SBF 2, Reboot Boogaloo, Thanksgiving week



  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Total food fail yesterday, ate bad food because I was upset. Had an upsetting interaction with an acquaintance, and then my neighbors (who are aged 18 and 19) had some sort of wild party going ons. It was ridiculous. I have lived in dorms and in a house between a frat house and a house containing an entire soccer team, and I've never experienced anything like it. It was mostly young men, and I was actually afraid at several points. (they were banging on the downstairs door and ringing my doorbell...hilarious to them, I'm sure...) I was on the verge of calling the cops on them when they piled into taxis to go drink at a club.Then they came back at around two and started up again. They are out of control, and I'm calling the landlord to tell him later this week. I knew when they moved in that it would be trouble. Also, just to vent, it really seems like bad parenting to me (they are from a small town out in the prairies and have never been on their own before) that they aren't in a dorm. Ugh.

    Anyways, I'm considering zumba, but my calfs and ankles really hurt today. Also, I have a ton left to do in the house, including moving furniture around. I may (gasp!) take an unauthorized day off, or wait until later to get my workout in.

    Mostly venting, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Happy to be back home with my guys (kitties). Today I need to go out for a long walk. Head is about to explode with stuff I need to do, but first, I must comfort the cats.

    Home, boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    While I was away, I received an email from a yoga studio asking me to sub a chair yoga class. I'm completely not ready, but I said yes anyway because it's a way into the sub list for the studio. The class is December 7th, so I need to get my butt in gear and plan a chair yoga class for people with multiple injuries - yikes!

    Today I'm catching up on everything, teaching this morning, walking this afternoon. I wonder how much I can get done today?

    Catching up, boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Happy Sunday, pebbs...

    Thanks-stravaganza chores in full swing. I've been moving furniture and setting up tables and cleaning all a.m. Soon, it's a bit more shopping for last minute items, and the cooking begins. Slow roasting a turducken, so it's got to get in the oven by 11. I should have hired a sous chef.:tongue: or a maid. or both. I'm having 14. It's a record. Also, as a bonus, I'm completely unconcerned about disturbing the crummy neighbours.:laugh:

    Not logging today (let's just say the neighbourhood of a million calories, probably), and will let the activity be my exercise (I have to stay home and babysit the oven anyways).

    Busy busy busy boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    I guess I'm pigging out and don't realize it or I'm just retaining water because my pants are really tight. :grumble: Oi. I'm having a good time though. Lol.
    I need to start thinking about new goals for the week.
    I'm typing on my phone so I'll keep this short. Just wanted to check in. We are heading home tomorrow so I will be able to get back on track.
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