But we liked you the way you were!!



  • Just got power back to my apartment!

    A bit of background.

    Am a typical eurotrash british dude. Except I have worked away from home all my life. Currently I am working in Korea in a shipyard here.

    Its boring as ***k!

    I was in a bar after work one day in early spring and I just looked around and noticed that every guy in the bar was a typical fat beer bellied loudmouthed expat. Then I looked at myself and realised I was one too.

    So I decided there and then on the spot I would change it.

    I immediately cut out all starches, portatoes,rice bread cakes cookies etc.

    I then found this site and used the calorie counting tools. I also adopted an Atkins approach ( I was already doing it but just didn't know that it had a name) which essentially, for me, meant just skipping fruits.

    Being an engineer and slightly prone to OCD It easy as peasy for me to record every gram of food that has passes through my lips. Without fail! The only thing I don't log is my exercise. That is mainly because my job means that I am mainly desk bound and really my exercise is only cycling for maybe 30- 40 minutes a day plus I do a bit with free weights ( only 3 kilo bells) So essentially its nothing.

    My main target is my diet. Most days I pre record what I will eat the next day and hey presto its easy! I have a plan and I stick to it.

    Now am not married, by choice, although I have several meaningful relationships and even children and a grandchild.

    And its the negative reaction that I got from these persons that p*sses me off.

    My blood pressure has improved, I can move quickly up steps and stairs without having to lump around the 15 kilos of lard that I have lost.

    I have some loose skin. But I understand that can take a year or so to go away. I am 183 cm ( 6'1") and 93 kilo (210 lbs in American money) So I still have some way to go.

    I don't normally write personal crap on a messagboard but got the wind taken out of my sails a bit so sorry for that.