Losing Weight, Gaining inches?!

I just had my latest weigh in and I dropped .8 lbs, putting my total loss at 6 lbs.... When my husband did my measurements my waist went from 38.75 to 42! WTF?!?!?!?! I started bawling because that is the area I most want to lose! What am I doing wrong? I try to eat all my calories, sometimes I'm a little under on here but I home cook a lot and it's not always easy to get the exact amounts in some things since I don't have a scale yet, so I am usually a little higher than it says. Earlier in the week I was sick and couldn't eat like I should have but that was only one or two days. I don't understand!


  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    R U Bloated? R U drinking water? Is your salt intake really HIgh? DOnt measure yourself to close to your Cycle
  • emills88
    emills88 Posts: 28 Member
    I don't feel like I'm bloated and I'm not positive where my sodium is at, I need to change my settings and see where I'm at. I do drink a lot of water, I just don't always remember to log that. So it's more than I have in my diary. I don't even get a cycle anymore (all messed up from being on depo)
  • marisol7649
    marisol7649 Posts: 484 Member
    I just had my latest weigh in and I dropped .8 lbs, putting my total loss at 6 lbs.... When my husband did my measurements my waist went from 38.75 to 42! WTF?!?!?!?! I started bawling because that is the area I most want to lose! What am I doing wrong? I try to eat all my calories, sometimes I'm a little under on here but I home cook a lot and it's not always easy to get the exact amounts in some things since I don't have a scale yet, so I am usually a little higher than it says. Earlier in the week I was sick and couldn't eat like I should have but that was only one or two days. I don't understand!

    Same thing happened to me :cry:
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    I can't see your logs to see how you are eating to see if it could be a sodium thing, lack of water thing, or possibly a case of losing muscle and retaining fat. If you want to pm me to go over what you are doing so that it isn't public, I'll be glad to look and see if there are any red flags in it for you.
  • marisol7649
    marisol7649 Posts: 484 Member
    I can't see your logs to see how you are eating to see if it could be a sodium thing, lack of water thing, or possibly a case of losing muscle and retaining fat. If you want to pm me to go over what you are doing so that it isn't public, I'll be glad to look and see if there are any red flags in it for you.

    Not drinking water makes you retain weight?
  • Loseittoo
    Loseittoo Posts: 74 Member
    I can't see your logs to see how you are eating to see if it could be a sodium thing, lack of water thing, or possibly a case of losing muscle and retaining fat. If you want to pm me to go over what you are doing so that it isn't public, I'll be glad to look and see if there are any red flags in it for you.

    Not drinking water makes you retain weight?

    Drinking water helps flush out sodium. Sodium makes you retain water thus making you seem heavier. Thats where the term water weight comes from.
  • emills88
    emills88 Posts: 28 Member
    I changed my settings so my diary is public...it doesn't seem to be sodium. Please keep in mind that i do drink much more water than i log. For some reason I forget to log my water. I drink AT LEAST 8 glasses every day.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    I don't feel like I'm bloated and I'm not positive where my sodium is at, I need to change my settings and see where I'm at. I do drink a lot of water, I just don't always remember to log that. So it's more than I have in my diary. I don't even get a cycle anymore (all messed up from being on depo)

    Depo provera or Depo Lupron? Either could be having an effect on abdominal fat deposition. I've had issues with endometriosis, fibroids, and cysts since I was a teenager and have been on both. Their side effects suck when it comes to weight issues. But, they can be overcome. They are actually the reason I started keeping track of my eating and exercise 10 years ago. I still have the spiral notebooks I used to look back at whenever I feel like I've hit a wall with my goals. I look at them as my proof that I can beat anything through healthy eating and exercise. From that experience, I can tell you that you have to be much more diligent with your eating and much more intense with your exercise and exercise for longer periods of time. What worked before those meds won't work now. You have to take it up 2 or 3 notches to overcome their side effects. The good news is that the extra exercise and healthy eating may help you get off of the medications and get your hormones in control if you are taking them for cysts, endometriosis, or fibroids. PM me if you ever want to chat or even just vent, because believe me I totally understand what you are feeling from those things.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I also think its hard to ALWAYS measure the same spot.....my waist will have inches of difference depending on exactly where I measure...I try to measure in the crease from where my pants are all the time, but sometimes I can still be off a little bit. Bloating is another big culprit.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    Okay, you're going to think I'm nuts, but how are your bowel movements? I'm seeing a lot of processed food and not enough fruits and veggies. That would totally constipate me, which can cause some distention in the abdominal area.
  • vkpmusic
    vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member
    You've also been sick...which can mess things up. Go for a week...work out well, eat well, and then measure. Your body may have been storing water, etc, because it is still recovering from your illness. Hang in there. You will do it in the long term.
    CFAITH_WARD Posts: 281 Member
    You are eating so much sugar.....and not much else......sweets everyday is not good.....hey try atleast cutting back......Are you exercising?...If not take a walk.....get an exercise video something..
  • srcurran
    srcurran Posts: 208 Member
    My guess is that he's measuring differently than you did.
  • emills88
    emills88 Posts: 28 Member
    Haha, I don't think you're nuts, but they are the same as they have always been. I go a lot because I had my gallbladder out 2 years ago and my body never adjusted and keeps producing too much bile...I have it under control but constipation is never an issue. lol
  • emills88
    emills88 Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks for the replies and insight everybody, I know my eating habits have been thrown off for a little while. I was in and out of the hospital for a few days there and I ended up with a lot of fast food that the hubby brought for me (sweet of him but he picked what he knew i liked and not what was better for me lol) I'm trying to get my diet back on track. i have never been too good on veggies, I try to get some though...I just don't like many of them so its hard to incorporate a lot into my diet lol. There is also a lot of repeats because we are a big leftover house. If we have leftovers, we always eat them since it cuts down on how much we need to use throughout the month (money is tight, but who's isn't lol). Thanks again everybody and I guess a lot could come from some retention mixed with not measuring in the same spot. And I really think the Depo Provera shot has something do with it, maybe not so much the inches but possibly why it is so hard to get my lbs moving. I do excersise 3xs per week on a normal week (my back was the reason for hospital visits so i was told to take it easy) and I walk everywhere I can, which I don't log. Thanks again to everybody that was willing to help me out some!
  • spencemr
    spencemr Posts: 4 Member
    Okay, you're going to think I'm nuts, but how are your bowel movements? I'm seeing a lot of processed food and not enough fruits and veggies. That would totally constipate me, which can cause some distention in the abdominal area.

    Ok...She's right. I was looking through your stuff and there is a lot of processed food. I know you had issues this last week and that doesn't help...I also know where you get the processed food issues from...learned behavior is a ***** to overcome. So, with that said, don't beat yourself up over this. It may be nothing, it may be your body adjusting to a change in habits, going from working out and eating well to eating fast food and not getting as much exercise in may be the problem. I know if I give in and eat fast food, my body reacts worse now than it did when I ate it all the time. Anyway, don't let this discourage you. You won't make any progress at all if you give up.
  • vkpmusic
    vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member
    I, too, am a veggie hater. This is going to sound disgusting. I first thought EEEWWWW! But I told my friend I would try it. It's basically a spinach milkshake. You take raw baby spinach, milk, and fruit (and anything else) and make a shake. The website called the easiest beginner one a "virgin shake"

    1 cup spinach
    1 cup milk (or almond or soy milk)
    1 banana

    It's bright green! I swear I thought I'd hate it, but all I tasted was banana! I now make one with vanilla almond milk, frozen peaches, and a little cinnamon that I swear tastes like peach cobbler! At any rate, it's a great way to get the veggies in. If you want to check out the website, it's www.greenmonstermovement.com
  • AmandaR910
    With a gain like that, I honestly think one of the two measurements was inaccurate.
  • suzukigrl
    I just had my latest weigh in and I dropped .8 lbs, putting my total loss at 6 lbs.... When my husband did my measurements my waist went from 38.75 to 42! WTF?!?!?!?! I started bawling because that is the area I most want to lose! What am I doing wrong? I try to eat all my calories, sometimes I'm a little under on here but I home cook a lot and it's not always easy to get the exact amounts in some things since I don't have a scale yet, so I am usually a little higher than it says. Earlier in the week I was sick and couldn't eat like I should have but that was only one or two days. I don't understand!

    i find this hard to believe. measure again.
  • suzukigrl
    I just had my latest weigh in and I dropped .8 lbs, putting my total loss at 6 lbs.... When my husband did my measurements my waist went from 38.75 to 42! WTF?!?!?!?! I started bawling because that is the area I most want to lose! What am I doing wrong? I try to eat all my calories, sometimes I'm a little under on here but I home cook a lot and it's not always easy to get the exact amounts in some things since I don't have a scale yet, so I am usually a little higher than it says. Earlier in the week I was sick and couldn't eat like I should have but that was only one or two days. I don't understand!

    also, don't forget to measure upper arms, hips and thighs. and try using just above your navel as a measuring marker so you can hit the same spot every time. now, i've been reading some threads on here. they're not wrong. various hormones, steroids and even stress can affect your cortisol levels, which can cause a raise in blood sugar leading to fat storage, which in turn affects aldosterone and other sodium retaining hormones in the body but to lose 8 lbs and gain 4.5 inches is highly unlikely. i think you should measure all points thoroughly today and go from there. and congrats on 8 lbs.