No Pictures????

MsTrueBlue Posts: 13 Member
Can we add pictures here on MFP???? I would like to upload pictures of my breakfast, lunch or dinner and maybe some exercise routines.... I think it would help to motivate others...


  • SteampunkSongbird
    SteampunkSongbird Posts: 826 Member
    You've already added a profile pic, so there's that, you can upload new ones whenever you like as far as I know, and maybe suggest to people on your friends list to check them out; or, you can create a specific thread and post pictures in there, sharing on the forums is obviously the best way to reach more people. If you want to motivate people, you could always mentor newbies too.
  • MsTrueBlue
    MsTrueBlue Posts: 13 Member
    I know that I can change my profile picture by adding a new one... lolololol!!!.. I should've said in the News Feed...
  • ftballmom9296
    ftballmom9296 Posts: 70 Member
    Yes ma'am you can add pictures on here whenever you like. Don't ask me how because I am not computer literate at all but I do know you can add them.