Best online videos for squats & deadlifts?



  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I need to check out some others myself....
    But I have liked Mark rippetoe's vids on the stuff.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    Way to lazy to post all links- but this is a great thread.
  • Love2lift72
    Love2lift72 Posts: 157 Member
    Mark rippetoe on YouTube or even better his book 'starting strength' :)

    Edit: sorry, just seen you have the book :/

    I'm reading that. By the way, I was at gym last night and a big muscle guy informed my I was squatting wrong. I was trying to do it like Rippetoe described in book but the dude told me to keep my back as straight vertically as possible and to keep my head up, two things that Rippetoe said "not" to do.

    I did as he said, I felt unstable, and he told me to keep a bench under my butt, which works. Now, what do YOU think about that? I want to follow the book.

    For a high bar squat maybe, but not for a low bar style. Which are you doing?


    The bar should be mid-foot for whichever type of squat. Your leverages will have a lot to do with how far you need to be upright to keep it mid-foot.


    OK, so all three are good? Awesome.

    I had a hard time, still do actually, with my squat. I've been working with a certified starting strength coach and he keeps telling me to keep my chest up which is much different than keep your back up. The guy trying to help may have meant that, or maybe not, but the head position shouldn't change.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    I really like Johnny Candito's videos...

    How to Deadlift

    How to Squat

    Don't let how low he gets on squat make you feel bad LOL

    Omar Isuf is another great YouTube resources
    These ^
    Those were good videos too, but he didn't even mention a weight belt, I don't do deadlifts without one. The one time I forgot to put it on, I did one deadlift and felt it in my lower back, lucky for me no injury, but I put it on for the rest of them.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    Mark rippetoe on YouTube or even better his book 'starting strength' :)

    Edit: sorry, just seen you have the book :/

    I'm reading that. By the way, I was at gym last night and a big muscle guy informed my I was squatting wrong. I was trying to do it like Rippetoe described in book but the dude told me to keep my back as straight vertically as possible and to keep my head up, two things that Rippetoe said "not" to do.

    I did as he said, I felt unstable, and he told me to keep a bench under my butt, which works. Now, what do YOU think about that? I want to follow the book.

    For a high bar squat maybe, but not for a low bar style. Which are you doing?


    The bar should be mid-foot for whichever type of squat. Your leverages will have a lot to do with how far you need to be upright to keep it mid-foot.


    OK, so all three are good? Awesome.

    I had a hard time, still do actually, with my squat. I've been working with a certified starting strength coach and he keeps telling me to keep my chest up which is much different than keep your back up. The guy trying to help may have meant that, or maybe not, but the head position shouldn't change.
    Since I started finding a place on the ceiling to focus on when I squat (as somebody on here suggested) it has made squats much easier for me.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I really like Johnny Candito's videos...

    How to Deadlift

    How to Squat

    Don't let how low he gets on squat make you feel bad LOL

    Omar Isuf is another great YouTube resources
    These ^
    Those were good videos too, but he didn't even mention a weight belt, I don't do deadlifts without one. The one time I forgot to put it on, I did one deadlift and felt it in my lower back, lucky for me no injury, but I put it on for the rest of them.

    That should be concerning to you as a lifter- as a belt is not for protecting your back- but giving your abs something to brace against.

    If you are using your belt to protect your back- you might want to back down and re-evaluate how you're lifting. Not saying you are doing it right or wrong- just a side note thought for you. I am not anti belt- I'm all about it but that makes me raise an eyebrow.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Haha staring at the ceiling would make me cowp. I stare at a low point in the wall (ATM it's a wee skull valve cover on my daughters bike I stare at.

    For deads my brother has been telling me to look at the floor (that's how he was doing it at crossfit), I find that very off putting - guess I'm a stare at the bottom of the wall girl.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Haha staring at the ceiling would make me cowp. I stare at a low point in the wall (ATM it's a wee skull valve cover on my daughters bike I stare at.

    For deads my brother has been telling me to look at the floor (that's how he was doing it at crossfit), I find that very off putting - guess I'm a stare at the bottom of the wall girl.

    as long as you aren't craning your neck you're fine. You can always video yourself for several moderate reps at like 60-75% and see how it looks for 3-5 reps- you'll know quickly if you need to make adjustments.

    There is no perfect spot- I tend to stare further ahead for reps- (more 'base of the wall" if you will) but for my initial set up- my point is about 3-5 feet in front of me... if I'm pulling singles or double reps- I tend to re-align to the 'lower spot,,, just never UP.
  • steve0820
    steve0820 Posts: 510 Member
    The elitefts 'So you think you can..." series is really good IMO

    Very good bunch of series and very in depth. Highly recommend them.
  • steve0820
    steve0820 Posts: 510 Member
    Elliot Hulse did a step by step video on You tube on the proper way to do a deadlift

    ^^^ This!!
    He has a lot of video's for DL's and squats he also has a channel called Strength Camp I think you'll find most of them there...

    Elliot has some decent videos, if you can get through some of the BS tho. Some of the things he says can be ridiculous haha
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    second that "so you think you can" series.

    Also, check out the "animal" youtube page, specifically Richard hawthorne on deadlifts.
  • Walter__
    Walter__ Posts: 518 Member
    To find your most natural squat position: (most relevant part starts at 3:35)

    After that, watch this to get the form down: (it's a 5 part series - watch at least the first 3)

    Edit: Well damn. Seems like everyone already beat me to the punch by recommending the elitefts series.
  • Brolympus
    Brolympus Posts: 360 Member
    Bumping for later

    My form could always use work
  • Brolympus
    Brolympus Posts: 360 Member
    Elliot Hulse did a step by step video on You tube on the proper way to do a deadlift

    ^^^ This!!
    He has a lot of video's for DL's and squats he also has a channel called Strength Camp I think you'll find most of them there...

    Elliot has some decent videos, if you can get through some of the BS tho. Some of the things he says can be ridiculous haha

    BREATHE THROUGH YOUR BALLS, MAN! That guy has some seriously weird **** going on in his head.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Elliot Hulse did a step by step video on You tube on the proper way to do a deadlift

    ^^^ This!!
    He has a lot of video's for DL's and squats he also has a channel called Strength Camp I think you'll find most of them there...

    Elliot has some decent videos, if you can get through some of the BS tho. Some of the things he says can be ridiculous haha

    BREATHE THROUGH YOUR BALLS, MAN! That guy has some seriously weird **** going on in his head.

    Indeed he does. Like making up stuff about muscle fibers to sell products.
  • FlashMorehouse
    FlashMorehouse Posts: 138 Member
    For books, I already have NROWL4W & SS. What are some of the "go-to" videos online that you think do the best job of teaching a novice the correct form for squats & deadlifts?

    I use the US Olympic Weightlifting teams training videos.
  • losingforgood120
  • BarbellApprentice
    BarbellApprentice Posts: 486 Member
    second that "so you think you can" series.

    Also, check out the "animal" youtube page, specifically Richard hawthorne on deadlifts.

  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member