Anyone successful using MyFitnessPal?



  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    You haven't lost weight because…

    a. you are eating more calories than you are burning
    b. you don't log your food with a food scale
    c. you do not log your food accurately or consistently
    d. you go hide in your room and stuff junk down your throat but don't log it because you're embarrassed
    e. you aren't moving your body enough (aim for 10,000 steps a day)
  • oxers
    oxers Posts: 259 Member
    I mostly use it for tracking, and there's some good information in the forums. Track accurately, nail your numbers, maintain a deficit, and barring any serious medical complications, you'll lose. It's the only thing that's ever worked for me. Calories in, calories out. That simple.
  • arsenalmorris
    arsenalmorris Posts: 10 Member
    Yep, Did it last year for 1 month and lost a stone and half, maintained that weight for the last year and started again 5 weeks ago and lost another stone now,
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    No, no one ever has succeeded on here and that's why myfitnesspal is not popular at all.

    What is wrong with the male species? Grow up guys.

    Probably the same thing that is wrong with you
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    I have been very successful using MFP. I have lost 53+lbs (from 232 to current weight of 179ish) in the last 18 months I have been an active member of MFP.

    But it's more than just logging in... It's about honestly and accurately logging ALL my food, learning to make better food choices so I can get the most "bang for the buck" while staying within my daily calorie goal. It's about setting realistic goals and following through with a long-term sustainable plan of action.

    Since this isn't your first rodeo, I would suggest that you take a close look at exactly WHY you didn't find success during your previous attempts and develop a plan to eliminate the factors that contributed to your lack of success. The following links may provide some insight and very valuable suggestions.

    Good luck.

    Read these:'re+new+here

    TL:DR the link right above this one then ->


    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal

    Want to lift heavy things?

    Stronglifts Summary

    Stronglifts Womens Group
  • gary241069
    gary241069 Posts: 255 Member
    MFP Doesn't work for everyone. Counting Calories and logging diet programs can have you constantly thinking about food 24 hours a day. Some people just have to go old school. Plain and simple healthy food and exercise judged from your own planning.
    Instead of thinking about your weight constantly, . Weigh yourself once a month instead of everyday.

    Change your attitude
    Am I feeling stronger and getting fitter?
    Am i breathing easier and sleeping better at night?
    Do i feel livelier and concentrate better?
    Weightloss is only a tiny part of getting healthy.
    It's sad that a lot of people forget this
  • pita7317
    pita7317 Posts: 1,437 Member
    Can't believe this question. Of course it works ! If YOU put some honest effort into it.
  • AmazingShrinkingMan
    AmazingShrinkingMan Posts: 18 Member
    55 lbs lost so far with the help and support of MFP and the fantastic people here.
  • gary241069
    gary241069 Posts: 255 Member
    No, no one ever has succeeded on here and that's why myfitnesspal is not popular at all.

    I'm British my friend. I can tell you that MFP has worldwide popularity.
    I know someone from Holland, and someone from Germany who uses this too.
  • tycho_mx
    tycho_mx Posts: 426 Member
    Meh. She hasn't even checked back. Not that she has that much to lose so her balances may be more susceptible to the little accuracy errors here and there.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    No, no one ever has succeeded on here and that's why myfitnesspal is not popular at all.

    I'm British my friend. I can tell you that MFP has worldwide popularity.
    I know someone from Holland, and someone from Germany who uses this too.

    And I'm American, so with you, and your Dutch and German friends, there are 4 of us. Yep. That sounds about right. There are 4 people on here, OP. Wait! Did I miss anyone?
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Yes, me.
    Also go have a look at the "success stories" forum.
    Also look at people's tickers at the bottom of posts.

    I've done blog posts about goal setting, exercise, weight loss studies, and one that's simply a bunch of resources.
    They're all well-documented, I cite sources, usually give links, so you don't have to take my word for it - read the research yourself.

    If you haven't lost weight, have you lost inches? Are your clothes looser? Maybe you're building muscle and losing fat.
    People usually overestimate their exercise and underestimate their food.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    No, no one ever has succeeded on here and that's why myfitnesspal is not popular at all.

    I'm British my friend. I can tell you that MFP has worldwide popularity.
    I know someone from Holland, and someone from Germany who uses this too.

    And I'm American, so with you, and your Dutch and German friends, there are 4 of us. Yep. That sounds about right. There are 4 people on here, OP. Wait! Did I miss anyone?

    Canada here.
  • ekahnicole
    ekahnicole Posts: 216 Member
    Being successful with MFP has little to do with the app/site itself and everything to do with the person using it, ie. their mentality, dedication, etc.

    You can't lose weight and keep it off until you are actually ready to, otherwise all manner of self sabotage will happen, every difficulty in life will give you an excuse to fail and fall back into old habits.

    If you are serious about losing weight, you need to be consistent, try to find good sources for advice (MFP is good for this if you can see through the BS that gets posted around), but above all DO NOT GIVE UP.
  • crys39
    crys39 Posts: 40 Member
    Being successful with MFP has little to do with the app/site itself and everything to do with the person using it, ie. their mentality, dedication, etc.

    You can't lose weight and keep it off until you are actually ready to, otherwise all manner of self sabotage will happen, every difficulty in life will give you an excuse to fail and fall back into old habits.

    If you are serious about losing weight, you need to be consistent, try to find good sources for advice (MFP is good for this if you can see through the BS that gets posted around), but above all DO NOT GIVE UP.

    ^^ Yup, this
  • Aero1dynamic
    Aero1dynamic Posts: 702 Member
    No, no one ever has succeeded on here and that's why myfitnesspal is not popular at all.

    I'm British my friend. I can tell you that MFP has worldwide popularity.
    I know someone from Holland, and someone from Germany who uses this too.

    And I'm American, so with you, and your Dutch and German friends, there are 4 of us. Yep. That sounds about right. There are 4 people on here, OP. Wait! Did I miss anyone?

    Canada here.

    I'm laughing so hard... How many calories did I just burn??
  • misticmay
    misticmay Posts: 15
    I lost 10 pounds in two and a half months. You just have to keep going, don't give up!
  • VBnotbitter
    VBnotbitter Posts: 820 Member
    No, no one ever has succeeded on here and that's why myfitnesspal is not popular at all.

    I'm British my friend. I can tell you that MFP has worldwide popularity.
    I know someone from Holland, and someone from Germany who uses this too.

    And I'm American, so with you, and your Dutch and German friends, there are 4 of us. Yep. That sounds about right. There are 4 people on here, OP. Wait! Did I miss anyone?

    Canada here.

    Australia here, if we keep going we might have a member in every country
  • ZBuffBod
    ZBuffBod Posts: 297 Member
    No, no one ever has succeeded on here and that's why myfitnesspal is not popular at all.

    I'm British my friend. I can tell you that MFP has worldwide popularity.
    I know someone from Holland, and someone from Germany who uses this too.

    And I'm American, so with you, and your Dutch and German friends, there are 4 of us. Yep. That sounds about right. There are 4 people on here, OP. Wait! Did I miss anyone?

    Canada here.

    Australia here, if we keep going we might have a member in every country

    I live in the US but am originally from Jamaica. Does that count? If so, Jamaica in the house mon! LOL!
  • IIIIISerenityNowIIIII
    IIIIISerenityNowIIIII Posts: 425 Member
    Texas here. It's not a country, but it should be.

    OP you probably don't have a big enough deficit. Open your diary and we can give more help.