Break down my excuses



  • jenekaking
    jenekaking Posts: 25
    My two cents is if something is important to you, you will find the time.

    I hear ya with being a mother. It is a full time job. I have 4 kids and i am 24. My husband was blown up in Iraq and sustained some major injuries to his brain. I am taking care of my kids and my husband full time. But I wasn't taking care of myself. I was totally neglecting my health and my weight.

    I finally had enough and decided to get together with my neighbor who has a self made gym in her barn. We made a promise we would workout together for a 6 week challenge who ever lost the most weight won the money we each put up for the prize. I found the time. The time was at the crack of dawn but I found the time.

    I think you are wonderful to ask others to critique your excuses. It shows a massive change in your attitude to just evaluate that maybe your excuses are not good enough. I saw a photograph of a man's before and after. Before working out and after. It showed the top portion of him. from his waist up. He looked amazing. Then the next photograph was a full body photograph. Turns out he only has one leg. The caption that followed was "What is your excuse again?"

    This photo to me was so powerful. I can say from experience in my own hectic life that my life has felt more in order since focusing a small portion of time on myself. I am awake before my kids which is so helpful to have breakfast ready for when they wake. I feel accomplished because my exercise was intense. My children and husband are eating healthier because I am as well.

    I hope this helps. I didn't so much pick apart your excuses like you asked but I hope the information I did supply you with helped.
    Good Luck!!
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    #2 Perhaps eat the same as you've cooked for them, just do a lower carb thing, and don't replace the carbs with something else ? Lower carb would seem to be a decent enough way to go for someone with a sedentary lifestyle, at least from my reading :)

    By the way, just focus on starting, no matter how slow. The important thing is the start, and a sustainable start, after that its just about refining it/ dialling it up a little when you feel you're ready to. Don't get hung up on goals or targets, just start somewhere & somewhere that you can keep it up! :)

    Oh, and for #3 forget even about losing weight, and focus on changes that will improve your health. Start there, and any weight loss or fitness will come, I have found.

    Edit: #1 aim to go for a walk on your lunch break every day, even if its just 10/ 15 mins. Also as suggested, do more active things with your family and kids :)
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    no. break them yourself.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,013 Member
    I'll be back in a second with the link for an awesome post about motivation to help with #3

    You CAN do it. Motivation is over-rated. Here is that link :
  • bevhillsilly
    bevhillsilly Posts: 48 Member
    Wow, this thread is so wonderful and helpful, I'm going to go back and read some of the ideas again-inspirational!

    I'm a single mom, 2 young kids so I get it. I totally remember when my oldest out grew the Kelty back pack and I couldn't take hikes any more. That was when I got a pedometer, just like an old granny one, really simple and tried as hard as I could to get to 10,000 steps a day.
    The other thing I'm going to encourage you to do is instead of worrying about getting up earlier or going to sleep later to get exercise in is to SLEEP. Try to go to bed earlier. For me when I really started to get more sleep I could control my appetite a little better.
    and like others have said, log everything and look back often. I'm still very much on my journey and some days I really feel like I'm holding on by my fingernails...add me as a friend if you like
    Don't give up mama!
  • Lelah77
    Lelah77 Posts: 177 Member
    People have already offered some really sage nuggets here, so I won't rehash.

    The only things I want to add are: Weigh & measure (portion) and CROCK POT!!!!!!

    I work full & part time, go to grad school, and have two kids (10 & 2). My 10 yo is busy with Softball, Girl Scouts, Band & play dates.
    My best friend is my crock pot. I put it on the in the AM and it clears up at LEAST an hour of my evening. There are amazing, healthy crock pot meals out there and a google search'll get you going. (I happen to like because Hope is a fitness gal & has special diet concerns so she has a broad range of breakfast, dinner, & dessert recipes).

    Take the whole journey one step at a time. I can't stress that enough. I say it to EVERYONE. Change a bit at a time. It is a lifestyle change and if it is going to stick, you have to make it an everyday habit. Your current habits are a result of a lifetime of experience. Don't expect to rewrite the book overnight. Be realistic and fair with yourself. And, yes, your whole family WILL BENEFIT.
  • timetodothisnow
    timetodothisnow Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, there is not much left to add, the above posts have included everything!!
    The best advice I had when I started to be serious about losing weight was to change 1 thing at a time. Dont try to change your eating habits, activity level and life style all at once. Pick one thing, like drink more water, or cut out bread or soft drinks etc. Just do that one thing until its not work anymore, its a habit. Then add one more thing etc. Sooner than you think you will have made changes and will be losing weight!!
    Good luck!!
  • Cindy632014
    Jenekaking --- May God continue to Bless you 24 hours a day.
  • Leah_62803
    Leah_62803 Posts: 292 Member
    Thanks!! I didn't expect to be so inspired! It really has helped me feel better to read through these.

    I've been trying to bring this stuff up at work but it seems like everyone there has the same excuses I have so instead of building each other up, we all agree that we are too busy/tired/fat to even try. So I'm very happy that I decided to post here. :)
  • yesterdayusaid2morrow
    My two cents is if something is important to you, you will find the time.

    I hear ya with being a mother. It is a full time job. I have 4 kids and i am 24. My husband was blown up in Iraq and sustained some major injuries to his brain. I am taking care of my kids and my husband full time. But I wasn't taking care of myself. I was totally neglecting my health and my weight.

    I finally had enough and decided to get together with my neighbor who has a self made gym in her barn. We made a promise we would workout together for a 6 week challenge who ever lost the most weight won the money we each put up for the prize. I found the time. The time was at the crack of dawn but I found the time.

    I think you are wonderful to ask others to critique your excuses. It shows a massive change in your attitude to just evaluate that maybe your excuses are not good enough. I saw a photograph of a man's before and after. Before working out and after. It showed the top portion of him. from his waist up. He looked amazing. Then the next photograph was a full body photograph. Turns out he only has one leg. The caption that followed was "What is your excuse again?"

    This photo to me was so powerful. I can say from experience in my own hectic life that my life has felt more in order since focusing a small portion of time on myself. I am awake before my kids which is so helpful to have breakfast ready for when they wake. I feel accomplished because my exercise was intense. My children and husband are eating healthier because I am as well.

    I hope this helps. I didn't so much pick apart your excuses like you asked but I hope the information I did supply you with helped.
    Good Luck!!

    [humbled] You are a damn shero m'dear! :):flowerforyou:
  • Birder155
    Birder155 Posts: 223 Member
    I'll be back in a second with the link for an awesome post about motivation to help with #3

    You CAN do it. Motivation is over-rated. Here is that link :

    Great article and food for thought.
    I put his phrase up on my profile for a daily reminder: "We don't need motivation. We need decision."
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    3 and 5 year olds are excellent weights

    Lie on your back, cuddle the 3 year old then lift her/him up then down the up

    Sit them on your legs and do flyovers where you push them up with your legs

    Make playing with your kids your exercise
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    #1- I don't feel like I have time to exercise. I work in an office fulltime. I picked up my kids at 4:30pm and go home to make dinner. Feed everyone dinner, spend time with kids, give baths, put kids down at around 8:30, spend time with husband, and then go to bed around 10. So what should I cut out? Should I make myself get up earlier or stay up later?

    make some time for yourself. 30 minutes - 1 hour 3 days a week, everyone should be doing that anyway but i digress. can you and your husband not rotate cooking, bathing duties and bedding duties? what about lunch time workout or in the morning?

    #2- I can't afford/don't have time to cook seperate meals for myself. This is a tough one for me. Is there a website somewhere that has kid friendly "diet" meals? I don't want them to suffer!

    i dont understand why you need to cook separate meals. i ate the same things my mom ate and i grew up fine. i was only "picky" when i knew i could get away with it (like at my godparents who will cater to my every whim) unless your kids have food allergies there's no reason to treat them like they're ordering stuff a la carte from room service.
    if you're eating "diet" food then odds are you are suffering as well. eat balanced meals and teach them how to eat balanced meals.. meats (if you eat meat), fresh veggies, fruits, whole grains, dairy.
    #3- I can't do it. I really feel like I'm wasting my time. I have always wanted to get down to 130lbs but I haven't ever made it. And now I'm so much heavier than I was! I'd have to lose 60lbs!

    just break it down into a smaller goals instead of looking at it like one big huge 60 pound goal. like maybe take it 10 pounds at a time

    good luck
  • Leah_62803
    Leah_62803 Posts: 292 Member
    #1- I don't feel like I have time to exercise. I work in an office fulltime. I picked up my kids at 4:30pm and go home to make dinner. Feed everyone dinner, spend time with kids, give baths, put kids down at around 8:30, spend time with husband, and then go to bed around 10. So what should I cut out? Should I make myself get up earlier or stay up later?

    make some time for yourself. 30 minutes - 1 hour 3 days a week, everyone should be doing that anyway but i digress. can you and your husband not rotate cooking, bathing duties and bedding duties? what about lunch time workout or in the morning?

    #2- I can't afford/don't have time to cook seperate meals for myself. This is a tough one for me. Is there a website somewhere that has kid friendly "diet" meals? I don't want them to suffer!

    i dont understand why you need to cook separate meals. i ate the same things my mom ate and i grew up fine. i was only "picky" when i knew i could get away with it (like at my godparents who will cater to my every whim) unless your kids have food allergies there's no reason to treat them like they're ordering stuff a la carte from room service.
    if you're eating "diet" food then odds are you are suffering as well. eat balanced meals and teach them how to eat balanced meals.. meats (if you eat meat), fresh veggies, fruits, whole grains, dairy.
    #3- I can't do it. I really feel like I'm wasting my time. I have always wanted to get down to 130lbs but I haven't ever made it. And now I'm so much heavier than I was! I'd have to lose 60lbs!

    just break it down into a smaller goals instead of looking at it like one big huge 60 pound goal. like maybe take it 10 pounds at a time

    good luck

    I just want to clarify something real quick. In my original post, I was kind of being a whiney brat. I was majorly feeling sorry for myself and so that's what the tone of it was.
    I just wanted to say that so that I could let everyone know that my kids and husband are awesome. :) My husband would definitely watch the kids for me if I wanted to go walk and we actually do already take turns with bath and bedtime. It's only ME that stops myself from doing this.

    Also, the kids eating different foods... I guess I was stuck on thinking that I'd have to actually go on a "diet". In my head I was thinking that I'd be eating grilled chicken or salad every single night. I wasn't thinking about my real problem which is portion control. I was thinking that I'd have to tell the kids they could never have macaroni & cheese or mashed potatoes because I couldn't.
    My kids are excellent eaters for their age! They always eat what we eat (unless it's too spicy). My 3 year old daughter LOVES green beans.
    I will be trying to cut my portions and making small changes to some of our dinners.