Wait to log your weight?

So I stepped on the scale and it says I've lost weight, BUT can I actually trust the scale?

What I mean is, could it just be water weight? Could it be I just did not eat as heavily? Should I wait until tomorrow to log it....or should I....Argh!?!?

What do you guys think? What is your normal logging routine?

Ooooooh! I hope I have actually made some progress!!

Thank you all for advice and support!


  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I try to only weight myself once a week and just go with whatever it says
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    If you log it you'll probably just jinx it
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    If you log it you'll probably just jinx it

    This is actually true (for me). I tend to be up the next day after a sneaky weigh in.

    Hi Chief!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I weigh every morning. I log a new low when I've sustained it for 3 days.

    For example, I have weighed 177 lb about ten days so far this month. So that is my MFP weight right now.

    Due to sodium yesterday my actual weigh in this morning was 178.2. I've seen 176 and 175.8 once or twice. But I won't log those until I've consistently weighed at that number at least 3-4 days.
  • Blair2374
    Blair2374 Posts: 50 Member
    I only weigh once a week. A Monday morning, naked in same spot in bathroom :)
  • sbv67
    sbv67 Posts: 5 Member
    So,I really have no choice but to weigh in every morning. I hate doing it, cause my weight goes up and down at whim. I mean, This morning I had gained 5 lbs. How can that be? I strictly follow the 1200 calorie, and 2 grams of salt my doc put me on (when I had congestive heart failure). The Coumadin clinic calls me every day to check my swelling, and still I keep losing and gaining the same 5 lbs. I am so discouraged. It's not easy to go to a party or dinner out, cause I don't know what I can eat. If I could wait to weigh in once a week, I would do it.
    My daughter's engagement party is Saturday , and she told me "Ma, bring something to eat with cause I don't know what you'll be able to eat"
    Every day when I total my calories up for the day, I get a message at the bottom telling me that i'm not eating enough calories to sustain nutrition, but, I always run out of sodium allowance. I'm really at the end of my rope.
  • wanttolose40lbs
    wanttolose40lbs Posts: 239 Member
    I'm with Seltzer, I don't record it till I've sustained it for a few days. There are days when I'm very low on the scale only to be back up the next day.
  • emilyGPK
    emilyGPK Posts: 83 Member
    I log regardless. It goes up and down, I just look at the overall trend.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    So,I really have no choice but to weigh in every morning. I hate doing it, cause my weight goes up and down at whim. I mean, This morning I had gained 5 lbs. How can that be? I strictly follow the 1200 calorie, and 2 grams of salt my doc put me on (when I had congestive heart failure). The Coumadin clinic calls me every day to check my swelling, and still I keep losing and gaining the same 5 lbs. I am so discouraged. It's not easy to go to a party or dinner out, cause I don't know what I can eat. If I could wait to weigh in once a week, I would do it.
    My daughter's engagement party is Saturday , and she told me "Ma, bring something to eat with cause I don't know what you'll be able to eat"
    Every day when I total my calories up for the day, I get a message at the bottom telling me that i'm not eating enough calories to sustain nutrition, but, I always run out of sodium allowance. I'm really at the end of my rope.

    Well, your situation is a bit different than the average person based on your health condition. That said, you aren't truly losing and gaining 5 pounds of fat. It's a fluctuation of water weight. Essentially you might be maintaining your weight. I don't track my sodium, but generally when people are high on the sodium it's because they are eating a lot of restaurant food or packaged, prepared foods.

    As far as parties or dinners out your best bet is a lean protein and vegetables.
  • jlc102980
    jlc102980 Posts: 137 Member
    I weigh myself daily, but I only log once a week. My official weigh in is first thing on Friday morning - whatever the scale shows is what I log and consider as my weight for the next week.

    That being said, I really like the idea of logging after a sustained weight of x number of days. Never thought of that before.
  • fullersun35
    fullersun35 Posts: 162 Member
    I log regardless. It goes up and down, I just look at the overall trend.

    Same. I weigh in and log it everyday. I like to see the data to understand the fluctuations.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I log regardless. It goes up and down, I just look at the overall trend.

    Same. I weigh in and log it everyday. I like to see the data to understand the fluctuations.

    Me too. I measure myself with a tape every 2 weeks, and I notice how clothes fit. The scales don't bother me so much now as long as the trend over the last month is good.
  • He1loKitty
    He1loKitty Posts: 212 Member
    I log when I see a new low weight on the scale. Inevitably I will see a slight increase the next several times I weighed myself, but I always go down again and then some more. I figure that rather than having numbers zigzagging up and down, I will only track the losses. And it's motivation to get back to that lower number! Hope this makes sense.
  • scubakat67
    scubakat67 Posts: 485 Member
    I visit the scale daily. I weigh first thing each morning, but my official "weigh-in" day is Wednesday - far enough into the week that I have gotten back on track from any weekend "festivities". This is the day I will actually log my weight, regardless of whether it's up or down. The daily weigh-in helps to keep me conscious of my eating - if I'm up too much from the day before, I try to be more diligent with my food choices; if I'm down, great, keep at it, but it's not official until Wednesday.
  • fredgiblet
    fredgiblet Posts: 241 Member
    I weigh once a month. One the first day of my weekend on the last week of the month. I don't eat or drink until after my bathroom duties are done, then I weigh myself.
    ANNAvsANNA Posts: 58 Member
    I only weigh once a week. A Monday morning, naked in same spot in bathroom :)

    Ah, the ritual...lol...I have one too...I weigh in public so i don't have the luxury of being naked, but I try to wear the same outfit every time I do it (the lightest outfit possible, of course, ha) :laugh:
  • alexculley
    I logg every morning right before the shower. As long as your doing it everyday around the same times you will see progress. Also you tend to weigh less in the morning then at night. To me if I see a small victory like .25 or .5 decrease every morning it makes sticking to calories and exercise easier.
  • rhonderoo
    rhonderoo Posts: 145 Member
    I weigh and log daily, and just watch the trend, although I use the 1 week setting on my iPhone app to guage. I read somewhere that weighing daily is a habit of those who have lost weight and kept it off (as is logging/journaling food, so go MFPers!). I don't ever want 5 - 10 lbs to sneak up on me again. :/
  • Erihppas
    Erihppas Posts: 121 Member
    Log in and weigh in again next week,