Best online videos for squats & deadlifts?

For books, I already have NROWL4W & SS. What are some of the "go-to" videos online that you think do the best job of teaching a novice the correct form for squats & deadlifts?


  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Mark rippetoe on YouTube or even better his book 'starting strength' :)

    Edit: sorry, just seen you have the book :/
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    I like the Stronglifts 5x5 videos.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Elliot Hulse did a step by step video on You tube on the proper way to do a deadlift
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    I really like Johnny Candito's videos...

    How to Deadlift

    How to Squat

    Don't let how low he gets on squat make you feel bad LOL

    Omar Isuf is another great YouTube resources
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    I really like Johnny Candito's videos...

    How to Deadlift

    How to Squat

    Don't let how low he gets on squat make you feel bad LOL

    Omar Isuf is another great YouTube resources
    These ^
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Mark rippetoe on YouTube or even better his book 'starting strength' :)

    Edit: sorry, just seen you have the book :/

    I'm reading that. By the way, I was at gym last night and a big muscle guy informed my I was squatting wrong. I was trying to do it like Rippetoe described in book but the dude told me to keep my back as straight vertically as possible and to keep my head up, two things that Rippetoe said "not" to do.

    I did as he said, I felt unstable, and he told me to keep a bench under my butt, which works. Now, what do YOU think about that? I want to follow the book.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    I really like Johnny Candito's videos...

    How to Deadlift

    How to Squat

    Don't let how low he gets on squat make you feel bad LOL

    Omar Isuf is another great YouTube resources
    These ^

  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    Mark rippetoe on YouTube or even better his book 'starting strength' :)

    Edit: sorry, just seen you have the book :/

    I'm reading that. By the way, I was at gym last night and a big muscle guy informed my I was squatting wrong. I was trying to do it like Rippetoe described in book but the dude told me to keep my back as straight vertically as possible and to keep my head up, two things that Rippetoe said "not" to do.

    I did as he said, I felt unstable, and he told me to keep a bench under my butt, which works. Now, what do YOU think about that? I want to follow the book.

    For a high bar squat maybe, but not for a low bar style. Which are you doing?
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    Mark rippetoe on YouTube or even better his book 'starting strength' :)

    Edit: sorry, just seen you have the book :/

    I'm reading that. By the way, I was at gym last night and a big muscle guy informed my I was squatting wrong. I was trying to do it like Rippetoe described in book but the dude told me to keep my back as straight vertically as possible and to keep my head up, two things that Rippetoe said "not" to do.

    I did as he said, I felt unstable, and he told me to keep a bench under my butt, which works. Now, what do YOU think about that? I want to follow the book.

    For a high bar squat maybe, but not for a low bar style. Which are you doing?

    This, but also - physics is going to dictate how much you can stay upright. Eventually, you're going to fall over backward, especially as you add weight.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    The elitefts 'So you think you can..." series is really good IMO
  • Ashes_To_Beast
    Ashes_To_Beast Posts: 378 Member
    Elliot Hulse did a step by step video on You tube on the proper way to do a deadlift

    ^^^ This!!
    He has a lot of video's for DL's and squats he also has a channel called Strength Camp I think you'll find most of them there...
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Mark rippetoe on YouTube or even better his book 'starting strength' :)

    Edit: sorry, just seen you have the book :/

    I'm reading that. By the way, I was at gym last night and a big muscle guy informed my I was squatting wrong. I was trying to do it like Rippetoe described in book but the dude told me to keep my back as straight vertically as possible and to keep my head up, two things that Rippetoe said "not" to do.

    I did as he said, I felt unstable, and he told me to keep a bench under my butt, which works. Now, what do YOU think about that? I want to follow the book.

    I had various 'helpful' advice at the gym (I am also weak and end up following this so someone's feelings aren't hurt)

    I now have my own gym in the garage where no one can bother me.

    If you find high bar easier that's not to say you shouldn't do it - but read the whole section in the book then make your own mind up. I had very dodgy knees so stuck with the advice in the book - I don't have dodgy knees anymore :)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Mark rippetoe on YouTube or even better his book 'starting strength' :)

    Edit: sorry, just seen you have the book :/

    I'm reading that. By the way, I was at gym last night and a big muscle guy informed my I was squatting wrong. I was trying to do it like Rippetoe described in book but the dude told me to keep my back as straight vertically as possible and to keep my head up, two things that Rippetoe said "not" to do.

    I did as he said, I felt unstable, and he told me to keep a bench under my butt, which works. Now, what do YOU think about that? I want to follow the book.

    For a high bar squat maybe, but not for a low bar style. Which are you doing?


    The bar should be mid-foot for whichever type of squat. Your leverages will have a lot to do with how far you need to be upright to keep it mid-foot.

  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Mark rippetoe on YouTube or even better his book 'starting strength' :)

    Edit: sorry, just seen you have the book :/

    I'm reading that. By the way, I was at gym last night and a big muscle guy informed my I was squatting wrong. I was trying to do it like Rippetoe described in book but the dude told me to keep my back as straight vertically as possible and to keep my head up, two things that Rippetoe said "not" to do.

    I did as he said, I felt unstable, and he told me to keep a bench under my butt, which works. Now, what do YOU think about that? I want to follow the book.

    For a high bar squat maybe, but not for a low bar style. Which are you doing?

    Ummmmmmm......:huh: No hablo espanol....

    I'm 5'9", empty bar is on my back over scapulae, I was trying to bring my hips down below my knees and naturally, my butt goes back and my head goes forward and I'm looking at floor ahead of me as if I had a tennis ball under my chin.

    Which bar are you referring to; the side bars that catch the barbell in case you fail? If it's those, then they were about two feet from the ground.
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    Its over 5 years old but still really enjoy this...

    Scooby's Skateboard Squats
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Mark rippetoe on YouTube or even better his book 'starting strength' :)

    Edit: sorry, just seen you have the book :/

    I'm reading that. By the way, I was at gym last night and a big muscle guy informed my I was squatting wrong. I was trying to do it like Rippetoe described in book but the dude told me to keep my back as straight vertically as possible and to keep my head up, two things that Rippetoe said "not" to do.

    I did as he said, I felt unstable, and he told me to keep a bench under my butt, which works. Now, what do YOU think about that? I want to follow the book.

    For a high bar squat maybe, but not for a low bar style. Which are you doing?


    The bar should be mid-foot for whichever type of squat. Your leverages will have a lot to do with how far you need to be upright to keep it mid-foot.


    OK, so all three are good? Awesome.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Mark rippetoe on YouTube or even better his book 'starting strength' :)

    Edit: sorry, just seen you have the book :/

    I'm reading that. By the way, I was at gym last night and a big muscle guy informed my I was squatting wrong. I was trying to do it like Rippetoe described in book but the dude told me to keep my back as straight vertically as possible and to keep my head up, two things that Rippetoe said "not" to do.

    I did as he said, I felt unstable, and he told me to keep a bench under my butt, which works. Now, what do YOU think about that? I want to follow the book.

    For a high bar squat maybe, but not for a low bar style. Which are you doing?

    Ummmmmmm......:huh: No hablo espanol....

    I'm 5'9", empty bar is on my back over scapulae, I was trying to bring my hips down below my knees and naturally, my butt goes back and my head goes forward and I'm looking at floor ahead of me as if I had a tennis ball under my chin.

    Which bar are you referring to; the side bars that catch the barbell in case you fail? If it's those, then they were about two feet from the ground.

    See the image above. The 'high' 'low' reference is to where the bar sits on your upper back/shoulders.

    The 2nd image is a high bar and the third a low bar squat. (Although, in reality, they can be anywhere in between).
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Mark rippetoe on YouTube or even better his book 'starting strength' :)

    Edit: sorry, just seen you have the book :/

    I'm reading that. By the way, I was at gym last night and a big muscle guy informed my I was squatting wrong. I was trying to do it like Rippetoe described in book but the dude told me to keep my back as straight vertically as possible and to keep my head up, two things that Rippetoe said "not" to do.

    I did as he said, I felt unstable, and he told me to keep a bench under my butt, which works. Now, what do YOU think about that? I want to follow the book.

    I had various 'helpful' advice at the gym (I am also weak and end up following this so someone's feelings aren't hurt)

    I now have my own gym in the garage where no one can bother me.

    If you find high bar easier that's not to say you shouldn't do it - but read the whole section in the book then make your own mind up. I had very dodgy knees so stuck with the advice in the book - I don't have dodgy knees anymore :)
    Thanks! I feel the same way.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Mark rippetoe on YouTube or even better his book 'starting strength' :)

    Edit: sorry, just seen you have the book :/

    I'm reading that. By the way, I was at gym last night and a big muscle guy informed my I was squatting wrong. I was trying to do it like Rippetoe described in book but the dude told me to keep my back as straight vertically as possible and to keep my head up, two things that Rippetoe said "not" to do.

    I did as he said, I felt unstable, and he told me to keep a bench under my butt, which works. Now, what do YOU think about that? I want to follow the book.

    For a high bar squat maybe, but not for a low bar style. Which are you doing?

    Ummmmmmm......:huh: No hablo espanol....

    I'm 5'9", empty bar is on my back over scapulae, I was trying to bring my hips down below my knees and naturally, my butt goes back and my head goes forward and I'm looking at floor ahead of me as if I had a tennis ball under my chin.

    Which bar are you referring to; the side bars that catch the barbell in case you fail? If it's those, then they were about two feet from the ground.

    See the image above. The 'high' 'low' reference is to where the bar sits on your upper back/shoulders.

    The 2nd image is a high bar and the third a low bar squat. (Although, in reality, they can be anywhere in between).

    Ahhhhh, so then I say high since it's tough for me to bend my arms and shoulders that far. The fat is still in the way. (HAHAHA!)
  • DeadliftAddict
    DeadliftAddict Posts: 746 Member
    Johnny Candito or Elliot Hulse have great videos on teaching both. Elliot really gets into it. Elliot has a few videos on mobility as well. Make sure you are doing some mobility work. It will help your lifts. I just started a couple of weeks ago and it makes a big difference in my squat.