can I get a flat stomach through just a diet?



  • leahraskie
    leahraskie Posts: 260 Member
    A couple of years ago I just simply walked and ate a ton less and lost 15-20lbs. My stomach wasn't toned, but it was fairly flat, it probably would have been more so if all I ate wasn't candy, ice cream and rice though.

    Be careful though, although I didn't realize it at the time I may have been borderline anorexic caused by the ideal that not eating would make me thin. Just reduce calories to a decent level and walk and you should lose some weight though.
  • natashabefit
    Ive tried lifting in the past but I dont enjoy nor like it at all. Are there any other ways
  • amandagorder
    amandagorder Posts: 36 Member
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Ive tried lifting in the past but I dont enjoy nor like it at all. Are there any other ways

    No. I'm sorry. There are not. Learn to love the weights.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    Lots of things apply. Have you had kids? If so how many? How much did you lose? Lots?? I say keep exercising and give it a year. If it doesn't there is always lipo and tummy tucks. At my age - there will always be a little flab there - not going to spring for lipo or tuck. I earned my granny roll LOL:happy:
  • earth_echo
    earth_echo Posts: 133 Member
    Ive tried lifting in the past but I dont enjoy nor like it at all. Are there any other ways

    If you don't enjoy something, don't do it. Forcing is never good. If you have extra body fat, lose it by eating at a deficit (very doable). Dieting alone will get you very close to what you're after (low end of BMI). However if what you're looking for is a toned, flat stomach like those sported by athletes, it's gonna take more than just diet. If you want to look like an athlete, you'll need to behave like an athlete.

    "90% of your time is spent perfecting the last 10%"

    Diet will get you 90% there, exercise/strength training will get you that last 10%.
  • natashabefit