gallbladder removal



  • umpiresoftball
    I been walking and sleeping i got oxycodine if i need it i haven't really taken it aspect form last night couple times. i had a tempature a bit high but that normal after surgery. stomache a bit sore still
  • eyecandyrayce
    eyecandyrayce Posts: 260 Member
    I literally just had mine out one month ago. I am starting back on core training this week. The first week was uncomfortable and I took pain meds daily for about 3 days after the surgery. The second week I was back at my office job and just felt more tired than normal. I slept a lot. Third week I felt 100% normal and I even had fried food with dinner recently! And this week I'm going to get back to lifting and core though I'm going to take it easy and not jump in expecting to be where I was.

    I was able to do cardio from the start of week 2 after the surgery.
  • LynneW1983
    LynneW1983 Posts: 1,161 Member
    I had mine out in April. Was in hospital 24 hours, the worst pain was the shoulder pain you can get after they fill you with air to operate. I took painkillers the day I got home. 2 days after surgery I went shopping for few hours. I had mine out Friday and went a 2 mile jog on Tuesday, surgeon said 3 days to jog. Started back at exercise classes 2 weeks after op. Had to wait that long and not lift anything more than 10kg for 6 weeks. I was in agony before the op, it was so easy to recover. Good luck.
  • umpiresoftball
    Is it normal for belly button to look more different after surgery tried to take gallbladder out?
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I had mine out 10 years ago with emergency surgery while I was at a weight of over 300 pounds. My gallbladder was gangrene and was in pieces so the doctor had to really fish around in there to make sure he got it all.. and he had to scrape rotten gallbladder remains and infection off of my liver. Fortunately, despite my weight and severity of the infection, he was able to do the surgery laproscopically.(sp). I was in the hospital for 3 or 4 days I don't remember which and I felt like I got run over by a truck despite being on Narcotics . I don't know how much of how I felt was due to being septic and how much was due to the actual surgery. I was discharged with a prescription for narcotics and I had to have my ride bring the car right to the door of the hospital because I couldn't face walking the 100 yards across the parking lot. I couldn't sleep in a normal position for weeks. I was back to work (desk job) after two weeks but could only work half days for a few weeks. It took a few months before I felt normal. The only thing that didn't normalize was my bowels. It took about 8 years for my bowels to calm down and actually have a solid bowel movement... For the first few years, I carried a change of clothes with me just in case.

    Now compare that with last year when I had weight loss surgery. I had 75% of my stomach surgically removed in Tijuana, Mexico and it was a cake walk compared to the gallbladder surgery. I was up walking around within hours and discharged the next day with no pain meds other than regular tylenol. The day after that I walked a few miles (not all at once of course) A few days after that I flew back to the east coast with minimal discomfort and had no problem walking around the airports. My only real challenge was sticking to the two week 10 pound lifting restrictions and bending restrictions because I would forget that I even had surgery.

    I should add that fortunately for you,my experience with my gallbladder is NOT normal. I actually had a nurse giving me a hard time in the hospital, basically telling me I was being a big baby and that I should have been discharged days ago and that when SHE had her gallbladder removed, she was discharged the next day and walking around, etc. It was only due to my good fortune that the surgeon walked in while the nurse was there and I told him what she said right in front of her. He ripped her a new one telling her that mine was the worst gallbladder case he's ever had in his 20 years of surgery requiring a lengthy and more invasive surgery and asking her if she had missed the part about me being SEPTIC and that he was happy to see me doing as well as I was considering the extent of the infection and length of surgery time. Serves her right.
  • focused4health
    focused4health Posts: 154 Member
    Keyhole surgery last March. The worst part was my adverse reaction to the gas. Hospital Friday Sat night out Sunday morning.

    No pain.

    You do develop an immediate dislike of fatty foods.

    Loose stools for a few weeks

    Right as rain.

  • focused4health
    focused4health Posts: 154 Member
    Forgot to add. Gave me oxycodiene. Worse than the procedure. Stopped taking it and immediately felt better. Walk as much as you are able in short bursts. Good for you. Dont tear the stitches. It is the internalones that are the worry.:bigsmile: no lifting. Careful getting off the bed and the toilet. You'll be right in no time.
  • sarieth05
    sarieth05 Posts: 313 Member
    I had mine out as a teenager (around 19). I was mostly just sore and stiff. I was walking a little slow, but I went to the movies a few days after the surgery. =P Like others have mentioned, be careful what you eat. I basically know almost immediately if I ate the wrong foods because of the stomach aches/bathroom problems that fatty/greasy stuff causes. If I eat a really greasy burger, I know if I'm going to be sick pretty much within minutes.
  • bradsbaby1996
    bradsbaby1996 Posts: 154 Member
    I had mine removed 10 years ago at 25 along with a complete hysterectomy done through my c-section scar and my appendix removed.. No problems at all. I did have to stay in the hospital a couple days because of the hysterectomy but healed well.. I have no issues from not having a gallbladder!

    Good luck!
  • umpiresoftball
    I really haven't had much issues eating at all there was some taco sauce didn't sit well with me... but chicken, toturits soft taco sell... pizza.... stuff like i be able to eat fine
  • pdxwine
    pdxwine Posts: 389 Member
    I had mine removed, several years ago, the old way - major surgery. Even with that, pain was very minimal.

    A few years ago, I had a laproscopic surgery. I stayed in the hospital over night. I took half a dose of pain meds and double the time. I didn't need them. People told me to stay ahead of the pain, so I thought I would. Well, after the second day, post-op, I stopped taking them and all was fine.

    The biggest thing is just to remember that you are having surgery, so follow your Drs advice. When they tell you to rest and take it easy, believe them, even though you feel like you can do more. You need to heal.
  • pdxwine
    pdxwine Posts: 389 Member
    On the food and bathroom topic. It gets better. At first, several foods would cause me to have the runs. Now, there are very few items that do that to me. It still happens, but it is very infrequent.

    Many times, Drs won't mention this side effect.