Losing Weight, Gaining inches?!



  • theraholmes
    the same happened to me it sucks cause its really discouraging :(
    I just had my latest weigh in and I dropped .8 lbs, putting my total loss at 6 lbs.... When my husband did my measurements my waist went from 38.75 to 42! WTF?!?!?!?! I started bawling because that is the area I most want to lose! What am I doing wrong? I try to eat all my calories, sometimes I'm a little under on here but I home cook a lot and it's not always easy to get the exact amounts in some things since I don't have a scale yet, so I am usually a little higher than it says. Earlier in the week I was sick and couldn't eat like I should have but that was only one or two days. I don't understand!

    Same thing happened to me :cry:
  • theraholmes
    I love the ticker that says gtfo!
  • lamps1303
    lamps1303 Posts: 432 Member
    I just had my latest weigh in and I dropped .8 lbs, putting my total loss at 6 lbs.... When my husband did my measurements my waist went from 38.75 to 42! WTF?!?!?!?! I started bawling because that is the area I most want to lose! What am I doing wrong? I try to eat all my calories, sometimes I'm a little under on here but I home cook a lot and it's not always easy to get the exact amounts in some things since I don't have a scale yet, so I am usually a little higher than it says. Earlier in the week I was sick and couldn't eat like I should have but that was only one or two days. I don't understand!

    Perhaps try to take measurements the same time - I always do my measurements on a Saturday morning, as this is the time where I have not eaten or drank anything and is after a week of good eating and exercise (it's also before my treat meal, which is usually a Saturday evening). If you're consistent with your calories and fluid intake, i.e. drink 2L a day, and take measurements the same time each time that may help. Don't be disheartened though - this weight loss and healthy lifestyle malarky is stressful stuff, and sometimes we will have bad weeks. Chin up :happy:
  • jessesmom81
    jessesmom81 Posts: 30 Member
    I have the same problem. I drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day, exercise and I am usually under my calories allowed. I measured this week and almost everything was the same or bigger. I don't understand because everyone laughs at me because my pants are so baggy.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,867 Member
    It's kind of hard to measure your waist at the exact same spot twice in a row. And were you breathing in or out? How tight was the tape held? How much give does the tape have?

    consider your weight TREND over time....
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    I have the same problem. I drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day, exercise and I am usually under my calories allowed. I measured this week and almost everything was the same or bigger. I don't understand because everyone laughs at me because my pants are so baggy.

    Are you measuring at the same exact place every time? It makes a difference.