I just lost all self control and binged...



  • shannishan05
    shannishan05 Posts: 119 Member
    Congrats on the 6lbs loss!!!! Now, stop beating yourself up! Things happen...focus on tomorrow! Its a chance to start over. Leave it in the past and move on! I said f*** my diet two months ago... Now 8lbs gained later ... I'm like oh well! Can't cry over spilled milk. All I can do is move on! You can do this!
  • defauIt
    defauIt Posts: 118 Member
    That is truly heartbreaking.

    Not the binge, that happens to a lot of people and the solution is to just move on. No, the truly heartbreaking thing is you binged on Domino's. Yuck. At least find some real pizza next time you go on a binge!
  • FaylinaMeir
    FaylinaMeir Posts: 661 Member
    log it, accept mistakes happen and then move on.
    Freaking out and super obsessing over things like this is what leads to bulimia.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Thank you everyone so much for your comments, it really puts me at ease! I just went out for a drive and threw away the rest of the pizza. Yes, I am on restrictive calorie counting - some days I eat 800 calories... I guess that's what put me over the edge, so I will definitely be re-constructing my meals so that I don't feel so deprived all the time. Funny thing is, the pizza and wings weren't even that good, I just couldn't stop eating them because I haven't had greasy food in awhile and really missed it. I feel like I need to vomit but I'm trying to hold it in...
    Well, if you're eating 800 calories no wonder you binged. Increase that to 1500-1600 calories and eat in moderation all the foods you love and you will lose weight and the binges will most likely stop.
  • IIIIISerenityNowIIIII
    IIIIISerenityNowIIIII Posts: 425 Member
    I had pizza and ice cream two nights in a row. I just make sure to eat within my calorie goal though. If I tried to give up my junk food I would be eating an entire pizza along with everything else I could find. I just eat whatever I want within calories. There are a lot of different methods, you just have to figure out what is going to work for you. If you binged because you felt deprived, try to determine what will cause you to not feel deprived while still letting you lose weight. That may mean a weekly calorie goal so you can eat a whole bunch of pizza one day a week, or it could be eating only clean, whatever works for you!
  • georgebrady
    I've been on a terrible run lately I feel so bloated and so guilty I've binged 9 times this month already and I'm right depressed I've always binged but 1 day a week or 2-3 days in a row I need to stop I've gotten so close to my goals now I'm throwing it away ...let me know I'm not alone this is a really ****ty time for me I need some inspiration
  • ideologicality
    Dust yourself off and get back on track. Know that you deserve a healthy outlook and have confidence in yourself.

    I had a terrible binge on pistachios and Goldfish crackers today, with my net intake equaling just under 2,800 calories when my goal is 1,500 calories. I realized that the reason I binged was because I was feeling bad about myself, especially with me having low self-esteem to begin with. Luckily, I was able to exercise off the binge, but I'm treading in dangerous waters here.

    My point is, have some self-compassion. Treat your body well, have faith in yourself, and enjoy life. (:
  • JaimieAG
    JaimieAG Posts: 48
    Agree with the self-compassion 100%.

    800cals is ambitious. Less than 1000cal intake means a huge (almost inevitable) binge is coming, followed by periods of self-loathing and super strict calorie restriction, possibly followed by another binge. That's binge eating disorder territory and if at all possible try to stay out of that territory. It's a impossibly hopeless quicksand. You think... if I just had the discipline. But the brain is the decision maker and it's really tough to shut off the gotta-eat-I'm-starving instincts we've developed over 100s of years. Your brain literally needs adequate nutrition to think rationally. You can't have that wise upper mind that tells you 1 slice is enough when everything in your body is screaming I'm stttaaaaarrrving.

    My advice, freeze the remaining pizza in individual 1-slice portioned bags so that there's some work involved in heating up a slice. Prepare yourself a nice healthy breakfast and lunch for tomorrow, stick it in the fridge, set the gym bag by the front door, sleep well. Hike up the intake to 1200 cals tomorrow.