What's Your Reward



  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Of course I have rewards!!!!

    I am saving big rewards for major milestones: Teeth whitening (I've wanted this for sooo long!), a new bike (badly needed!), etc..

    But every 5 pounds, I totally do rewards; mostly clothes (also very badly needed!), or a date night with hubs, etc...

    I don't feel like I am being immature, more that I am trying to teach myself that good things aren't found under cheese, wrapped in chocolate, from a bakery..... mmmm bread.....

    ok, time to focus on that next goal: Pajamas!

    Professional teeth whitening is my reward once I lose 40 lbs!
  • lonna985
    lonna985 Posts: 32 Member
    I just restarted back on the journey this week so I haven't really thought about short goal rewards yet. But my big goal is to have a weight loss of 60 to 70 pounds by November 2015. At that time I am planning on going on my first cruise. And I really want to be able to enjoy myself and try new things. But I know I will need to set me up a reward plan. I am thinking my first reward will be getting my nails done.
  • Advaya
    Advaya Posts: 226 Member
    I have rewards planned out (and they include food... nice dinners are not going to ruin my weight loss!) but I haven't reached any of them yet. 4 more pounds to the first one. I have most of them stacked, but won't necessarily want/need each one repeated.

    I don't understand rewarding myself with new work out clothes or anything like that because I consider that something I should already be in possession of as needed to REACH rewards!

    10 Pounds Pedicure / Dinner Out
    20 Pounds Pedicure / Dinner Out / Massage
    30 Pounds Pedicure / Dinner Out / Massage / Wax
    40 Pounds Pedicure / Dinner Out / Massage / Wax / New Clothes
    50 Pounds Pedicure / Dinner Out / Massage / Wax / Vacation
  • They say that pole dancing is excellent exercise, go ahead and sign up for it!!! You will have a lot of fun, and lose that last tricky 10 lbs....lol. I usually give myself a home mani, pedi, facial and then I try to get my hair cut when I can.
  • 1LadyKate
    1LadyKate Posts: 78 Member
    I have kind of guessed around when I would need new clothes and that is when I will "reward" myself. Also, when I hit 60 days, I am going to buy myself some wireless headphones. I like getting stuff to help with workouts.
  • LMAO!!!! :laugh:
  • JeffInJax
    JeffInJax Posts: 232 Member
    When i get to my goal in 20 pounds im going to get dive certified and buy all my scuba gear so i can start diving shipwrecks and the like.
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    i just pat myself on the back and get a warm fuzzy feeling. lol

    the only things i've "rewarded" myself with were finding someone special on MFP and buying new clothes but the clothes were a necessity anyway lol so not really a reward.

    I dont need gifts except that special girl which i never dreamed would be a result.
  • My greatest reward will be to meet any future grandkids that I might have.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I do not need to give myself prizes for taking care of myself. Besides the fact that I'm not six years old, I have two reasons for not doing this. If I buy myself something, that's coming out of my own money, so really that is not a prize. I also believe that I am a worth and important person. I work hard for my money. If I really want something and I have earned the money, I buy it.

    Over the long term, I take care of my food and exercise (and sleep) because I want to be healthy, energetic and long-lived. Extrinsic rewards are not very beneficial.

  • Advaya
    Advaya Posts: 226 Member
    I see what people are saying about rewards, and OBVIOUSLY the biggest reward will be better health, more confidence, etc..

    BUT, for me, I'm a single, stay at home mom of a 5 month old and have literally NO income. I save 5.00 a week and put it in savings. I know it won't buy most of my rewards (definitely not a vacation or anything) but I'm hoping that as I make these improvements in my health other things will improve too and I will be able to treat myself to things like a pedicure, a wax..etc

    The dinners will probably be a gift from my mom as she's supporting me on losing weight, as are my friends. So I'm not doing all the rewarding, but the fact I'm saving money (and finding ways to cut expenses to do so) is incentive for me. Well not incentive.. just a treat. I deserve them.
  • srmchan
    srmchan Posts: 206 Member
    When I'm done - and I have a long way to go - I intend to buy a tailored suit.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    I rewarded myself at the thrift store today, to the great detriment of my wallet. But I found a pair of jeans that are just a teeny bit too small. Can't wait until they fit perfectly. And I guess that's money I won't be tempted to use to buy any unnecessary calories!
  • siratlas
    siratlas Posts: 239 Member
    I usually can't afford to buy myself rewards....that's why I've decided to save up for a tattoo that I've been wanting to get for over 3 yrs once I hit my main goal. Between now and then, I reward myself by enjoying the little things that I've wanted to do ...for example, I'll take myself out for an afternoon to a museum or local art gallery ...or the odd time I'll treat myself to a movie rental that I've been wanting to watch.
  • grubb1019
    grubb1019 Posts: 371 Member
    Think of the money we are saving by eating less, not wasting money on fast food, ect. I saw a website once that figured the amount of money you were saving by eating less calories. It was quite a bit. Anyway, I don't look at it as a reward really, but when I get to size 12 I am going to buy some new clothes. My size 18s will be falling off me by then. And when I get to goal I'm going to get a tatoo on my foot that says "Walk by faith".
  • jellybeansmamma
    jellybeansmamma Posts: 122 Member
    30 kilos to go get eyebrows done [achieved 16th July 2014]
    25 kilos to go buy new joggers
    20 kilos to go new work out clothes
    15 kilos to go style cut
    10 kilos to go new make up
    5 kilos to go new tattoo
    0 kilos to go new clothes
  • I have something to share!!!! I have had a shirt hanging in my closet for yrs. (brand new). It has been my goal shirt, I got into it today and I am so happy. I have another one too, and that one is next on my list..yea for me.
  • jenniferv38
    jenniferv38 Posts: 44 Member
    I think rewards are great. I never intended to reward myself but as I am losing more weight I feel more confident and more inspired to take care of myself and make more efforts in my appearance. Now that I am feeling better in my clothes, I no longer want to wear shapeless baggy clothes that just cover more than they flatter. I no longer want to comb my hair back into a ponytail and look like a frump. I don't have set "goals" but when I want something (within reason...lol), I get it. I've never been a big spender, so I'm not worried about spending too much money. But, after I lost 20 pounds, I went to a thrift store and bought myself some clothes that actually fit and had more color than just black and navy blue. When I lost 30 pounds, I got my hair cut with highlights. Now that I'm nearing 40 pounds lost, I'm thinking about getting some new workout clothes. This is actually out of necessity because I'm tired of constantly pulling my pants up at the gym and if I'm not careful, I'm worried that I may be on the elliptical one day only to discover that my pants are around my ankles. I may be feeling more confident with my weight loss, but believe me...NO ONE wants to see that mess at the gym!