Who you admire?



  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    I truly admire my late hubby. He suffered thru 11 years of cancer treatments. Chemo, radiation and 12 major surgeries without complaining. No asking why me...kept his whacky sence of humor. I lost him in 2003.
  • mtruitt01
    mtruitt01 Posts: 370 Member
    I admire all sorts of people for all sorts of reasons. Moms who are raising children on their own because of the death of a spouse; soldiers; dads who fight for custody when exes threaten to never let them see their kids; people with disabilities who strive to be stronger, smarter, faster than doctors tell them they can; people who stand up to injustice; people who discipline their children when they throw tantrums instead of giving in so people won't stare; people who go to work day in and day out for little money because they believe in the work they are doing; people who face harsh criticism for either past mistakes or because of rumors and just keep going with their heads held high.

    I could go on. It's one thing to admire someone famous, but many people face some sort of struggle that is worthy of admiration.

    Well said!
  • DenDweller
    DenDweller Posts: 1,438 Member
    I admire all sorts of people for all sorts of reasons. Moms who are raising children on their own because of the death of a spouse; soldiers; dads who fight for custody when exes threaten to never let them see their kids; people with disabilities who strive to be stronger, smarter, faster than doctors tell them they can; people who stand up to injustice; people who discipline their children when they throw tantrums instead of giving in so people won't stare; people who go to work day in and day out for little money because they believe in the work they are doing; people who face harsh criticism for either past mistakes or because of rumors and just keep going with their heads held high.

    I could go on. It's one thing to admire someone famous, but many people face some sort of struggle that is worthy of admiration.

    Well said!


    It actually makes me angry to hear about the trials and tribulations of the rich and famous when there's a million others suffering the same fate, but without the same benefits.
  • tigrovi
    tigrovi Posts: 2
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    I admire people who are my same age and yet have managed to stay looking young, such as Kathie Lee Gifford and Christie Brinkley.

    I admire people who are even older than me, yet still look fabulous-- like Barbara Walters, Florence Henderson, Joan Rivers, Tina Turner, Raquel Welch.

    I admire Donald Trump for his success and business savvy.
  • MissMCassidy
    MissMCassidy Posts: 445
    I admire my daughter. She was born with cleft lip&palete and a very rare heart disorder,spent most of her two years in and out of hospitals and having multiple surgeries,even a heart transplant. Through all this she has been able to be this amazing sweet yet very sassy beautiful girl who always has a smile on her face. I admire her strength and resilience; her determination to past milestones doctors said she would never reach like drinking out of a straw or speaking clearly without speach therapy. Lexie has faced and overcame so many challenges in her two years and faced it with such grace well for a toddler. I truly belive that my Lexie is a blessing and miracle from God and I'll be thankful each and day! :)
  • FaylinaMeir
    FaylinaMeir Posts: 661 Member
    My husband - 6 years ago I ruptured 3 discs in my back (2 more since then) and the severe amount of pain I'm in everyday prevents me from working. He has a stable job and is very understanding that some days I just can't do anything. He helps out around the house and assuming I go to bed when he does he'll rub my back to relax the muscles so it's easier for me to sleep.
    Most people wouldn't have the patience or compassion to deal with me.
    He also goes along with my crazy health obsession and is my biggest cheerleader. He's also my inspiration. He's 37 and in the best shape of his life, I kicked his butt long enough he actually changed.
    I love my hunny :)