Is it supposed to hurt this bad? Is this normal?

    If it still hurts after two days should I even keep pushing myself?

    I took a full rest day besides walking a mile and a half at the office yesterday.

    I think I have some Tiger Balm in my bag, I can try that although I'm sure the co-workers won't enjoy it as much as I will.


    You don't necessarily have to drink a protein shake, just eat some protein after your work out, I also snack on a handful of almonds a few minutes after and eat a small dinner of grilled chicken and steamed veggies afterwards. (prepped before and just heat up in a tupperware) with plenty of water being consumed throughout the day, and it helps me some.

    I also agree with that being a lot of big lifts on the same day, 3x's a week. :ohwell:
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Drink some organic tart cherry juice every day. Not much...just a shot.

    Why? Does it have something helpful in it?

    It sounds good.

    Sounds like something that would disappear along with the vodka. :drinker: