When will you be happy with your body?



  • p1nkpr1ncess
    p1nkpr1ncess Posts: 254 Member
    I honestly don't think I ever will be happy with my body, I know I'm a perfectionist nd no mtter how much I weigh or what the measurements say I will be able to pick out "something" that I'm not 100% happy with.

    My mum couldn't believe that I wouldn't wear a bikini at the size I am now, she would be "ecstaticly happy" to look like me - but this doesn't mean I am happy with it. My biggest problem area is my tummy and waist area, yeah it's reasonably flat, but it doesn't look the way I want it to and it makes me self consious!

    So I think the biggest thing for me would be to feel "comfortable" in a bikini - I am hoping I can reach this point before May 2011 as we are getting married in Zante and I want some super hot bikinis! :)
  • playfortoday
    When people start noticing that I've lost weight. When I get comments about how thin I'm getting.
    That's usually when I'm about 108lb, so in 12lbs time :D
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    There's this cool website where you can find pictures of real women at specific weights and heights if you wanted to compare. (I actually posted my picture on there. :wink: )

  • purple1butterfly
    purple1butterfly Posts: 576 Member
    When people start noticing that I've lost weight. When I get comments about how thin I'm getting.
    That's usually when I'm about 108lb, so in 12lbs time :D

    I what to be @ my healthy bmi weight which puts me @ a size 14, thats 3 dress to lose. I will do it, it might take me a long time but it will happen.
  • blel0906
    I never felt thin even when I was...looking back at old picture I can't imagine why...As a teen I recall my mom saying if you would just lose 10lbs you would look great..All my friends were tiny and I developed faster than all of them...Back in the day they also used to announce the weight of the Miss America contestant, I'm 5'6 and got the 110 lb figure stuck in my head..My weight averaged around 130-135 lbs at my lowest I got down to 118 pretty much by starving myself, but my body didn't want to stay there. For years I wanted to be that ideal image I had.

    A little older and wiser I'm no longer trying to achieve the "perfect" body my goals now are to achieve feeling comfortable and confident in my skin, and of course healhty. More than anything I'd like to lose my belly and see my face slim down I hate having a fat face! I'd like to wear between a size 10 and 12 which if memory serves me correctly last time I wore that size I was beween 150-160lbs.

    For now I'm just taking a step at a time setting small goals. To say I want to lose 70lbs seems overwhelming, right now my goal is to break out of the 200's, I started at 220 so it's my biggest goal...My second goal is to hit 185 out of the obese category I haven't set any goals beyond that yet and won't until I get closer to my 2nd goal..If I consistantly lose 1lb per week (although I'm hoping it goes faster) it should take me about 25 weeks to see my 2nd goal, sometime in May
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    A number and look. I want to get to 110 and get rid of my stomach pooch and some extra fat on my arms.
  • EmpressB
    EmpressB Posts: 36 Member
    I never felt thin even when I was...looking back at old picture I can't imagine why...As a teen I recall my mom saying if you would just lose 10lbs you would look great..All my friends were tiny and I developed faster than all of them...Back in the day they also used to announce the weight of the Miss America contestant, I'm 5'6 and got the 110 lb figure stuck in my head..My weight averaged around 130-135 lbs at my lowest I got down to 118 pretty much by starving myself, but my body didn't want to stay there. For years I wanted to be that ideal image I had.

    A little older and wiser I'm no longer trying to achieve the "perfect" body my goals now are to achieve feeling comfortable and confident in my skin, and of course healhty. More than anything I'd like to lose my belly and see my face slim down I hate having a fat face! I'd like to wear between a size 10 and 12 which if memory serves me correctly last time I wore that size I was beween 150-160lbs.

    For now I'm just taking a step at a time setting small goals. To say I want to lose 70lbs seems overwhelming, right now my goal is to break out of the 200's, I started at 220 so it's my biggest goal...My second goal is to hit 185 out of the obese category I haven't set any goals beyond that yet and won't until I get closer to my 2nd goal..If I consistantly lose 1lb per week (although I'm hoping it goes faster) it should take me about 25 weeks to see my 2nd goal, sometime in May

    I like the fact that you said your body didn't want to stay at 118.

    The body is intelligent and in weightloss, I think there is a pre-set weight that your body knows you're supposed to be at, and if you go under or above it, you feel different and your body compensates for it.

    I want to get to the weight MY body knows I'm supposed to be at. What weight is it? I'm not sure. I am using the guidelines out there to set my goals but once I am no longer obese I will see how it's looking from there and I am going to practice listening to my body. I want to look good and feel good without straining my body unnecessarily in either direction (too thin/too fat). I have a friend who in a year she lost 100 lbs...she looks AMAZING! You can tell that it "fits" her...and that her body was probably meant to be at that size. Then I have seen others who lose weight and look so sickly and disproportioned where they need to gain some back. I want to be in the former, not latter category.
  • ChuckgM3
    ChuckgM3 Posts: 302 Member
    When I can comfortably go to the beach shirtless.
  • amberchristi
    Is it wrong to say that I don't know??? I really don't. I've been trying to loose those "last 10 pounds" for over a year and I honestly don't know what I'll look like or how I'll feel when I get there.
  • colekay
    when i can see a photo of myself and not delete it from the camera bc of my extra chin, big belly.....
    so with you on that.....i don't have alot pictures of me in the past...always deleting them......
  • rayfromtx
    I am thrilled with where I am right now and I never will be without some self criticism. I really like what I see in the mirror as a sign of progress and evidence of hard work. I still see little problem areas that need work and I'm not sure I would ever work hard enough for that to not be the case. It's a tough question. The true answer is right now and never.